

【作者】 李可强

【导师】 张振秋;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 生药学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 北豆根为防己科植物蝙蝠葛(Menispermum dauricum DC.)的根茎。其味苦、性寒,归肺、胃、大肠经,具有清热解毒,祛风止痛之功效。用于咽喉肿痛,肠炎痢疾,风湿痹痛。肿节风为金粟兰科植物草珊瑚(Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.)Nakai)的全草。其味苦、辛,性平,归心、肝经。具有清热凉血,活血消斑,祛风通络之功效,用于血热紫斑、紫癜、风湿痹痛、跌打损伤。青叶胆为龙胆科獐牙菜属植物青叶胆(Swertia mileensis T.N.Ho et W.L.Shih)的干燥全草。其味苦、甘,性寒,归肝、胆、膀胱经,具有清肝利胆,清热利湿的功效。用于黄疸尿赤,热淋涩痛。丁香叶系指木犀科植物洋丁香(Syringa vulgaris L.)、朝鲜丁香(Syringa diatata Nakai)或紫丁香(Syringa oblate Lindl.)的干燥叶。其味苦,性寒。具有清热解毒,消炎止痢之功效。冬凌草为唇形科植物碎米桠Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) Hara的干燥叶及地上部分。其味苦、甘、性微寒。具有清热解毒、活血止痛之功效。用于咽喉肿痛,扁桃体炎,虫蛇咬伤。本文共分四个部分。第一部分:北豆根等五味中药中指标性成分的含量测定。采用HPLC法分别对不同收集地的北豆根等五味药材样品进行含量测定。其中分别测定了北豆根中的青藤碱(首次报道)、蝙蝠葛苏林碱(首次报道)、蝙蝠葛碱、粉防己碱(首次报道);肿节风中反丁烯二酸、异嗪皮啶、落新妇苷(首次报道);青叶胆中獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷(首次报道)、獐牙菜苷(首次报道)、齐墩果酸(首次报道);紫丁香叶中原儿茶酸、酪醇(首次报道)、咖啡酸(首次报道);冬凌草中冬凌草甲素、迷迭香酸、咖啡酸(首次报道)。第二部分:HPLC切换波长技术在北豆根等五味中药含量测定中的应用。中药材中多种组分同时存在,且各成分最大紫外吸收波长往往存在差异,这使得传统的HPLC法不能在最适宜的条件下同时对多个成分进行检测。本部分实验建立的HPLC程序切换波长法,可以实现在一次操作中同时高灵敏测定多种成分,可以使通常条件下的多次实验在一次操作中共同完成。本部分运用这种技术,首次分别同时测定了北豆根中青藤碱、蝙蝠葛苏林碱、蝙蝠葛碱、粉防己碱;肿节风中反丁烯二酸、异嗪皮啶、落新妇苷;青叶胆中獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷、獐牙菜苷;丁香叶中原儿茶酸、酪醇;冬凌草中冬凌草甲素和迷迭香酸。并利用SPSS统计软件,将测定结果与传统单一波长法的测定结果进行统计学比较。结果表明,2种方法所测得的结果无显著性差异。第三部分:北豆根等五味中药材的质量评价研究。结合HPLC切换波长法所测得的各指标性成分的含量,提出了北豆根等五味中药材的多指标含量测定标准;并以定义的相对关联度为测度,构建了评价以上五味中药材质量的灰色关联度模式识别模型(首次报道),为中药材的质量控制与综合评价提供了新的、有效的方法。第四部分:结论。本课题对北豆根等五味中药材进行了质量与评价研究,旨在总结规律,为全面提升中药质量标准,为现代新技术在中药质量控制方面的应用提供可借鉴经验。

