

The Resonant Propagation of the Bounded Light Beam in the Planar Microstructure

【作者】 段弢

【导师】 李春芳;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 有限光束在光密与光疏介质分界面发生全反射时,反射光束会在入射面内,相对于几何反射光束产生一段侧向的Goos-H(?)nchen(GH)位移。然而在普通的两层介质界面上,该位移很小,通常只有波长量极。本论文围绕着有限光束在平面微结构中传输的边界效应,及光与物质相互作用,产生的非几何光学现象——共振增强的GH位移及其潜在应用,开展了一系列研究工作。具体研究内容及结果如下:有限光束在半无限、各向同性的普通透明介质平面分界面,以及不同光学性质的介质平面分界面上,如:从普通各向同性透明介质,入射到各向同性的弱吸收介质或者弱增益介质、金属介质传输过程中的非几何效应的GH位移。研究了有限光束在微介质板中的共振传输。首先,讨论了给棱镜斜面镀折射率相对较小的平面微介质板结构中共振增强的GH位移。由于微波波长比较长,实验中相对容易测量控制,因而,选用了3cm的高斯型微波源,测量这种结构中的GH位移随介质板厚度变化的关系,与理论结果相吻合。接着,又讨论了当棱镜不存在时,厚度与波长可比拟的空间放置的光密平面介质板结构中的透射光束的GH位移,这时的位移可正可负,着重讨论了出现负位移时应满足的条件。最后,讨论了具有不同光学性质的介质板(各向同性的弱吸收介质板、弱增益介质板、金属介质板)中有限光束传输特性。有限光束在双棱镜结构中传输时,当入射角小于棱镜与介质板间的临界角,反射和透射光束的GH位移均被共振增大。在非对称的双棱镜结构中,两种不同本征线偏振(TE、TM偏振)有限光束,在共振点上的GH位移增强,且方向相反。而对称双棱镜结构中,反射位移与透射位移均被共振放大,而且相等。接着讨论了,给双棱镜相对的内表面镀一层折射率较小微介质板,或双棱镜内表面分别镀对称的微介质板形成的多平面界面微结构中,反射和透射位移的非几何光学传输特性。反射光束、透射光束的位置可以由入射角、介质板厚度及各介质的折射率控制,这些新奇现象将为新型光学器件提供新思路。最后,利用了3cm微波系统透射光束的GH位移,随对称棱镜间的介质板厚度而变化的理论预言进行了实验验证,与理论结果相吻合。通过对有限光束在平面介质板共振结构中,GH位移产生的机制及GH位移有效性的研究。事实证明,位移不是光束形变的结果,而是由于各平面波组分在介质板中多次反射后的波束重构。还进一步讨论了,为保证位移有意义应满足的条件及其传输的机制。当介质板的厚度远大于限制厚度,且介质板是具有增益特性的介质时,在介质中传输的光束振幅不断地被放大,如果选择合适的增益介质板厚度、入射角、以及介质板的增益系数,就可在介质板上、下表面分别得到一组等振幅、等间隔的光束,称为空间光梳。

【Abstract】 Bounded light beam that is totally reflected by a dielectric interface may exhibit a lateral Goos-H(a|¨)nchen(GH) displacement from the position of geometric reflection in the plane of incidence. However,this displacement is very small and only of the order of the wavelength.This dissertation focus on the investigation of non-geometric optical phenomena about the resonantly enhanced GH displacement and its application because of boundary conditions and the interaction of the electric and magnetic fields with the media in course of the bounded light beam propagation in the microstructures.The main content and results are as follows:The property of the GH displacement is respectively discussed when the bounded light beam imping upon the plane boundary surface betweem two semi-infinity isotropic homogenous transparent media, or between the isotropic homogenous transparent medium and the weakly absorptive,weakly active medium and metal medium.GH displacement will be resonantly enhanced when the prism is coated by the optically thinner dielectric slab.It is theoretically proved that the GH displacement is dependent on the incident angle and thickness of the dielectric slab.It is experimentally detected that the relation between the resonant enhanced GH displacement and the thickness of the dielectric slab by use of Gaussian-shape microwave of the wavelength of 3cm.The experimental data are in agreement with the result of the numerical simulation.What’s more,the GH displacement can be positive and negative when the bounded light beam propagates through the thin planar slab of optically denser dielectric medium in air.The property of the non-geometric phenomena will emerge when the bounded light beam propagates through the thin planar slab of the special optical character dielectric medium,such as isotropic weakly absorptive medium,weakly active medium and metal medium.It is predicted that the GH displacement can be resonantly enhanced in the double-prism configuration when the angle of incidence is below but near the critical angle for total reflection, which is totally different from the angle of incidence is larger than the critical angle for total reflection.Large and opposite GH displacement may occur simultaneously for TE and TM light beams upon reflection from an asymmetric double-prism configuration. But the GH displacement of reflection and transmission will be enhanced and equal in the symmetric double-prism configuration. The non-geometric phenomena is discussed when the inner facies of the double-prism are coated by a layer or two layer of the planar optically thinner dielectric slab.The position of the reflected and transmitted light beam can be controlled by the incident angle and the thickness of the slab,which may lead to interesting applications in optical devices and integrated optics.Finally, it is experimentally observed that the relation of the transmitted GH displacement and the thickness of the dielectric slab between two prism by use of Gaussian-shape microwave of the 3cm wavelength. The experimental data are in agreement with the result of the numerical simulation.The validity of the GH displacement is analyzed when the bounded light beam transmit through the resonant planar dielectric slab. The GH displacement is explained by the beam reshaping of the reflected and transmitted beams,since each plane wave component undergoes different phase shifts due to multiple internal reflections and is not results from the distortion of the beam profiles.The mechanism of the transmission and the restricted condition are discussed.The optical spatial comb that is a series of light beam of the same amplitudes on each side of the surface of the active plane-parallel dielectric slab on condition that the active index of the dielectric slab,the incident angle is choice properly and the thickness of the dielectric slab is larger than the restricted thickness.


