

A Study of Manchu Shamanism in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 姜小莉

【导师】 刘厚生;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 满族萨满教一直是萨满教研究领域的重要课题,清代更是满族萨满教特殊而重要的发展时期。不过以往研究多以民族学和人类学角度占据主流,历史学角度的研究则凤毛麟角,人们更多地关注当代残存的活态萨满教,目前尚没有对清代满族萨满教的体系化研究。本文立足于历史学的角度,综合运用多学科的理论与方法,探讨满族萨满教在清代的演变,总结演变规律,分析萨满教对满族群体乃至清代社会的影响,全面揭示清代满族萨满教的真实面貌,相信这一探索无论在萨满教还是清史领域都将具有一定的开拓性意义。本文共由四章构成。第一章为满族萨满教的原始形态及其历史演变。目的在于分析清代满族萨满教的历史背景。在原始形态方面,以“宗教四要素”理论为指导,从信仰观念、情感体验、宗教活动、信仰组织和神职人员四个方面解构了满族萨满教的原始形态,同时也为满族萨满教构建起一个完整的体系,为后文研究确定可供比较的基础。在历史演变方面,根据恩格斯的宗教发展理论,将萨满教分作氏族——部落和民族——国家两个阶段,逐一考察肃慎、挹娄、勿吉、靺鞨、女真以及入关前的女真——满洲等各时期的萨满教及其演变特点,并总结了历史演变的规律,为后文的研究作了必要的理论铺垫。第二章为清代宫廷的萨满教。这是以往研究比较丰富的部分,不过本文力图广泛搜求史料,进一步挖掘深层内涵。在梳理宫廷萨满教的形成过程时,注意分析萨满教的规范与时政形势的关系。在宫廷萨满教的内容方面,以要素解析的方法,对宫廷萨满教的信仰范围、萨满、神灵、祭祀活动、祭祀仪式和神辞逐一分析特点,兼与原始形态及民间萨满教进行比较,揭示了宫廷萨满教的规范化与传统化并行,以及衰落的本质。最后,探讨萨满教对宫廷生活的影响,分别从政治生活、经济生活、文化生活三方面进行阐释,体现了萨满教在宫廷生活中的重要地位。第三章为清代满族民间的萨满教。这是以往研究中的薄弱环节,也是本文的难点所在。为了透视本质,本文舍弃了对现象的泛泛描述,直接切入民间萨满教的形态分化和地区分化两大问题,深入解析分化的原因,继而总结出清代萨满教走向衰落的总体趋势,并结合清代满族的变迁探讨了衰落的根本原因,揭示出萨满教的衰落是满族社会发展的必然结果。另外,本章仍另立一节探讨萨满教与清代满族民间生活的关系,一方面分析萨满教在清代满族民间持久延续的原因,另一方面也阐释了萨满教在满族民众的经济生活、文化生活中的地位与影响。第四章为满族萨满教与清代社会。研究至此,本文试图跳出民族的界限,在更开阔的空间中考察萨满教的影响力。当然其间的关系应是千丝万缕的,本文选择了萨满教与清代满族的民族认同、萨满教与清代宗教、萨满教与东北民间信仰三对关系加以讨论,其中有萨满教主动施加影响,也有萨满教被动接受影响,呈现出萨满教与清代社会的互动关系,从而丰富了对满族萨满教在清代社会的影响与地位的整体认知和评估。

【Abstract】 Manchu shamanism has been an important subject in the area of Shamonology. And it’s the Qing dynasty which was a more special and important period for the development of Manchu Shamanism. However, the previous research always focuses on the ethnology and anthropology, while the historical research was very few. More attention is paid only to the remaining states of Shamanism. There’s still not a systematic study on the Manchu shamanism of Qing dynasty. On the basis of using multi-disciplinary theories and methods comprehensively, this article, starting from a historical perspective, will explore the evolution of Manchu shamanism of the Qing dynasty, making a conclusion of its evolutionary law. Furthermore, it also analyzed the influence of shamanism upon the Manchu groups, as well as the whole society of Qing dynasty. Though these, a real situation of the Manchu shamanism during the Qing dynasty will be vividly pictured. I assume that this research will have some ground-breaking significance both for the area of Shamonology and the history of the Qing dynasty.This article is composed of four chapters.Chapter one is about the original situation of Manchu shamanism and its historical evolution, which aims to analyze the historical background of the Manchu shamanism of the Qing dynasty. Basing on the theory of "Four Elements in Religion", the original states of Manchu shamanism were deconstructed from four aspects- concept, emotional experiences, activities, organization and clergy. As well, a complete system of the Manchu shamanism was constructed in order to provide a comparative basis for later study. Furthermore, according to Engels’s theory about the development of religion, the evolution process of Manchu shamanism was studied by divided into two stages as clan-tribal and national-state. And every period was analyzed one by one, such as Su Shen, Yi Lou. Wu Ji. Mo He, Nv Zhen, and the Nv Zhen-Manchuria during pre-entry. Finally, the law of the evolution process was concluded as a theoretical foundation for later research.Chapter two is about the shamanism in Qing court. Although this orientation has been widely studied, more materials had been searched in this article into get a deeper implication. When cleaning out the forming process of Qing court shamanism, more attention is paid to the relationship between Shamanism and the political situation. On the content of shamanism, it analyzed the scope, shaman, the gods, the activities, the rites and the prayer words in Qing court shamanism. At the same time, after comparing to the original form and civil form, it revealed that the standardization and traditional had paralleled in court shamanism, and the shamanism had embarked on the path of decline. Finally, the influence of Shamanism upon court life has been discussed from political life, economic life and cultural life, from which the significant position of Shamanism in the court life has been obviously demonstrated.Chapter three is about the Manchu civil Shamanism during the Qing dynasty. This subject is a very weak part in the past research, and also a difficult point lied in this article. In order to perspective the nature of civil Shamanism, we give up the works of describing the phenomena, but analyze directly the two major problems which are the differentiation of every form and every district. Also the reason has been analyzed. Then the trend of decline has been revealed. And we explored the root causes to decline and found that it’s an inevitable result of social development. In addition, the influence has been explored that shamanism had made upon the Manchu civil life in this section. On the one hand, the reason has been studied why shamanism last so long in Manchu groups. On the other hand, the important position and influence of shamanism in the Manchu people’s economic life and culture life has been interpreted.Chapter four is about the relationship between Manchu shamanism and society of the Qing dynasty. Research on this point, this article will try to break the national boundaries to study the influence of shamanism in a more open space. The relationship involving is surely intricate, and this article chose three relations- Shamanism with the national identity of the Manchus during Qing dynasty, shamanism with other religions and shamanism with folk beliefs in Northeast. Among them, shamanism had not only take the initiative to influence, but also been affected by others. From the discussion, interactive relationship will be shown, which will enrich the whole cognition and evaluation of the influence and situation of Manchu Shamanism during the Qing dynasty.

【关键词】 清代满族萨满教
【Key words】 the Qing DynastyManchuShamanism

