

【作者】 吴伟光

【导师】 李明德;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 民商法, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为知识产权制度之一的版权制度是与技术的发展与进步有密切关系的,这一点似乎是知识产权尤其是版权与专利权制度与其他法律制度的显著不同点之一;版权制度在其产生与发展过程中一直为技术的发展和进步而不断地加以修改和调整,并且从历史上看版权制度与技术之间的合作基本上是融洽的。但是进入数字技术时代之后,版权制度似乎受到了前所未有的挑战和危机,从国际社会到一些主要国家或者组织如何应对这些危机是本论文主要介绍、研究和讨论的内容。本论文共分六章,从数字技术对版权制度所带来的挑战作为出发点,通过对有关国际条约的研究,对包括我国、美国和欧盟在内的一些主要国家或者组织的立法研究,以及对一些相关判例的研究来讨论应对这些挑战的措施和思想。第一章主要讨论了技术尤其是数字技术对版权制度的挑战,这些挑战可以分为四种情况,一是私人复制与传播能力的迅速增强;二是作品出现了除了传统的出版社、印刷厂和广播电视组织等以外的新的传播途径,即以互联网络为代表的数字技术网络,这使得版权法实施时赖以存在的看门人制度必须做出调整;三是数字技术带来的媒体一体化现象,传统的版权法中作品的传播是依赖于不同的媒体的,而且版权法中的权利设计也与媒体有密切的关系,但是在数字技术环境下,这些不同的媒体都融合为一种即数字信息,分立的版权设计对这种一体化的媒体是不完全适应的;四是作品创作的大众参与现象,数字技术为作品的创作和传播提供了更为便宜和便捷的工具,这使得广大民众都可以参与作品的创作和再创作,版权法如何保护和规范这些大众化的创作行为是以前没有遇到过的问题。第二章主要讨论了从国际层面上对数字技术给版权法制度带来的挑战所采取的应对措施和指导思想,其主要的成就是两个互联网络条约,通过对互联网络条约的制定过程的介绍和分析,以及对其主要内容的介绍和评价来讨论国际社会对这些挑战的态度、思想和困难,以及对成员国的指导意义。第三章主要讨论了信息社会服务提供者如何对侵犯版权的行为承担责任的问题。在第一章中已经介绍了通过中间媒介组织即看门人来实施版权是版权制度中的一个重要特点和基础,但是由于作品新的传播途径的出现,版权法必须对参与各方的责任问题加以澄清,从而通过法律的形式寻找和确认新的看门人;而信息社会服务提供者的责任问题便成为保护版权权利人利益、促进技术进步和满足消费者需求这三者之间平衡的关键问题。第四章主要讨论的版权作品了技术保护措施问题;数字技术为版权保护提供了除法律责任之外的新措施,这便是技术保护措施。WIPO的两个互联网络条约中一个重要内容是对技术保护措施的认可和对规避技术保护措施的限制。美国、欧盟和我国在版权法中也都相继采纳了这一措施。但是技术保护措施对版权制度原有的平衡造成了影响,这也成为有关技术保护措施争议最多也是最复杂的问题,论文在这一章中对这一问题进行了探讨。第五章是关于版权特别费和数字权利管理的问题;确定信息社会服务提供者的责任,向用于对版权作品进行复制和传播的媒介征收版权特别费以及通过技术手段,即技术保护措施或者数字权利管理来保护和许可版权作品似乎是目前解决数字技术环境下版权问题的三个方向。但是这三者之间不是自然地可以相互合作的,特别是版权特别费和数字权利管理之间的矛盾更为突出,本章主要是讨论两者之间的关系以及如何进行选择。第六章作为没有结论的总结,是对本论文的总结和一些可能的方案的展望,主要是对版权制度进行改革的支持者;基于数字技术的特点而建立新的版税征收方案的主张和通过市场机制来实现发现和形成新的版权制度的主张,论文对这些思想进行了一些介绍和讨论,希望能够引起知识产权法的学者们的注意和思考,从而起到抛砖引玉的目的。

【Abstract】 The copyright law system, as one branch of the intellectual property system has theclose relationship with the development and progress of the technology, which maybeis a striking and different aspect compared with other law systems. During itshistory of the development, the copyright law system has been continuously amendedand adjusted for the progress of the new technologies. And the cooperation betweenthe them is basically workable from the historical point of view.Since the emergence of the information society, one of which main characteristicsis the development and application of the digital technology, the copyright lawsystem has been suffering the challenges and crisis never experienced before. Themain content of this thesis is to discuss and analyze how the relevant internationalorganizations and some main countries to deal with these challenges and crisis fromthe legal and policy aspects. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Taking thechallenges and crisis brought about by the digital technology as the starting point,the thesis tries to compare and summarize the methods and ideas to resolve thesechallenges and crisis through the studying and analysis of the international legalinstruments, the relevant laws, the regulations and the cases of China, U.S.A andthe European Union.Chapter I mainly discusses the challenges being brought out by the development ofthe technology, especially the digital technology; the challenges could be dividedinto four categories, the first one is the great improvement of the personalreproduction and distribution ability of the copyrighted works; the second one isthat the intermediaries by which the copyrighted works distribute have one morefamily member besides the traditional publishing entities and broadcasting stations,that is the digital technology networks, especially the Internet. So the copyrightlaw system which operates depending on these traditional intermediaries has toadjust accordingly; the third one is that the digital technology is improving theconvergence of the different media; the current copyrights are media-specific designed, which is not totally complied with the convergence of the media; the fourthone is the semiotic democracy phenomena; the digital technology provide the masswith cheap and easy tools to create works; so the ordiniary people can activelyparticipate in the creation and derivation of the works; the current copyright lawsystem has yet been ready for this mass participation of works creation.In the chapter II, the thesis mainly discusses the guidelines and policy from theinternational levels, especially from the Internet treaties of the WIPO .The liabilities of the information society service providers are the main topicsin the chapter III; as discussed in the chapter I, the intermediaries are in thefunction as the doorkeepers for the implementation of the copyright laws, but thedigital technology makes out the additional intermediary for the works distribution;how and what the liability the new intermediary shall take are the main issues forevery countries legislators.The chapter IV is about the technical protection measures for the copyrighted works.Besides the enforcement of the copyright law, one more copyright protection measurefor copyright holders is available in the digital technology environment, that is,the technical protection measure. But the TPM also undermines the balance of thecopyright law system between the interests of the copyright holders and the publicinterests. Some key provisions in the Internet treaties, DMCA and European Uniondirectives deal with this issue. Whether and how to recover and maintain the balancein the digital environment is the main topic in this chapter.The chapter V is about the issues of levy and DRM. It seems that the three wayscurrently exist for copyright holders to protect their copyrighted works orguarantee their benefit, they depend on the liabilities of the intermediaries, thecollection of the copyright levy from the reproduction and distribution media andmanagement of the copyrighted works by DRM. But the three ways do not cooperatewell, especially the conflict between the levy system and DRM system is obviouslyexisting. This chapter will discuss these issues and recommend the suggestive optionbetween them. The chapter VI, as the conclusion chapter of the whole thesis will introduce anddiscuss some possible solutions for the challenges and crisis which have beensuggested or designed from the copyright experts. So far they cannot resolve theall the issues, but maybe they can enlighten us to some extent.

【关键词】 版权技术保护措施数字权利管理版权特别费
【Key words】 copyrightTPMDRMlevy
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1889

