

Studies on Sustainable Precision Control Technology and Development of WEB Database on Dominance Rangeland Glires in Gansu

【作者】 花立民

【导师】 刘荣堂;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从研究甘肃啮齿动物区系组成入手,确认了甘肃啮齿动物的种类组成和地理分布;依据区系调查结果和有关资料,对甘肃省草原区进行了啮齿动物的区划工作;在啮齿动物区系调查和区划工作的基础上,对甘肃乃至青藏高原非常典型的草原优势害鼠—高原鼠兔进行重点研究,提出了划分危害级别的量化指标,经济损害水平及理论防治指标;根据研究危害级别及经济损害水平的结果,开展精确用药控制鼠害的研究工作;另外,根据区系调查结果和查询有关资料,构建甘肃啮齿动物WEB数据库。上述研究内容和成果为高原鼠兔精确性可持续控制方面和实现甘肃啮齿动物资源信息共享奠定了基础,对合理控制草原鼠害以及保护生态环境等方面具有重要意义。通过本研究得到如下主要结论:1.甘肃啮齿动物区系研究1.1迄今,甘肃啮齿类动物应为90种又31个亚种,分隶于46属、13亚科、9科、2目。1.2在啮齿类的两个目中,兔形目含2科、11种,啮齿目含7科79种;仓鼠科、鼠兔科分别是啮齿目和兔形目中最大的科。仓鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、鼠兔科和跳鼠科共计85种,是甘肃啮齿类动物的基本种类成分。1.3在甘肃省的90种啮齿动物中,属于古北界的有60种,占66.7%;属于东洋北界的有17种,占18.9%;广布种13个,占14.4%。2.甘肃草原鼠害区划研究2.1甘肃草原啮齿类动区系由68种组成,占全省啮齿动物总种数的75.6%,其中,大多数种的种群密度不超过经济损害水平,有一定的生态学价值;约有18~26种的种群密度在多数地区几乎经常维持在经济损害水平以上,是不同草原类型的优势种害鼠。2.2以草原啮齿动物区系组成、地带性生物气候和地带性植被为指标将甘肃草原鼠害划分为5个区;以具有一定优势的地带性草原类型,具有代表性鼠类分布型和优势种害鼠为指标,将甘肃草原鼠害划分为13个草原鼠害亚区。3.高原鼠兔危害级别划分3.1评价高原鼠兔危害程度的地上植物量、植被覆盖度、破坏的生草面积、绝对鼠密度和有效洞口数5个因子之间均具有较高的相异性和一定的独立性,不能相互替代,而5项指标的综合评价才是高原鼠兔危害程度的真实反映。3.2经聚类分析,将高原鼠兔的危害程度划分为Ⅰ-轻度危害、Ⅱ-中度危害、Ⅲ-重度危害、Ⅳ-极度危害4个级别。在统计分析的基础上提出了划分危害级别的量化指标。3.3不同指标值在高原鼠兔各危害级别中的排序是:鼠密度(只/hm2):Ⅳ<Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ;有效洞口数(个/hm2):Ⅳ<Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ;破坏的生草面积(m2/hm2)Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ<Ⅳ;植被覆盖度(%):Ⅳ<Ⅲ<Ⅱ<Ⅰ;地上植物量(kg/hm2) :Ⅳ<Ⅲ<Ⅱ<Ⅰ。4.高原鼠兔经济损害水平与理论防治指标研究4.1经实地抽样调查,高原鼠兔种群数量与其危害所造成草原牧草减产量(地上植物)及经济损失量呈正相关关系,相关系数为:r =0.9765;4.2在肃南试验区,核算单位面积防治成本为25.05元/hm2;确认在2008年4月份肃南县大岔乡的高寒草甸和高寒草原,高原鼠兔的经济损害水平是130(个)有效洞口/hm2;5.高原鼠兔可持续精确用药控制研究5.1影响灭洞率的主、次因子顺序是:杀鼠剂﹥用药浓度﹥投饵量﹥饵量种类;5.2对D型肉毒素、C型肉毒素和敌鼠钠盐3种杀鼠剂的L9(34)试验结果证明D型肉毒素的平均灭洞率最高(82.6%)。5.3精确用药最优组合:理想的处理组合是A2B3C2D3,即用0.15%的D型肉毒梭菌生物毒素,以小麦作饵料,每个有效洞口投25粒毒饵有最佳的防治效果。5.4对大隆最优组合是A2B1C1,也就是用0.01%的大隆,以青稞作饵料,每个有效洞口投5g毒饵应当有最佳灭效。5.5对溴敌隆的最优组合是A2B3C3,也就是用0.01%溴敌隆,以小麦作饵料,每个有效洞口投3g毒饵是最佳组合。6.甘肃啮齿动物生态学WEB数据库构建研究根据本论文甘肃啮齿动物区系研究结果,按照数据库设计程序,完成了90种甘肃啮齿动物生态学信息数据库及相关资料的原始数据集、元数据、元数据库和数据字典的建设。采用ASP+SQL、IISWEB、B/S、关系数据库模型、元数据和数据字典等优越的数据库组件构建了甘肃省啮齿动物数据库。该数据库包含有5个模块,分别是文献数据库、物种信息数据库、调查方法数据库、控制数据库和预测预报数据库。初步实现了甘肃啮齿动物生态学信息数据及相关资料在Web数据库上与全球共享的局面。

