

Study on K.M.T and C.C.P’s Social Mobilization during Anti-Japanese War

【作者】 张丽梅

【导师】 栾雪飞;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为基本指导思想,以抗战时期国共两党社会动员为研究对象,综合运用了历史学、政策学、经济学、社会学等多学科的理论与研究方法,对两党社会动员理念、动员目标、动员方式、动员内容及动员效果特点等进行全方位审视,系统揭示国共两党抗战时期社会动员演变的历史轨迹,并对两党动员进行系统全面对比研究基础上,分析其政策与实施的成败经验及现实启示。论文具体内容如下:导论:通过对研究现状和文献资料的介绍,以及对抗战时期国共两党社会动员的比较研究的视角进行探讨的理论意义与实践价值,阐明确立本选题的原因,同时介绍本选题写作的基本思路和研究方法。“社会动员,是指有目的的引导社会成员积极参与重大社会活动的过程。”抗战时期国共两党能否有效进行民众的社会动员,成为取得抗战最后胜利的关键因素,而正确的理念是行动的起点和出发点,也是行动的准则,有正确的理念指导才能使行动取得良好的效果。本文的第一章即着眼于此,旨在阐释国共两党社会动员的指导思想并深刻剖析其异同,是研究国共两党社会动员产生最终效果的关键所在。对两党动员目标及动员方式及内容的具体实践过程进行审视,是研究国共两党社会动员问题的重要内容,本文第二章、第三章及第四章的内容即侧重于此。一方面通过梳理两党对动员目标、方式及内容方面的具体政策与实施过程的考察,形成一个系统清晰的发展脉络;另一方面,通过两党在动员目标、方式及内容等方面所表现出来的巨大差异的比较研究,深刻解析形成巨大差异的历史成因。对国共两党社会动员的效果及特点进行比较研究,总结两党在社会动员上的成败经验与教训,以为今天的借鉴,正文第五章的出发点即在于此。具体分析中共的成功经验和国民党的失败教训,以及由两党成败带来的深刻启示。结语:对抗战时期国共两党社会动员比较研究给予全面总结分析,并给出本文的结论。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the guiding principle of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,regarding the social mobilization between K.M.T and C.C.P as the subject during Anti-Japanese War, using the theories and researching methods of history, science policy and sociology in the paper, the subject surveyed the ideas, target, pattern, content and effect of K.M.T and C.C.P’s mobilization, and showed the developing track of two parties’social mobilization during Anti-Japanese War. The thesis simultaneously analyzed the attribution of success and failure of its policy and execution by comparing and studying systematically the mobilization of the two parties.The following is in detail:Introduction: with the help of introduction of current research and original materials, and the theoretical significance and practical value of comparative research of K.M.T and C.C.P’s social mobilization during Anti-Japanese War, the author made clear the cause of setting this subject, and introduced the basic vision of writing and research method.Social mobilization is the process of social members being led to join actively social major activity with purpose. It became the key element for the victory of KangZhan whether K.M.T and C.C.P mobilized the public efficiently. The right way of mobilization was the starting point of the action which was the principle of the action. A right idea could lead to a good effect. The first chapter of the thesis was clarified the guiding principle of two parties’social mobilization and the differences of their methods, which was the key of studying the final effect of the two parties’social mobilization.Chapter II, Chapter III and Chapter Four stated primarily the detailed practicing process of the mobilizing target, pattern and content, which is the important part of studying K.M.T and C.C.P’s social mobilization. On one hand, a systematical developing line can be sought out clearly by organizing the detailed policy and practicing process of the two parties’mobilization target, pattern and content. On the other hand, with the comparative study of the great differences of the two parties on the mobilization target, pattern and content, a deep analysis of the historic causes can be drawn.Chapter Five presented the comparative research of the effect and character of K.M.T and C.C.P’s social mobilization, and the conclusion of the experience of its success and failure, which can be used for today’s reference. People may be enlightened by analyzing C.C.P’s successful experience and K.M.T’s failure.Conclusion: It made a thorough and general summary about the comparative study on K.M.T and C.C.P’s social mobilization during Anti-Japanese War in this part, made a conclusion to the whole thesis as well.


