

The Study of the Buddhism Policy during Qianlong Regime in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘庆宇

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 清乾隆朝佛教政策层出不穷,纷杂多变,在清代二百多年的统治历史中显得格外特殊,对这一时期的佛教政策进行系统的研究当具有一定的学术价值和现实意义。本文对乾隆朝佛教政策从提出到实施、修改、废弛、取消的全过程进行了全面细致的爬梳,在理清其内在发展脉络的基础上,探究其政策制定的原因,剖析其政策实施的影响,并试图从佛教的角度去理解认识十八世纪的中国社会.全文共分绪论、正文、结论三大部分,正文部分共四章,其中第二和第三章是本文的重点部分,第五章是本文的结论部分。第一章,乾隆朝所处的历史背景。在展开对佛教政策的研究前,从宏观的角度对乾隆朝的政治、经济、文化作一简要的概括,以了解其产生、演变所对应的历史环境。第二章,乾隆朝的佛教政策。乾隆帝即位伊始,便推出了一系列的佛教政策,包括管束宫廷僧人、禁止擅造寺观庙宇及加强对僧尼女冠的禁约等,而其核心内容,则是以恢复度牒制度为基础的“佛道新政”,包括督抚奏报僧道制度、造送僧道四柱清册制度等,这一系列新政延宕三四十年,投入成本巨大,取得成果有限,最终全部废弛。这个发展变化的过程及其中的重要转折节点是本章考察的重点。第三章,乾隆朝佛教政策制定的原因。本章从历史影响、少年印象和即位后对佛教的再认识三个方面展开研究。认为乾隆之前清代各朝的佛教政策对乾隆帝政策的制定具有深远影响,而其中又以雍正朝政策为最;时隔久远的历史经验之外,乾隆帝少年时代的佛教体验,他对佛教的观感与态度是影响其政策制定的第二个方面,笔者主要利用乾隆帝少年时代的诗文集《乐善堂全集》对其进行了考察;与少年时代得到的偏于理想主义的佛教经验不同,即位后的乾隆帝逐渐认识到不容乐观的佛教现实,而这种观察随后直接影响到了乾隆朝佛教政策的修正乃至废弛,笔者在此主要运用了乾隆帝《御制诗集》中的诗文作为史料进行研究。第四章,乾隆朝佛教政策的影响。本章从笔记、小说、文集乃至法律案例入手,考察乾隆朝时期的佛教现实,并分析其与乾隆朝佛教政策间的因果关系,认为两者间互为因果,虽然乾隆朝佛教政策目的积极、立意良好,但由于方法简单、执行无力,最终难免失败,从历史的角度对政策进行客观的评价。第五章,对清代佛教衰落说的重新评估,是全文的总结。针对学界普遍认同的清代佛教整体衰落之说进行反思,认为不能笼统一言以蔽之,在对佛教划分出不同层次之后,我们会发现,清代以僧侣为主体的传统佛教确实是衰落了,榷木邮糠鸾坛晌缁嵝碌乃枷胱试?而民众佛教则以种种不同面貌蓬勃发展,逐渐融入中国人的文化生活之中。

【Abstract】 During Qianlong regime, Buddhism policies were intricate and changed usually, which makes it especially unusual for this period of two hundred years of the Qing Dynasty, the study of the Buddhism policy during Qianlong regime in the Qing Dynasty should be valuable in academic and practical significance. In this paper, the entire process of Buddhism policy was arranged, on the basis of clear context of its internal development policy, to analyze the implementation of the policy , And trying to understand the Chinese community of the eighteenth century from the visual angle of the Buddhism.The full text is divided into three: introduction, the body, conclusions, part of the body of a total of four chapters, of which the second and third chapter is the focus of this article, the fifth chapter is part of the conclusion of this article.The first chapter is the historical background of Qianlong. Before commencing on the policy of Buddhism Studies, from a macro point of view of the Qianlong’s political, economic and cultural make a brief summary to find out how they produce, corresponding to the history of the evolution of the environment.The second chapter, the Buddhism policy during Qianlong regime. At the beginning of the Qianlong Emperor ascended the throne, will launch a series of Buddhism policies, including control the Royal court monks, prohibit the monks private building of the temple and ban some of the female to be the nun, and so on, while the core content, which was called "the Buddhism New policy " including to restore the system of Dudie which means the identification and exempt, the system of the official report the number of the monk, building inventory to send monk four-post system, this series of the New policy delayed three to four decades, to pay a huge cost, with limited results, all of breakdowns in the final. The changes in the development process and an important node in this chapter is the focus of study.The third chapter, the reason of the Buddhism policy during Qianlong regime. This chapter is including three aspects: the impact of the history, the impression of Buddhism in Qianlong’s youth and the further understanding of the Buddhism after the enthronement, the conventional Buddhism policy of Qing Dynasty, especially the policy of Yongzheng, impacted Qianlong’s policy-making; besides the history experience, the Buddhism experience in the youth , his Buddhism’s perception and attitudes affected the policy either, this part is to carry out the study primarily through the youth poetry collection of Qianlong, "乐善堂全集," the Buddhism experience of youth tended to be the idealism, when Emperor Qianlong growing up ,he recognize the gloomy reality of the Buddhism gradually, his judgment of the reality influenced his policy to a better or a worse aspect. This part is studied primarily through the poetry collection of Qianlong, "御制诗集"ChapterⅣ, the influence of the Buddhism policies during Qianlong regime. From the essays, novels, and even the Collected Works of cases, study the reality of Buddhism, and to analyze its policies and Buddhism between cause and effect relationship, the policy had a good goal, but it’s simple and hard to be implemented, so the fail of the policy was inevitably.ChapterⅤ, the decline of the Qing Dynasty Buddhism, is the summary of the full text. For scholars generally agree that the overall decline of the Qing Dynasty Buddhism said to reflect that there must not be a word in Buddhism into a different level, we find that the Qing Dynasty to the monks as the main body of the traditional Buddhism is indeed a decline of the Instead, the Buddhism lay new ideas of social resources, and Buddhism are all sorts of different people in the face of vigorous development, the gradual integration of China’s cultural life.

  • 【分类号】K249;B949.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】703

