

A Study on the Industrial Economic Thoughts in Republic of China

【作者】 孙智君

【导师】 严清华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 经济思想史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中华民国(1912-1949年)是中国近代史上经济社会急剧变革的历史时期,也是中国近代产业经济思想大发展的时期。民国时期产业经济的发展,以及产业经济问题的重要性,引起了民国时期一些先进的思想家们的热情关注和思考,形成了民国时期灿烂纷呈的产业经济思想。产业经济思想所反映的是经济领域中关于产业的组织、结构、管理、政策与发展的思想。本文立足于中国经济思想史研究和学科基础理论创新,用产业经济学与现代经济学的分析方法,全面地回顾、分析、解剖并评价民国时期的产业经济思想,以期对当代中国的产业发展提供一定的思想借鉴和启示。全文由三大部分构成,即第一部分为前言、第二部分为主体、第三部分为结语。其中前言部分分为选题的背景及意义、国内外研究现状、论文基本框架、研究方法、论文理论基础及创新之处。第二部分----主体部分按照时间顺序进行构架,共分四章,每一章的分析思路基本一致,将按照历史发展的时间顺序将其分为民国初年(1912-1927年)、国民政府前期(1927-1937年)、抗日战争时期(1937-1945年)和国民政府后期(1945-1949年)四个历史阶段分别加以探讨。在每一个历史时期,首先按照现代产业经济学的分析方法,介绍本时期产业经济思想(包括产业结构思想、产业布局思想、产业组织思想及产业技术思想)及其特点,分析其产生的历史背景和思想渊源,然后介绍这一时期产业经济思想的代表性作品并给予评价,最后分析该理论背景下的产业经济政策产生的效果。第一章是北洋政府时期(1912—1927年)的产业经济思想。此阶段包括南京临时政府时期和北京政府时期。南京临时政府仅存三个多月,其产业经济思想具有明显的过渡性质。因为此时中国的经济学仅处于学习和引进阶段,矢志于救亡图存的先进知识分子正努力从外来的先进思想理论中探索国家富裕的真理,西方各种学说,包括经济学理论,在中国的传播也由此开始。故经济思想主要以孙中山、黄兴、蔡元培等从海外归来的人士的殖产兴业、实业救国、科学救国、教育救国等思想为主。南京临时政府对农业十分关注,出台过类似鼓励开垦荒地、规定凡垦荒者予以五年不升科的优待;对于呈请垦荒者,事业部和内务部均给予积极支持和保护。但因为南京临时政府存在时间极短,故相关产业经济思想及基于此的经济政策显得薄弱、缺乏系统性和实效性。北京政府时期正值第一次世界大战爆发,战后经历了经济萧条及其后的经济复苏,中国工矿业发展亦与之相呼应。因政局多变,军阀割据,政府对工矿事业,既没有一个确定的方针,也没有一个统筹的计划,更持不参与经营实业、放任民营的宗旨,故中国工业化的进程比较缓慢,且衣食工业仍占据绝对优势。但是,也有相关因素刺激了工商业的发展:一是手头握有资金者希望投资于实业获得更多盈利;二是第一次世界大战导致的欧洲市场需求增加,引起商品输出;三是“二十一条”要求与上海“五卅”惨案激起提倡国货运动;四是银行业日益发达;五是种种不平等条约给予外资企业很多方便;最后是铁路等运输业的改进进一步促进了工商业的发展。在这样的背景下产生了两个派别的经济思想:一是资产阶级民主革命派的经济思想,如孙中山的民生主义、章太炎的重农经济思想、廖仲恺的经济思想等;另一派是改良派的经济思想,如著名实业家张謇的实业救国论和农业近代化经济思想及周学熙的国家社会主义思想等。其中,革命派与改良派关于农业土地制度问题、发展工商实业问题进行过激烈的讨论。第二章是南京国民政府初期(1927—1937年)的产业经济思想。1927年4月蒋介石定都南京。1931年爆发的“九一八”事变对中国社会产生了强烈的冲击,民族救亡运动风起云涌。落后就要挨打的现实,迫使中国人认识到工业化的重要性。中国经济学界开展了一场关于中国立国问题的论战,围绕着中国该如何走上现代化道路这个核心问题,形成了以农立国和以工立国两派截然不同的观点。章士钊、董时进、梁漱溟等人为农业主导派,而吴景超、杨明斋、恽代英、杨杏佛、陈独秀、吴稚晖等人则持相反观点,认为中国应该走与西方相同的道路,即工业现代化道路。以农立国派主张复兴农村,振兴农业以引发工业。以吴景超为代表的一些学者则认为:“只有藉发展工业,才能救济农村,只有工业化,才是民族经济建设的出路”。由于历史的局限,两派都未能正确认识农业与工业之间内在的经济联系,将中国当时的问题归结为文化问题而偏离了方向。尽管如此,这场论战仍体现了中国经济学界关心国事的美德,双方提出的经济发展和产业规划方案,对今天的现代化建设仍不无借鉴意义。在产业组织思想方面,表现在实现工业化的过程中应采用什么经济制度的问题上。在整个30年代,国家统制主义与自由主义的经济思想此消彼长,最后统制经济思想盛行。其理论思路为:面临民族危机,要快速推进工业化;而快速推进工业化的有效手段是统制经济;统制经济的前提是中央集权,所以要加强和巩固中央政府地位。当时的《大公报》即明确提出“重工业国有,杂工业私营”的主张。执着于国家统制产业发展思想的最有代表性的学者是曾任实业部部长的罗敦伟、经济学者马寅初等;对之持谨慎、分析态度的经济学者有陈振汉、丁文江等人。可以看出,从北洋政府到南京政府经济思想的这一转变过程,实际上是一个从放任民营、政府扶助向中央集权、国家至上迅速倾斜的过程。第三章是抗日战争时期(1937—1945年)的产业经济思想。正值南京政府对工业建设遵循一定计划推行且在工业化方面的政策稍见成效之际,日本悍然发动“七七事变”,开始了全面侵华战争,战争导致原有厂矿要么为兵火所毁,要么为日寇夺去,要么随政府内迁,且大都处于濒危之境。在这种背景下,中国经济学界的学者们满怀爱国之心,在战火纷飞中继续他们的经济学研究。他们除进行一般理论研究之外,还运用西方经济学原理研究中国本土的经济问题。这一时期对于中国产业问题的研究,主要集中在三个问题上:一是有关中国工业化的政策。包括是以农立国还是以工立国、政府应采取的工业政策、国营与民营问题等;二是中国工业化过程中比较具体细微的计划问题;三是计划经济和自由经济的争论。何廉、方显廷的《中国工业化程度及其影响》、方显廷的《中国之工业化与乡村工业》、刘大钧的《工业化与中国工业建设》、谷春帆的《中国工业化计划论》等著作,都是很有见地和影响的著作。第四章是国民政府后期(1945—1949年)的产业经济思想。抗战胜利后,因国民党政府在未做好充分准备的前提下即于1946年2月颁行进出口贸易暂行办法,规定法币对美元汇率为2020,结果导致外货蜂拥进入国内,国内工业品无法与之竞争,而输出贸易更加陷于绝境。加上国内政局不稳,内战随后爆发,通货继续膨胀,物价继续上涨,人们生活日益艰难。在此背景下,学者们对中国工业化过程中应采取何种经济体制的问题,有了更为深刻的思考,对统制经济、计划经济和自由放任经济的认识也在不断深化。如经济学者陈伯庄认为,工业化制度设计的原则应该是方向问题而非发展速度;张培刚的著作《农业与工业化》在全面探讨了工业化的定义、工业发展与农业改革的关系、工业和农业的平衡以及农业国和工业国的关系问题之后,就中国工业化面临的急迫问题进行了分析;另外,享誉国内外的四大经济学家刘大钧、马寅初、何廉、方显廷都在国外接受过系统的经济学理论和方法的训练,他们努力用先进的理论和方法研究和解决当时的中国本土经济问题,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。如刘大钧对中国工业化问题有着独到的见解,并与方显廷、吴景超、谷春帆等人发起成立工业研究委员会,对中国经济发展和工业化问题的研究做出了重要贡献,许多思想至今仍具有启迪意义。另外,这四大学者还直接参与了政府当局的经济决策。最后是结语部分。与以前的时代相比,民国时期的产业经济思想研究,有了更新的、更现代的发展,达到了相对于当时来说比较成熟的地步。其思想不仅仅是作为一种思想资料具有宝贵的历史价值,而且还有不少思想成果即使在改革开放的今天,也仍然具有其重要的理论价值,在不少方面仍可作为当代产业经济思想的研究以及实践的思想借鉴,具有一定的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Republic of China (1912-1949) was a period of rapid economic and social changes in modern China’s history, and also a period of the large-scale development of Chinese modern industrial economic thoughts. With the development of industrial economy and the importance of industrial economy problems, some advanced thinkers of the period paid enthusiastic attention on it, which formed brilliant thoughts of industrial economy. Industrial economic thoughts reflected the organization, structure, management, policy and development of industries in the economic field. The paper was based on the history