

Research on Parts Resource Classification、Modeling and Sharing Technologies and Their Application in Parts Library

【作者】 马军

【导师】 祁国宁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 以客户为中心的现代制造企业面临产品多样化带来的挑战,产品零部件构成及其相关资源的多样化是问题的关键,这迫使企业利用信息技术和标准化技术来实现企业内外零件资源的优化重组,零件库资源管理是实现此目标的有效途径。零件库资源管理是针对现代制造业发展背景下产品构成及其相关资源的多样化问题,在信息技术的支撑下,融合设计方法学的思想,通过产品标准化手段,对零件资源进行建库、管理和应用,使企业内外的零件资源在快速响应客户需求的产品开发设计过程中得到有效地共享和重用的方法学。本文研究了面对多样化挑战的零件库资源管理的概念、性质、实施策略和评价机制,对零件库资源管理的关键技术进行了深入的分析,并结合实际应用项目对其进行验证。第一章对现代制造企业的发展趋势进行了讨论,分析了以客户为中心的市场竞争背景下的产品多样化挑战,阐述了面向产品族的产品信息管理研究现状,回顾和总结了零件库资源管理的研究进展,最后给出了论文研究的目的和内容。第二章阐述了应对产品多样化挑战的产品标准化策略,由此提出了零件库资源管理的需求。在此基础上,通过与传统零件库资源管理的对比,提出了面向多样化挑战的零件库资源管理概念,并对其内涵、基本性质、实施策略和评价机制进行了探讨,重点分析了零件库资源管理的关键技术。第三章针对现有零件资源分类方法存在的问题,将本体技术引入到零件资源分类过程中,提出了基于本体的零件资源通用分类模型,重点研究了该模型的概念化分析方法和结构化描述模式。结合企业实际,提出了零件资源通用分类模型的实施过程,阐述了各个阶段的工作内容和实施细节,并建立了面向零件库的零件资源分类模式。第四章分析了零件族资源建模的需求,在此基础上提出了具有多视图、多层次表达特点的零件族资源模型,分析了该模型的内容和逻辑结构,并将事物特性表和主文档技术引入到零件族资源模型的实现过程中。探讨了基于零件族资源模型的零件库技术,包括零件库的编码体系、存储结构和信息交互机制。第五章针对网络化环境下供应商零件库分布式、异构和自治的特点,提出了分布式零件库集成共享框架及其实现方法。给出了分布式零件库资源的虚拟集成模式,使用户能通过统一的分类检索入口来获取分布式零件库资源。针对零件库资源的结构化特点,提出了启发式零件资源分类检索算法,并进一步通过基于事物特性的零件相似性度量进行实例匹配。最后,在Web服务技术的支持下,给出了分布式零件库资源的集成和获取实现过程。第六章以上述原理和关键技术为基础,论述了零件库资源管理系统的开发与实现。并以中国瑞立集团有限公司为实施背景,阐述了零件库资源管理系统使能的产品快速设计应用过程,从而验证了本文所提出的理论和关键技术的正确性和有效性。第七章对全文工作进行了总结,并对后续研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Manufacturing enterprises customer-oriented implementing product rapid development and design have to be confronted with challenge of product diversification especially the component as well related information resourse. Enterprises must optimize component resourse by information technology and standardization technology. The key to get this goal is to implement parts library resource managenment efficiently.The parts library resource managenment is kind of component resourse management methodology to the product diversification challenge supported by IT, standard technology as well design methodology, which could promote enterprise to implement rapid product development and design process even efficiently through parts library resource sharing and reuse. The theory, architecture and key technologies of parts library resource managenment were discussed. With financial support by application project, the software prototype was developed.In the first chapter, the modern market environment of manufacturing enterprises come into being was analyzed. The product diversification challenge that enterprise has to be confronted with was proposed, for which product information management methodology product family oriented was summarized. The development history and the state of the parts library resource managenment were reviewed. Then, the research motive and content of this dissertation were proposed.In the second chapter, the requirement of parts library resource management under product diversification challenge was proposed. After comparing and analyzing current parts library, the concept of parts library resource managenment was proposed, the essence, implement method and estimate mechanism in which were brought forward. At last its key technologies for parts library resource managenment implementing were analyzed.In the third chapter, to the problem of current parts resourc classification methods were always created from only one viewpoint, a parts resource general classfication model (PRGCM), which was based on the ontology, was presented. This modeling methodology included the conceptual analysis and the logical hierarchy model specification. Moreover, the implementing process of the PRGCM, which included the preparing phase, modeling phase and implementing phase, was put forward to acquire parts resource classifcation pattern finally for enterprise building parts library. In the fourth chapter, the requirements of parts family modeling were analyzed in detail. Then, a muti-view parts family resource model (PFRM) was presented. Its content and logical structure was discussed. It was classified into three segments: general model, represent modl and view model. In order to implement these models in a whole, based on standardization and normalization technologies, the concept, theory and implement methods of master document and article characteristic table technologie were studied. On the basis of PFRM, the parts library was built, some main issue such as its codeing system, storage mechanism and information integration mothod were discussed.In the fifth chapter, to the toughest problem of data heterogeneity and distributing when integrating various data sources via internet, service-oriented distributed part resource library architecture are established to integrate and sharing multiple enterprise part libraries resource. A fully automatic integration process based on virtual integration orient to each distributed parts library contains a self-parts classification model was proposed by references the shared PRGCM. After that, to the structured data characteristics of parts library, an unified distributed parts library resources acquisition access was built. In order to acquire the best-suited requirement component, a heuristic parts family searching algorithm and parts match method based on article property similarity degree were designed orderly. At last, the implementing process of all above method was supported by web service technology.In the sixth chapter, on the basis of above fundamental, the parts library resource management prototype system including its architecture and function model, was constructed. Then the parts library resource management system was applied in an auto parts manufacturing enterprise. The main functions as well screen-shots of this system applied to product rapid design were displayed. All the methods, technologies and system of the research in the dissertation were validated.The last chapter was conclusion and outlook. The achievements of the dissertation were summarized, and the innovations were pointed. The future research works were put forward to outlook.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

