

Theory and Application Technology of Data Visualization for Optoelectronic Measurement

【作者】 焦国华

【导师】 牛憨笨; 李育林;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代光电测量技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,光电测量在科学、军事、工业等领域里正在起到越来越重要的作用。特别是随着从计算机图形学当中发展起来的科学可视化技术的逐渐成熟,对光电测量数据进行可视化处理已经成为科学研究的重要依据和手段,而实际应用中越来越大的数据场规模反过来也对可视化技术提出了更高的软硬件需求。本论文详细介绍了光电测量系统中光电探测器的主要技术指标,并对低噪声前置放大器及其频率特性和噪声进行了深入分析;叙述了用于微弱信号检测的锁相放大器的原理以及模拟锁相放大器的设计方法;并且对数字信号处理技术应用于光电测量进行了讨论,着重探讨了非递归型数字滤波方法和递归型数字滤波方法。本论文阐述了基于表面绘制的三维可视化技术,介绍了表面绘制方法中的经典算法——移动立方体(Marching Cubes,MC)算法的原理及实现方法,并分析了其可能存在的二义性问题及其解决方案;同时详细叙述了与硬件、操作系统无关的2D/3D图形库——OpenGL的技术细节,并讨论了基于OpenGL的可视化表面绘制显示方法,包括模型渲染、坐标变换等;提出了一种基于Loop细分网格的几何压缩算法实现3D模型的几何数据压缩,用于降低3D模型数据存储、传输的磁盘容量和网络带宽需求。在深入研究轴系不对中偏差的测量和校准原理后,本论文将激光测量技术和可视化技术相结合,提出了一种新的高精度的激光回转式轴系校准测量方法,并详细描述了激光回转式轴系校准仪样机的的软硬件设计方案和实现。本论文设计了一种具有独特的双PSD结构的接收器,不仅解决了LD激光光束与PSD接收器的对中问题,还提高了系统的测量精度;运用四点测量法计算轴系不对中偏差量和机器支脚的调整量;并对系统测试的实验结果和系统误差进行了分析,验证了测量方法的正确性并且给出了仪器的分辨率、测量不确定度和精度等特性。本论文在研究了光电测量和数据可视化技术的基础上,探讨了一种基于Mirau相移干涉法对微透镜阵列的面形测量方法,使用He-Ne激光器作为光源,由Mirau干涉物镜和其他光学元件组成干涉成像系统,压电陶瓷执行器作为相移器,通过5步相移法计算待测表面形貌。针对微透镜阵列的面形特点,根据Mirau干涉显微镜的测量视场将微透镜阵列划分为若干微小区域,然后辅以精密平移机构进行若干次5步相移法测量局部面形,再利用相位重建所得的数据进行拼接和3D轮廓重建,最终得到整个微透镜阵列的精确的微表面形貌。本论文提出了一种基于伪彩色处理图像增强技术的激光光束斑质量评价的可视化技术方法。针对人眼对彩色的分辨能力远远高于对黑白灰度的分辨能力的特点,利用伪彩色处理将灰度级的黑白图像转化为彩色图像表示,便可以提高对图像细节的辨别力,从而直观清晰地表现出光斑能量的分布信息。本论文在研究伪彩色变换的基本原理和伪彩色的颜色编码方法的基础上,研制了一套基于伪彩色处理的激光光斑质量评价系统。采用CCD作为光探测器,将被测激光束照射在CCD上产生的电子图像信号经图像采集卡后转换成数字图像,然后通过计算机上的基于伪彩色技术的激光光斑分析软件显示激光束横截面光强的二维、三维分布图和光强沿x轴和y轴的一维光强分布曲线等特性参数,在激光光束质量评价中具有重要的实用价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapidly progress of modern optoelectronic measurement and computer technology, optoelectronic measurement are playing a more and more important role in the science research, military and industry fields. Especially, the scientific visualization technology has gradually evolved and grown up from the computer graphics. The data visualization of optoelectronic measurement has become to the significant proof and means of science research. On the other hand, the higher software and hardware requirement of data visualization technology for the huge data set in actual application has been presented.The mostly technical parameter of the detector of an optoelectronic measurement system was introduced in detail, and the design of low noise pre-amplifier and its characteristic of frequency and noises were analyzed. Then, the principle of lock-in amplifier and the implement of analog lock-in amplifier were narrated, which using widely in weak signal detection. Moreover, the digital signal processing in optoelectronic measurement, included non-recursive digital filtering and recursive digital filtering was discussed.The three dimension visualization based on surface rendering was expatiated. The principle and implement of the classical algorithm - MC (Marching Cubes) were analyzed, and the problem and resolving of the ambiguity of MC were discussed were analyzed. Furthermore, the OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) was introduced, which is a standard specification defining a cross-language cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D computer graphics. Then, the surface rendering display technology based on OpenGL was discussed, which includes model rendering, coordinate transform and so on. A Geometry Compression algorithm based on Loop subdivision mesh was proposed to compress the data of 3D models, so that it can be decreased the requirement of disk space and network for save or transmit the 3D models.After studied the theory and method of shaft alignment, a new high precision rotatory laser shaft alignment method based on laser measurement technology and data visualization technology was presented, and the software and hardware design and implement of the prototype was described in detail. A receiver with dual PSD was designed to a particular structure. It not only resolved the problem of the alignment between the LD beam and PSD, but also improved the precision of the system. The system calculated the shaft disalignment and the adjust value of the machine feet by four point measure method. The measurement result of the prototype and its error were analyzed, so that proved the correctness of the method, and gived the resolution and measuring uncertainty of the prototype system.A Mirau phase-shifting interferometer for the profile measurement of microlenses array was discussed. The light source of the interferometer system was a He-Ne Laser. The interference image system consisted of a Mirau interference objective and other optical elements. A piezoelectric transducer (PZT) was used for the phase shifter. The profile of microlenses array was obtained with interferograms by five-step phase-shifting algorithm. According to the feature of the profile of microlenses array, the whole array was divided into many micro parts. Then, the profiles of each part can be acquired by the Mirau phase-shifting interferometer method with the precise motion unit. Finally, the accurate profile of the whole microlenses array was gained by using the data splice and 3D reconstruction technology.A method was brought forward for evaluating laser spot quality based pseudo-color processing. For human eyes, the distinguish ability to color images is far larger than it to gray images. So the gray image can be transformed to the color image by pseudo-color processing that enhanced the discrimination in the image detail. Accordingly, the energy distribution of laser spot can be clearly represented. After discussed the principle of pseudo-color transform and pseudo-color coding, an evaluating system for laser spot quality based pseudo-color processing was proposed. The system employed a CCD (charge-coupled device) as detector, and transformed the electronic image signal from CCD to the digital image by image capture card, and displayed 2D/3D distribution diagram, 1D distribution curve and other parameters of the cross section of laser beam by using the laser spot analysis software.