of China’s economic ideas and academic innovation of basic theoretical research. By using the analysis methods of industrial economics and modern economics, the paper gave a comprehensive review and analysis and evaluation of the industrial economic thoughts, which was designed to provide some inspiration and hints for contemporary China’s industrial development.The paper is made up of three major sections, the first part is the preamble, and the second part is the body and the third part is the conclusion. The preamble part includes the background and significance of the topic, domestic and overseas study status, basic framework, research methods and theoretic and innovation of the paper. The second body part organizes in chronological order and can be divided into four chapters. Each chapter has consistent analysis thoughts and will be divided into four parts and discussed in chronological order of historical development. That is, the early years of the Republic period (1912-1927), pre-National government period (1927-1937), Anti-Japanese War period (1937-1945) and post National government period (1945-1949). The paper firstly introduces the industrial economic thoughts in every historical period which include industrial configuration thoughts, industrial layout thoughts, industrial organization thoughts and industrial technology thoughts according to the analysis of modern industrial economics, and analyzes the historical background and origins. Secondly it introduces the representative works of this period of industrialization and comment on them. Finally, it analyzes the effects of industrial and economic policy under background of the theory.The first chapter was about the industry’s economic thoughts during the Northern government period (1912-1927). This phase included the period of interim Nanjing government and Beijing government. The interim Nanjing government lasted only three months, and the industrial economic thoughts had obvious transitional nature. Because Chinese economics was on the stage of study and indraught during this period, advanced intellectuals committed to the survival and the salvation of the nation were seeking for the truth of prosperous nation from foreign advanced ideology and theory. Various western theories, including economics theories, also began to spread in China. Therefore, economic thoughts mainly referred to prospering industrial, saving the nation by developing industrial , science and education ,which were proposed by people who were returning from overseas, such as Sun Zhongshan, Huang Xing and Cai Yuanpei. Nanjing interim government concerned much about agriculture and gave special treatment to encourage the reclamation and declared all the cultivator would be free of charge for five years .Besides, the department and the Ministry of Interior gave active support and protection to those who asked for reclamation. But because Nanjing interim government lasted a very short time, the basic of industry’s economic thinking and policy were very weak and lack of systematic and effective nature.Beijing government period happened to the outbreak of the First World War. It experienced the post-war economic recession and the subsequent economic recovery, which was matched to the industrial and mining development of China. Due to political changes and warlord setting up a separatist regime by force of arms, the government hadn’t a defined policy nor a whole plan on mines, not even run industries, and indulged civil industrial. Therefore the process of China’s industrialization had been slow and food industry still holds the absolute advantage. However, there were several factors to stimulate the industrial development: firstly the investors holding funds wanted to invest industries to get more profit; Secondly the second World War led to increasing demand for the European market, causing merchandise exports; Thirdly, the "21 items" and Shanghai "may 30th" tragedy provokes promotion of nation goods; Fourthly, the growing development of the banking; Fifthly unequal treaties gave a lot of convenience to the foreign-funded enterprises .Finally, improvement of