

The Influence of the Soviet Union Factor on the Political Conflict between the KMT and the CCP during the New Democraticism Era

【作者】 李延龄

【导师】 栾雪飞;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为基本指导思想,新民主主义时期苏联因素在国共两党政治角力中的影响为研究对象,综合运用了历史学、政治学、经济学、社会学等多学科的理论与研究方法,对新民主主义时期苏联因素对国共两党政治角逐在不同历史时期进行了系统清晰的梳理,和全方位的审视。深刻揭示了苏联因素给予国共两党的政治角力中所产生的积极影响与消极成分,并通过在苏联对华双重政策,及对国共两党平行外交策略系统研究的基础上,揭示苏联因素在国共两党政治角力中影响的历史成因及给予我们的现实启示。论文具体内容如下:绪论:通过对研究现状和文献资料的介绍,从苏联因素在国共两党政治角逐的影响的视角进行探讨,来阐明确立本选题的意义与创新所在,同时系统介绍本选题写作的基本思路和研究方法,并通过国共两党政治角力中苏联因素进行简单的历史回顾,扼要的了解此选题产生的历史成因,并对相关的一些概念予以澄清和界定。本文循着历史发展的脉络,以苏联因素对中国政治的介入,以及其在第一次国共合作中所产生一定的影响为研究内容,正文的第一章即着眼于此。苏联因素从一开始就介入国共两党的政治角逐之中,在20世纪20—30年代对国共两党均产生了重要影响,在其积极援助和推动下,推动国共两党实现了第一次合作,有力地促进了中国革命进程的加快。与此同时,苏联在这一时期也做出一些给中国革命带来消极影响的错误指导,不仅在某种程度上造成中国革命由胜利走向失败的严重后果,而且给国共两党的发展带来深远影响,国共两党政治角力进程由此发生重大变化。正文的第二章、第三章、第四章主要探讨抗战时期苏联的援助及对国共两党的控制与影响,揭示出苏联对国共两党政治角逐进程的影响,其政策形成的基点所在,深刻分析抗战不同时期苏联因素对国共两党影响的不断变化的历史原因。第二章以日本侵华为历史背景,阐述苏联因素在抗战初期对中国革命及两党政治所产生的重要影响,借此苏联对国共两党实现了有效的控制和影响,是国共两党政治角力进程中影响最大的一个时期。第三章、第四章具体分析苏联因素在国共两党的政治角力中的影响,在日苏中立条约签订后其作用逐渐弱化的过程,表明苏联因素在国共两党政治角力中的影响受到外部条件的制约。日苏中立条约及苏德战争的爆发,使以获得国家利益最大化为其外交政策基点的苏联,对华援助减少直至完全终止。在太平洋战争爆发后美国取代苏联成为最主要的援华国家,苏联在中国外交中的地位不断下降,在国共两党政治角力中的作用亦持续弱化,最终降至抗战爆发以来的最低点。直至1944年后,苏联在中国政局上的影响力又逐步增强,重新在国共角力过程中发挥着重要影响。正文第五章着重分析内战爆发后苏联平行外交对国共两党角逐的影响。重点分析苏联对两党采取平行外交政策的原因,以及对国共两党的态度及政治取向。通过对苏联因素在不同历史时期对国共两党角力中所产生的深远影响的研究与分析,以为今天的借鉴,正文的第六章的出发点即在于此。具体分析苏联因素在国共两党角力中积极影响与消极成分,对苏联因素在国共两党政治角力中的实用主义倾向进行深刻的探究与反思,以总结经验教训为现实提供深刻的启示。结语:对新民主主义时期苏联因素在国共两党政治角力中的影响进行总结分析,并给出本文的结论。