【Abstract】 Rhizoma Beidougen is rhizome of Menispermum dauricum DC. belonging to Menispermaceae.It is bitter in taste and cold-natured, it attribute to lung meridian ,stomach meridian, and large intestine meridian, it has effects of heat-clearing and detoxicating, wind-dispelling pain-relieving. It used to treatment throat pain, enteritis, rheumatism and arthralgia pain.Sarcandra glabra is entire herb of Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.)Nakai belonging to chloranthaceae. It is bitter, acrid in taste and gentle in nature, it attribute to heart meridian and liver meridian, it has effects of heat-clearing and blood-cooling, blood-activating and removing ecchymosis. It used to treatment blood -heat and purple plague, purpura, rheumatism and arthralgia pain, traumatic injury.Swertia mileensis is entire herb of Swertia mileensis T.N.Ho et W.L.Shi belonging to gentianaceae. It is bitter, sweet in flavor and cold in nature, it attribute to hepatobiliary meridian, which has effects of liver-clearing and cholagogic, heat-clearing and dampness-removing. It used to treatment jaundice and red urine, hot stranguria and pain acerbity.Folium Syringae is leaf of Syrin ga obl ate Lindl. belonging to Oleaceae .It is bitter in flavor and cold in nature. It has effects of heat-clearing and toxicity-removing, antiphlogistic and dysentery -stopping.Rabdosia rubescens is drying leaf and aerial part of Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) Hara belon- ging to Labiatae,which harvested in summer and autumn, dried in the sun. It is bitter and sweet in flavor, gentle in nature. It effects of heat-clearing and toxicity-removing, blood-activating to arrest pain. It used to treatment throat pain, tonsillitis, insect and snake biting.This topic is divided four parts.The first part: Determination of five traditional Chinese medicines such as Rhizoma Beidougen index components. Determination of five traditional Chinese medicines such as Rhizoma Beidougen from different collection places by HPLC. Determination of sinomenine (first report), daurisoline (first report), dauricine and tetrandrine (first report) in Rhizoma Beidougen; Determination of fumaric acid, isofraxidin, astilbin (first report) of Sarcandra glabra; Determination of sweaiamarin, gentiopicroside (first report), sweroside (first report), oleanolicacid (first report) of Swertia mileensis; Determination of protocatechuic acid, tyrosol (first report), caffeic acid (first report) of Folium Syringae; Determination of oridonin, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid (first report) of Rabdosia rubescens.The second part: Application of switching wavelength technology on determination of five traditional Chinese medicines such as Rhizoma Beidougen by HPLC. Because many kinds of components existed in Chinese medicine, each component cannot be detected simultaneously by the sole wavelength detection, enable the major part experiment only to carry on the determination in an analysis to some ingredient. While achieving simultaneous determination of the mult-index components in the highly sensitive by switching wavelength technology of HPLC, which can complete in a joint operation that normally detected under the conditions of several experiments. this part first use this technology to complete simultaneity determination of sinomenine, daurisoline, dauricine and tetrandrinein Rhizoma Beidougen; Determination of fumaric acid, isofraxidin, astilbinof Sarcandra glabra; Determination of sweaiamarin,gentiopicrosidet,sweroside in Swertia mileensis; Determination of protocatechuic acid, tyrosol in Folium Syringae; Determination of oridonin, rosmarinic acid in Rabdosia rubescens.The third part: Quality evaluation research of five traditional Chinese medicines such as Rhizoma Beidougen. We combined determination of each index components of five traditional Chinese medicines such as Rhizoma Beidougen by HPLC, used identify methods of grey recognition pattern recognition method, established recognition model of quality grey recognition pattern above five traditional Chinese medicines (first report), and proposes their determination standards separately. It provided new and effective method for traditional Chinese medicine quality control and synthetic evaluation.The fourth part: Conclusion. This topic has conducted the quality research to five traditional Chinese medicines, innovatively used wave length-switching technology for determination of the traditional Chinese medicine multi-components by HPLC. Use the data-mining technology, according to method of gray relevance analysis pattern, carried on the traditional Chinese medicine quality rating pattern the research, the purpose is to summarize the rule, for comprehensive promote traditional Chinese medicine quality specification, provide the experience for the traditional Chinese medicine quality control’s application of the modern new technology .