railway transported further the promotion of the industries development.In such background two factions of economic ideas appears: the first one was economic thoughts of the bourgeois democratic revolutionary such as Sun Zhongshan’s Livelihood , Zhang Taiyan’s idea of attaching importance to agriculture economy, Liao Zhongkai’s economic ideas; the second one was the Reformists ideas on economy , such as the famous industrialist Zhang Jian’s thinking on saving country by industry and agricultural modernized economy and Zhou Xuexi’s ideas of country’s socialwast. Among them, revolutionaries and Reformists extremely discussed agricultural land system and the development of industrial and commercial sectors.The second chapter was about the industrial economic thoughts during the pre-National government period (1927-1937). Jiang Jieshi located capital in Nanjing in Jan 1927. The September 18th Incident which broke out in 1931 pounded the society of China, then the national liberation movement was surging forward. The reality that if we lag behind the foreign we would be hit compelled all Chinese realized the importance of industrialization. China’s economic community launched a debate on the issue of China’s founding, which encircled the core issue on how China goes to modernization road, and then it formed two different viewpoints of building country by agriculture or industry. Zhang Shizhao, Dong Shijin and Liang Shuming support agricultural leading position, while Wu Jingchao, Yang Mingzhai, Yun Daiying, Yang Xingfo, Chen Duxiu, Wu Zhihui and others took the opposite view that China should follow the same path with the West. That was industrial modernization road. The faction supporting to build country by agriculture proposed rural revival and stimulated industry by the revitalization of the agricultural industry. Some scholars such as the representative Wu Jingchao thought that "Only through the development of industry could saving rural; Industrialization was the only way to the national economic construction". Due to historical limitations, the two factions had failed to correctly understand the inherent economic links between agriculture and industry. The two factors came down the temporal problem to cultural problem ,which departure the correct direction. Nevertheless, this debate was a reflection of China’s virtue that economic circles concerned about the nation’s affairs. The projects of economic development and industrial layout proposed by the two factions were still very significant to nowadays modernization.In the aspect of the thought of industrial organization, the controversy was represented by the issue which economic system should be adopted in the process of industrialization. Throughout the 1930s, the state-govern and liberalistic economic thought surf the surge, with governing economic thought prevailing ultimately. Its theoretical thread was as follows: facing national crisis, we must accelerate the extent of industrialization, while governing economy was an effective means of accelerating industrialization. The premise of the governing economy was centralization, so we should strengthen and solidify the status of the central government. The "Ta Kung Pao" of that time clearly brought forward the claim that heavy industry was state-owned, while other industries were privately owned. The most representative scholars who were attached to the thought of the state governing industrial development was Luo Dunwei, the former minister of the department of industry, an economist Ma Yinchu, etc. Those economists who were analyzing and cautious to the thought were Chen Zhenhan, Ding Wenjiang, etc. It could be seen that the change from the Northern government to the Nanjing government’s economic thinking was actually a process from the laissez-faire, the government assistance to the centralization , nation supreme to rapidly declining.ChapterⅢwas about the thoughts of industrial economics in the period of the War of Resistance against Japan(1937-1945). While the Nanjing Government was engaged in industrial construction in accordance with certain plans and achieved some fruits for industrialized