

From Singleness to Plurality

【作者】 霍志钊

【导师】 刘昭瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中山大学 , 人类学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 澳门土生葡人的存在是澳门地区一个重要的人文特色,他们是澳门历史发展过程中的一个特殊群体,其存在与发展,既是中西多元血统混合的结晶,也是中西文化结合的产物。由于历史的原因及其生活空间和环境的影响,这个主要由葡人与华人组合体形成的特殊族群,具有有别于葡人亦有别于华人的思维概念和行事方式,形成了非常特别的文化现象——土生文化。在土生文化中,土生葡人的宗教信仰是甄别他们身份的重要标志之一。本文正是着眼于土生葡人的宗教信仰,通过人类学调查研究,在回顾历史的基础上,探索当前土生葡人的信仰变迁趋势,并进一步探究造成土生葡人宗教信仰的变迁背后的动力学因素,借此揭示土生整个族群在澳门的未来前景。文章的第二和第三章首先通过回顾历史脉络下澳门土生葡人这一特殊族群的起源,借此了解他们文化与身份认同中的基本要素,在此基础上笔者对本文中土生葡人这一族群范畴作了一个限定。文章接着回顾了20世纪之前土生葡人的天主教信仰传统以及澳门宗教的历史与现状。接下来在文章第四章和第五章中,围绕田野调查的材料,笔者呈现了当前土生葡人从最初葡萄牙式的纯粹的天主教信仰向多元、混融化发展的趋势,以及这一趋势背后的深层动因。在这一变迁趋势中,“多元”与“混融”并非是指多种宗教信仰的并立,而是指不同宗教传统的混合。实际的情况是在今日多数土生葡人往往并没有完全放弃天主教信仰传统或是传信其它澳门宗教,但是在他们宗教信仰的观念、话语和实践中,我们可以清楚地看到其它宗教元素,尤其是澳门的汉传佛教、道教以及民间宗教的元素的存在。本文揭示了上述这种变化趋势一方面是如何与20世纪以来天主教世界性的变化相联系的。另一方面土生葡人的信仰变化更主要还是受澳门20世纪以来地方社会及文化变迁所影响。重点针对二十世纪下半叶的澳门,特别是考虑到回归对澳门社会带来的重大影响。本文认为可以从政治、社会及文化三个不同的维度来理解造成土生葡人信仰变迁的主要动因。20世纪后期澳门社会和经济的变化极大的动摇了维系土生葡人天主教信仰的两个基本模式。其中一个是带有文化濡化特征的家庭模式,另一个是带有社会化特点的社会模式。这两个模式相互关联相互支持,土生葡人在成长过程中获取文化认同和社会身份都依赖于这两个模式。土生葡人的宗教在上述两个模式中都起着非常重要的作用,并深刻地与土生葡人的文化濡化和社会化过程相联系。回归后的今天,这两个模式基本走向了终结,这是今日我们理解土生葡人宗教信仰变迁的动因的关键所在。在文章最后,笔者对土生葡人的未来作出了预期。笔者认为虽然从宗教的角度来说,土生葡人族群及传统文化的前景并不乐观,但是笔者相信土生群体依然具备有返本开新的愿望和能力。

【Abstract】 The Macaense or Filho da Terra, as an unique cultural feature in Macau, is a special ethnic group in Macau’s history. Its existence and development not only represents the multi-mixture of the eastern and western bloodline, but also means the integration of that mixed culture in terms of history. Under the specific historical and geographical influences and as an ethnic Group mainly composed of Portuguese and Chinese, their way of thinking and attitude while substantially different from both the Portuguese and Chinese has its own characteristic---Macanese style, in which Catholic religion is one of the most important symbol of its ethnicity. Focusing on their religion, basing on anthropological fieldwork done in Macau and also on historical review, this thesis turns to be a research of attempt to inquire the floods of their religious transformation and furthermore to understand the dynamics of it. At last to trace answers for the question of Macaense community’s future in Macau.Capters 2 and 3 of this thesis unveil the origin of Macaense in historical context of Macau as to identify the core elements of their cultural identity and ethnicity. By means of such research, definition of the extension of the concept“Macaense”has been found. Then, tracing back to the Colonial Era of Portugal, it was made possible to picture the catholic religion tradition of Macaense before 20th century and their religious traditions and currents In contemporary Macau. In the following chapters 4 and 5, according to the data of the said fieldwork, the research presents a current and gradual transformation that dated back from the 20th century for religion practice of the Macaense had changed from a single and orthodox catholic tradition to a multiple and mixed one. Also, it analyses the dynamics behind the Said current.In such trend,“multiple and mixed phenominum”does not mean the co–existence of several different religions in a same time. Actually it represents a hybrid of diverse religions. Not completely abandoning catholicism or converting into other religions in Macau, and by judging the Macanese contemporary religious attitude, discourse and practice , it is easy to recognize the elements from other religions of Macau especially from Chinese Buddhism, Taoism and grass–root religions synchronously with Catholicism.This dissertation demonstrates, first, how such current of religion transformation was due to the changes of Catholicism in global world during 19th century, and second how it was decided mainly by Macau’s local social–Cultural transformation operated in 29th century. By exploring the second half of 20th century and considering the great impact brought by Macau,s return to the Motherland, this research argues that it was possible to understand the dynamics of Macaense,s current religious evolution in political, social and cultural dimensions. From late 20thCentury onwards, social and economic changes in Macau has caused great impact on the root of two models that the Macaense had gained their cultural and social identity and ethnicity in the past. Such models include two directions– One is the family model with the character of enculturation , and the other is social model, characterized by socialization, closely and mutually connected. Depending on such models, Macaense have gained their own cultural and social Identity through its personhood.On the other hand, Macaense,Catholicism played a crucial role in both models, deeply related with the process of Macaense,enculturation and socialization. However, after the handover of Macau to China in December 1999, such models are nearly coming to an end. This would be the key point to understand the dynamics of the Macaense religious transformation.At the end of this dissertation and regarding the Macaense,s future in Macau SAR, the author views that we should strongly believe in the desires and capabilities of the Macanese community to preserve their tradition and to create new forms of culture although this task may look somewhat skeptical in long term.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

