

Theoretical Simulation on Photochromism and Photoanisotropy of Bacteriorhodopsin and Its Applications

【作者】 韩俊鹤

【导师】 姚保利;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 细菌视紫红质(简称菌紫质)是自然界经过长期进化形成的一类优良的生物分子光致变色材料,它具有优良的光学和光电特性,是目前光存储、光信息处理和光电功能材料等领域研究的热门材料之一。近年来,基因工程技术的应用和发展为菌紫质材料的研究和应用注入了新的活力。围绕菌紫质薄膜的光学特性及其应用,本论文主要完成了以下工作:1.研究了菌紫质薄膜样品在单光束和双光束作用下的光致变色特性:根据光致变色的二态模型,建立了菌紫质薄膜样品光致变色动力学的数值算法和一阶近似解法。利用数值算法和一阶近似解法对菌紫质薄膜样品在单光束及双光束作用下的光致变色动力学过程及饱和吸收特性进行理论模拟,其中考虑到激发光光斑的光强分布对菌紫质薄膜光致变色特性的影响后,得到了和实验一致的理论计算结果。理论和实验表明菌紫质薄膜样品的光致变色动力学过程是光强依赖型,且紫光对红光的透过率具有抑制作用。2.研究了菌紫质薄膜样品的光致各向异性特性:根据光致变色二态近似模型及菌紫质分子对偏振激发光的选择性吸收特性,得到了光致各向异性(二向色性和双折射)和分子数分布之间的关系,并对泵浦-探测法测量光致各向异性进行数学推导,得到了光致各向异性诱导的透过率和光致各向异性之间的关系。利用透过率和分子数分布之间的关系模拟了菌紫质薄膜的B型、M型及B-M型光致各向异性动力学过程,得到了和实验一致的理论模拟结果。计算了激发光强和探测光强对偏振旋转角的影响。理论和实验证明,在红光诱导菌紫质薄膜各向异性的同时,加入正交偏振的紫光可以提高红光的光致各向异性,而加入平行偏振的紫光则抑制红光的光致各向异性。3.研究了记录光强对全息光栅衍射效率的影响:考虑到菌紫质薄膜的饱和吸收及其对入射光的散射和多次反射导致光栅调制度随记录光强的变化,解释了高记录光强下全息光栅的衍射效率随光强的增大反而减小的实验现象。4.研究了偏振全息光栅的衍射特性:根据光致变色二态模型及菌紫质分子对偏振激发光的选择性吸收特性,得到了同线记录和正交线记录时全息光栅的琼斯矩阵。利用琼斯矩阵法分析了不同偏振再现光作用下偏振全息光栅一阶衍射光的偏振特性及其衍射效率,并从理论上计算了全息光栅的一阶衍射效率动力学过程。对紫光光强和偏振取向对全息光栅衍射效率动力学的影响进行了理论和实验研究。研究结果表明,在低记录光强下加入紫光可以提高全息光栅衍射效率动力学曲线的稳定值,但抑制其峰值;在高记录光强下加入紫光可以同时提高衍射效率的峰值和稳定值。5.研究了菌紫质薄膜样品在相移干涉计量中的应用:理论分析了基于菌紫质薄膜光致各向异性的相移干涉计量仪。利用它记录了待测相位物体的干涉图样,并通过相位线性梯度积分法重建了待测物体的轮廓。6.研究了菌紫质薄膜样品在光信息处理中的应用:提出了一种基于菌紫质光致各向异性的全光逻辑运算方案,并利用它实现了与、或和异或等全光逻辑操作。利用菌紫质薄膜的光致变色以及光致各向异性特性实现了其在光开关、光控图像显示和空间滤波中的应用。

【Abstract】 Bacteriorhodopsin(BR) is well-known as a biomolecular photochromic material for its unique optical and photoelectric properties. It is one of the important materials in the field of optical storage, optical signal processing, and photoelectric functional materials. Recently, the incorporation of genetic technology infuses new vigor into the application research based on BR. Focusing on the optical properties and applications of BR film, the author mainly completed the following works:1. The photochromic properties of BR film upon illumination of single- and two-beam of excitation are studied. Based on the two-state photochromic model, the first-order approximation formulae and numerical calculation method were established. Using the two methods, we simulated the photochromic kinetic process and the saturation absorption properties of BR film excited by single- and two-beam. The theoretical calculation results and the experimental results showed consistency when the effect of the intensity distribution of the beam spot was taken into account. The theoretical and experimental results demonstrated that the photochromic kinetic process of BR is intensity-dependent. Besides, the transmission of red light can be restrained by the violet light.2. The photoinduced anisotropy of BR film is studied. The relation between photoinduced anisotropy (dichroism and birefringence) and the BR molecule population distribution in the BR film was obtained by the two-state photochromic model. The pump-probe method for measuring the photoinduced anisotropy of BR by was elucidated and the dependence of photoinduced anisotropy on the distribution of the population of BR molecule was obtained. The kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy of B-type, M-type and B-M type are calculated theoretically after considering the relation between the transmittance of P-BR-A (polarizer-BR-analyzer) system and the BR molecule population distribution, the theoretical calculation results and the experimental results are consistent. The effect of intensity of exciting beam and detecting beam on the angle of polarization rotation is theoretically calculated. The theoretical and experimental results demonstrated that compared with single pumping beam, duel-wavelength linearly polarized pumping beams can obviously change the photoinduced anisotropy. The perpendicularly polarized pair can remarkably enhance the anisotropy, while the parallelly polarized pair can restrain the anisotropy.3. The effect of recording intensity on diffraction efficiency of holographic grating is studied experimentally and theoretically. By taking the effect of the saturation absorption and the scattering and reflecting lights from the BR film on grating contrast-ratio of the hologram into account, the change of the peak diffraction efficiency of hologram with the recording intensity was explained.4. The characteristics of the polarization holographic grating recorded in BR film were studied. The Jones matrix of holographic grating recorded by the parallel linearly polarized recording beams and the orthogonal linearly polarized recording beams are found based on the simplified two-state photochromic model and the selective absorption of BR molecule on the polarized excitation light. The polarization state and the diffraction efficiency of first-order diffraction wave were analyzed, for the grating recorded by the parallel linearly polarized recording beams and the orthogonal linearly polarized recording beams. The effect of intensity and polarization orientation of auxiliary violet light on the kinetics of diffraction efficiency was studied experimentally and theoretically. The results demonstrated that at the low recording light intensity, the steady diffraction efficiency is increased and the peak diffraction efficiency is suppressed by the violet light. For intense intensity of recording light, the steady diffraction efficiency and the peak diffraction efficiency can be both enhanced by the auxiliary violet light.5. Application of BR film in phase-shifting interferometry is studied. A phase-shifting interferometer based on the photoinduced anisotropy of BR film is presented theoretically. The interference patterns are obtained from the phase-shifting interferometer, the profile of the phase objects are reconstructed from the wrapped phase map with the method of phase gradient integration.6. The optical information processing was realized with the BR film. Based on the properties of photoinduced anisotropy of BR film, a scheme of all-optical logic gates is presented theoretically and experimentally. The all-optical logic AND, OR, XOR etc gate operations have been demonstrated experimentally. In addition, a series of applications such as all-optical switching, image display and spatial filtering were carried out.