policy, Japan started the“Marco polo Bridge Incident”and a full-scale war of aggression against China. The wars led to the original factories and mines either destroyed by weapons, fallen to Japan’s occupation or internally migrated with the government, most of which were in severe danger. In this grounding, the scholars of Chinese economics, who were full of patriotism, continued to do research on economics in the war-ridden situation. In addition to their theoretical research, they also used the principle of western economics to research China’s domestic economic issues. During this period, the study of Chinese industrial problems focused on three major issues. The first one was about China’s industrial policies, including constructing china as an agricultural or an industrial country, the industrial policies taken by the government, issue about industries state-run or privately-owned, etc. The second one was about the more specific detailed plan in China’s industrialization process. The third one was about the controversy of planned economy and free economy. There were many books full of insights and influence, such as He Lian and Fang Xianting’s The Extent and Impact of China’s Industrialization, Fang Xianting’s Industrialization of China and Rural Industry, Liu Dajun’s Industrialization and China’s Industrial Construction, Gu Chunfan’s View on the Plan of China’s Industrialization and so on.The forth chapter was about the industrial economic thoughts during the later stage of the Nanjing government period (1945-1949). After the War of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945), the Guomintang(KMT) government issue the temporary provisions of import and export trade at Feb 1946 in term of no any preparatory, and stipulated that the ratio of paper currency of KMT to dollar was 2020. As a result of it, the foreign goods swarm into China, and our industrial goods could not compete with them, and the export trade further fall into impasse. In addition that the political situation of China was not stable, the national war broke out right away, the currency continued inflating, the price of goods continued going up, the livelihood of common people was badly off. Under these circumstances, the scholars had further profound thoughts on selecting the economic system, and the cognition on controlled economy、planned economy and free economy was also deepening. For example, the economist Chen Bozhuang thought that, the principle of the industrial system should be direction not speed of development. Zhang Peigang analysed the urgent questions which we must face on the road of industrialization, after inquiring the questions about the definition of industrialization, the relation of industrial development and agricultural reform, the equilibrium of agriculture and industry, and the relation of agricultural country and industrial country in his work Agriculture and Industrialization. In addition, the four famous economists Liu Dajun, Ma Yinchu, He Lian, Fang Xianting, who had received a train of systematic economic theory and method overseas. They all made effort to use advanced theory and method to study and solute economic questions in China, and then scored great successes. We can gain great enlightenment from their thoughts. The four great scholars also directly participate in the governmental policy.Finally,it was the conclusion. Compared with the former time,the industrial economic thoughts research during the Republic of China time had more renewal and modern development and achieved the quite mature situation regarding its time.Not merely its thoughts have the precious historical value as one kind of thought material,but also many thought achievements still have their important theory values today,still have the certain enlightenment significance as the thought model of the contemporary industrial economic thought research as well as the industrial economic activities in many aspects.

【关键词】 民国产业经济思想研究
【Key words】 Republic of ChinaIndustrial Economic ThoughtsStudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F092.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1723