【Abstract】 Based on dialectical materialism and historica materialism as a fundamental guiding principle,making the influence of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP in the New democratic era as an object of study,the thesis uses the multi-disciplinary theories and research methods that in history,politics,economics, Sociology and so on to comb and look the influence of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP in different historical periods Systematically and comprehensively.This thesis reveals the positive effects and negative ingredients of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP deeply.Based on the Systematic study of the Dual policy that the Soviet Union to China and the parallel diplomatic strategy that The Soviet Union for the KMT and the CCP,the thesis reveals the historical causes and the real inspiration of the influence of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP.The specific content of the thesis is as follows:Introduction:By Introducing the present situation of the research and the documents,in perspective of the influence of the Soviet Union in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP,the thesis clarifies the significance of topics and the innovation,and analyses the basic thinking and the research mathods. By Reviewing the the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP simply,the thesis discusses the historical causes of the topic,clarifies and defines some related concepts.This thesis follows the thread of historical development,makes the intervention to Chinese politics from the Soviet Union factor and some influences of the Soviet Union in the first KMT-CCP cooperation as the content of the study. The first chapter of the thesis focuses on this.The Soviet Union factor intervened in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP from the first beginning,and made important influence to both the KMT and the CCP in the 1920s and 1930s. By his active assistance and promotion,the Soviet Union made the KMT and the CCP to realize the first cooperation, and promoted the Chinese revolutionary process to speed up vigorously.At the same time, the Soviet Union also made some mislead which made negative impact to the Chinese revolution.This not only caused the serious consequence that the Chinese revolutionary came to failure from victory in some way,but also made far-reaching impact to the development of the KMT and the CCP, the political struggle process between the KMT and the CCP changed significantly from this.Chapter II, Chapter III and Chapter IV of the thesis discuss the aid from the Soviet Union in the Anti-Japanese War and the control and influence to the KMT and the CCP mainly,reveal the influence of the Soviet Union in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP and the basis for the formation of his policies,analyse deeply the historical causes of the changes of the Soviet Union factor’s influence to the KMT and the CCP in different part of the Anti-Japanese War.Chapter II uses the Japanese invasion of China as a background, and elaborates that the influence of the Soviet Union to the Chinese revolution and tow parties politics in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War,and that for this the Soviet Union achieved the effective control and influence to the KMT and the CCP. In this part the author also elaborates that the early days of the Anti-Japanese War is the period of time that the Soviet Union made the greatest impact in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP.Chapter III and Chapter IV analyse specifically the influence of the Soviet Union in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP and the process of the influence weakened gradually after the Su-Japanese Neutrality Pact being signed,which point out that the influence of the Soviet Union in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP was restricted by the external conditions.The Su-Japanese Neutrality Pact and the outbreak of the Soviet-German War made the Soviet Union whoes basic point of foreign policy was to maximize the national interest to reduce and completely end the aid to China.After the outbreak of the Pacific War the United States replaced the Soviet Union to be the most important country to aid China,the status of the Soviet Union in the Chinese diplomacy declined,his role in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP also weakened Continuously,and fell to the lowest point finally since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.After 1944, the influence of the Soviet Union in Chinese political situation gradually enhanced,and played an important role in the struggle between the KMT and the CCP again.Chapter V of the thesis analyses the influence of the parallel diplomacy of the Soviet Union to the struggle between the KMT and the CCP after the outbreak of civil war deeply.This part focuses on the reasons why the Soviet Union made parallel diplomacy to the two parties,and on the attitude and political orientation of the Soviet Union to the KMT and the CCP.By researching and analysing the influence of the Soviet Union in the struggle between the KMT and the CCP in different historical period to benefit for today ,which is the starting point of Chapter Vi of the thesis. By analysing the Positive effects and negative ingredients of the Soviet Union factor specifically,exploring and reflecting the tendency to pragmatism of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP deeply, this part summarizes experiences and lessons to provide the profound revelation for the reality.Conclusion:By summarizing and analysing the influence of the Soviet Union factor in the political struggle between the KMT and the CCP in the New democratic era,this part gives the conclusion of the article.

  • 【分类号】K26;K512.5;D231
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】902
  • 攻读期成果

