

【作者】 刘兴隆

【导师】 邓中甲;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目的:研究防风在复方中功效发挥方向的影响因素,即配伍、剂量、炮制、剂型、服用法等,初步阐明防风在复方运用中的配伍技巧。方法:以《中华医方精选辞典》为据,收集含防风的方剂1696首。用Excel建立数据表,利用Excel中的筛选工具,采用频数分析的统计方法,对复方中与防风配伍的各药物、防风剂量、炮制方法以及方剂各剂型、各服用法的使用频次进行统计,总结影响防风在复方中功效发挥方向的诸因素。结果:与防风配伍使用前10位的药类依次为:解表药、清热药、补虚药、活血化瘀药、祛风湿药、化痰止咳平喘药、平肝息风药、利水渗湿药、理气药与温里药。用防风祛风解表之功,多与荆芥、羌活、川芎、白芷、细辛等配伍,剂量一般较小,多入汤剂与煮散内服;发挥其胜湿止痛功效,多与乌头、附子、独活、桂枝、当归、川芎等相配,其用量也宜小,多以汤剂或丸剂内服;欲用其止痉功用,多与天麻、天南星、禹白附、全蝎、僵蚕等合用,其剂量也宜小,多以丸剂或煮散内服;发挥其止痒消疮功效,多与当归、荆芥、白芷、生地、连翘等伍用,其剂量可稍大于运用防风的其它功效,且宜用汤剂内服或散剂外用;要用其散肝舒脾功效,常与升麻、柴胡、黄芪、枳壳、白芍等相配,其剂量应小于运用防风的其它诸功用,也宜使用汤剂内服;发挥其明目功效,多与细辛、菊花、黄芩、黄连、蔓荆子、刺蒺藜等合用,其剂量宜小,使用丸剂或汤剂内服。结论:防风在复方中功效发挥受配伍、剂量、剂型、服用法等诸因素综合影响,其中,配伍因素最为重要。防风与解表药相配,多发挥祛风解表功效;与祛风湿药或温里药相伍,多发挥胜湿止痛功效;与祛风化痰药或平肝息风药同用,多发挥止痉功效;与疏散风热药、清热药或养血活血药相配,多发挥止痒消疮功效;与疏风升阳药、补气健脾药合用,多发挥散肝舒脾功效;与疏风明目药或清肝明目药相伍,多发挥明目功效。

【Abstract】 Objective:To research the factors that influence the oriented exertions of Raidix Saposhnikoviae in complex prescriptions such as compatibility laws,dosage,preparation and usage.Clarifying the compatible mechanisms of usual compatible structures between Raidix Saposhnikoviae and other herbs.Primarily elucidating the skills of compatibility when at the time that Raidix Saposhnikoviae is taken to use in complex prescriptions.Methods:1696 pieces of formulae that all respectively contain Raidix Saposhnikoviae were collected according to《Sifting Formula Lexicon of Traditional Chinese Medicine》. Setting up data graphs with EXCEL,using filtrated tools in it,adopting statistic methods of frequency to count the applied frequency that compound prescriptions using with Raidix Saposhnikoviae,dosage of Raidix Saposhnikoviae,ways of processing,kinds of dosage forms and usages.Summing up the factors that influence the oriented exertions of Raidix Saposhnikoviae in complex prescriptions.Results:The foregoing ten kinds of Chinese Medicine that use with Raidix Saposhnikoviae are diaphoretic-natured drug,cold-natured drug,tonic-natured drug, activating blood circulation drugs,rheumatism expelling drug,expectorant and asthma expelling drug,anti-hyperhepatic-yang drugs,diuretics for eliminating dampness,regulating Qi drugs,hot-natured drug.Raidix Saposhnikoviae usually is compatible with Herba Schizonepetae,Rhizomza Seu Radix Notopterygii,Rhizoma Chuanxiong,Radix Angelicae Dahuricae,Herba Asari,et c.when it own it’s effect of expelling evil wind to relieve superficies, it’s better to use a smaller dosage and usually take it in decoction and powder;the effect of eliminating dampness to release pain can be realized by being compatible with monkshood, Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata,Radix Angelicae Pubescentis,Ramulus Cinnamomi,Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Rhizoma Chuanxiong,etc.the dosage is also small and usually take it in decoction and pill;if it need to manifest it’s effect of stopping spasm,and it should be used with Rhizoma Gastrodiae,Rhizoma Arisaematis,Rhizoma Typhonii,Scorpio,Bombyx Batryticatus,etc.in a compound prescription,dosage is small and take it in powder and pill;the effect of relieving itching and slaking sore can be afforded when Raidix Saposhnikoviae use with Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Herba Schizonepetae,Radix Angelicae Dahuricae,Radix Rehmanniae,Fructus Forsythiae,etc. the dosage is somewhat bigger than that of other effects of Raidix Saposhnikoviae,and oral use by decoction,external use by powder;the therapeutic effect of regulating liver and spleen will bring out when use with Rhizoma Cimicifugae,radix bupleuri,Radix Astragali,Fructus Aurantii,Raidix Paeoniae Alba,etc.the dosage is certainly smaller than that of other effects of Raidix Saposhnikoviae,and it’s good to oral use by decoction;the effect of improving eyesight of Raidix Saposhnikoviae can be produced when it is compatible with Herba Asari, Flos Chrysanthemi,Radix Scutellariae,Rhizoma Coptidis,Fructus Viticis,Fructus Tribuli,etc.the dosage will be small and oral use by pill or decoction.Conclusion:The efficacy exertion of Raidix Saposhnikoviae in complex prescriptions is in miscellaneous controlled by such factors that has been dealt with compatible,dosage, processing,dosage form,usage etc.And the most important factor is the compatibility laws. The effect of expelling evil wind to relieve superficies can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with diaphoretic-natured drug.The effect of eliminating dampness to release pain can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with antirheumatic or hot-natured drug.The effect of stopping spasm can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with eliminating wind drug and expectorant or anti-hyperhepatic-yang drugs.The effect of relieving itching and slaking sore can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with dispelling wind and heat drug,cold-natured drug or nourishing blood and hemorheologic agent.The effect of regulating liver and spleen can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with expelling wind and invigorating splenic yang drug,invigorate vital energy and invigorate the spleen drug.The effect of improving eyesight can be realized when Raidix Saposhnikoviae is compatible with expelling wind and downbearing liver heat drug.

【关键词】 防风功效发挥配伍
【Key words】 Raidix Saposhnikoviaeefficacy exertioncompatibility