【Abstract】 This article lucubrate about glires fauna, rodent pest division in grassland area of Gansu, damage degree distinguishability,ecnomoic injury level analysis and accurately control technology for Plateau Pika as well as Web database construction for all glires of Gansu. The study result of this article as below:1. Studies on glires fauna of Gansu Province1.1 Heretofore, there are ninety species and thirty one sub-species of glires are distributed in Gansu Province, which are being subordinated to forty six genuses, thirteen sub-families, nine families, and two orders.1.2 Among two glires orders, Lagomorpha involve two familes and eleven species, Rodentia involve seven familes and seventy nine species. The Cricetidae and Ochotonidae are largest familes of glires in Gansu. The total eighty five species consist of thirty five species of Cricetidae, fifteen species of Muridae, fifteen species of Sciuridae, nine species of Ochotonidae, and eleven species of Dipodidae, which account for 94.4 percent of glires species and make up of the basic glires distribution in Gansu. Among four sub-familes of Cricetidae, Microtiniae has sixteen species and its dominant glires of Cricetidae.1.3 Among ninety species of glires, there are sixty species belong to Palaearctic realm, which account for 66.7 percent of Gansu glires species.there are seventeen species belong to Oriental realm, which account for 18.9 percent of Gansu glires species.The widely-distributed species has thirteen about 14.4 percent.2. Studies on Grassland Glires Pest Division in Gansu Province2.1 There are sixty eight species of rangland glires fauna in Gansu, which account for 75.6 percent of total glires species. Among these species, the population densities of most species are under economic damage degree and there are useful values for ecosystem. the population densities of about eighteen-twenty six species are ablove economic damage degree and dominant glires in different rangland type.2.2 The grassland rodent pests of Gansu province are compartmentalized five regions according to indicators of grassland rodent faunal component, zonation biology climate, zonation vegetation and thirteen subregions according to indicators of preponderant zonation grassland type, representative rodent distribution and dominant rodent species.3 Studies on damage degree for Plateau Pika(Ochotona curzoniae)3.1 There are five indicators of ground biomass, vegetation cover, damaged grassland area, rodent population density and active burrow number existed dissimilarity.The integrated evaluation system based on the five indictors can accurately evaluate harm degree of Plateau Pika.3.2 Through cluster analysis, the harm degree should be dividedⅠ—light harm,Ⅱ—moderate harm,Ⅲ—severe harm,Ⅳ—serious harm. It’s also provided the quantified index for harm degree of Pika based on statistic analysis.3.4 The rank of different indictors on harm degree is: rodent population densityⅣ<Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ, active burrow numberⅣ<Ⅰ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ, damaged grassland areaⅠ<Ⅱ<Ⅲ<Ⅳ,vegetation coverⅣ<Ⅲ<Ⅱ<Ⅰ, ground biomassⅣ<Ⅲ<Ⅱ<Ⅰ.4.Stuies on economic injury level(EIL) and theoretical control standard of Plateau Pika(Ochotona curzoniae)4.1 After investigation in field, there was positive correlation between the population of Pika, biomass loss and economic loss. correlation coefficient: r =0.9765;4.2 In the experiment area, the control cost of per unit area is 25.05 Yuan(RMB)/ hm2. The EIL for Pika had been confirmed 130 active burrow number/ hm2 in Apri.2008 in alpine meadow and grassland of Da Cha village,Sunan.5. Studies on precision control of rodenticides for Plateau Pika(Ochotona curzoniae)5.1The factors ranking of influencing control effect is: rodenticides> rodenticides concentration>bait amount>bait kind;5.2 The optimal testing combination was A2B3C2D3,which means the best control method was using Botulin D(0.15%), wheat as bait and 25 of bait amount in per active burrow.5.4 For Talon, The optimal testing combination was A2B1C1, which means Talon(0.01%), barley as bait and 5g of bait amount in per active burrow.5.5 For Bromadiolone, The optimal testing combination was A2B3C3,which means the best control method was using Bromadiolone (0.01%), wheat as bait and 3g of bait amount in per active burrow.6. Studies on WEB database for ecology information of glires in Gansu ProvinceBased on the study result of Gansu glires fauna of this article, ninety species of glires have been collested into the WEB dataase. Using ASP+SQL, IISWEB,B/S,metadata,data dictionary and so on which are all groupware of database to form the first groupware scheme for the Web database system. By requirement analyzing,concept structure designing,logical structure designing, physical structure designing and database function designing, data model for data,information and related material on ecology information of glires in Gansu Province.The WEB database has included five models, which are literature database, species information database, survey methodology database, control methodology database and forecast database.


