

The Study of the Social Construction Thought by the Members of the Chinese Sociology Community (1928-1937)

【作者】 李爽

【导师】 程舒伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪二三十年代,知识界围绕中国社会的发展道路展开了全面的研究和激烈的讨论,并以此为中心掀起了一系列社会建设的实践活动,如乡村建设运动,民众教育运动,社会调查运动,民主宪政运动等。中国社会学社成员作为知识分子群体中的一份子,也参与了这些研究和实践活动。1928年9月,上海、南京等地社会学教授成立了联络东南各省社会学者共同研究的社会学专门组织,后定名为东南社会学会。该学会就是中国社会学社的前身。1930年2月8日,地区性的东南社会学会改组为全国性的中国社会学社。学社以运用科学方法研究社会学理和社会问题为宗旨。学社成员包括上海、南京、北京、广州、厦门等地的社会学学者,和一些从事社会工作,社会研究的人员和学生,主要代表人物有孙本文、陶孟和、许仕廉、吴景超、吴泽霖、杨开道、潘光旦、陈序经等。与其他派别的知识分子相比,中国社会学社成员有以下特征:其一,学社成员以社会学研究者为主,他们的学术基础是西方社会学理论;其二,学社成员关注中国的基层社会,他们提倡自下而上的改良,并认为社会改良的根本和核心在于基层社会的组织建设和普通民众素质的提高;其三,学社成员研究广泛,他们几乎参与了二三十年代关于中国社会问题讨论的各个方面。在二三十年代的乡村建设运动,教育救国运动,建立社会保障制度,民主政治建设以及文化依归等重大问题中,学社成员都是直接参与者。中国社会学社成员参与社会建设的过程是改良主义知识分子群体参与社会建设的一个缩影。他们的思想代表了改良主义知识分子的大部分共性和作为社会学学者的独特个性。本文围绕1928-1937年间中国社会学社成员对社会建设提出的主张和建议展开研究,探讨他们思想的来源与根据,分析他们建议的内涵与可行性,并对他们社会建设思想的价值和影响进行评价。全文共有五章。第一章是中国社会学社成员的农村建设思想。农村问题是中国社会学社成员最为关注的社会问题之一。二十世纪二三十年代,学社成员围绕农村建设开展了不同形式的研究和讨论。李景汉、乔启明等人置身于农村社会生活情况和农佃关系的调查中;杨开道从中国古代乡约中寻找基层农村组织建设的理论依据;吴景超等人主张以发展工业来救济农村。在乡村建设的问题上,学社成员中的“以农立国”派和“以工立国”派还产生了意见的分歧。他们互相之间的争论与探讨加深了思想文化界对中国农村的认知。第二章是中国社会学社成员的教育思想。学社成员的教育研究围绕教育的大众化和社会化展开。让教育贴近社会现实,让普通民众接受教育是他们进行研究和实践的目标。中国社会学社成员在教育领域中的研究各有侧重。陶孟和注重教育与社会要素的理论研究,俞庆棠注重民众教育的实践,陈序经注重教育的现代化研究。他们都关注教育与社会发展的关系,希望从社会变迁和社会环境中总结教育发展的方向。第三章是中国社会学社成员的劳工保障研究。劳工保障是二十世纪二三十年代中国社会学社成员劳工研究中的重要问题,也是研究的核心内容。与以往社会保障的研究侧重救济不同,学社成员开始谋求有组织、有法规、预防性的现代社会保障制度。陈达等人对劳工组织、劳工福利、劳工保险、劳工立法提出的意见和主张为中国建立现代化的劳工保障制度提供了参考意见。第四章是中国社会学社成员的政治主张。学社成员向往西方的民主政治,认为民主不但包括政治的民主,也包括经济的民主和社会的民主。他们不满国民党的一党专政,也不认同马克思主义的阶级理论。他们认为民主发展的过程是曲折而漫长的,就二十世纪二三十年代的社会情况看,中国还不是一个民主的国家,知识分子的工作就是培养民主的社会基础。学社建立之初,曾明确表达过只做研究不问政治的意思,但是,学社成员对中国改良的研究却始终都围绕着他们的民主政治理想而展开。第五章是对中国社会学社成员社会建设思想的比较研究和评价。学社成员的思想来源于五四时期传入中国的社会思潮,和西方社会学理论。作为改良主义知识分子群体的一部分,学社成员与马克思主义者,文化保守主义者,以及自由主义知识分子的思想有所差别,这些不同点不但是学社成员思想的重要方面,也是其他派别知识分子的思想精华。总体看来,中国社会学社成员的社会建设思想是当时社会学学者对中国社会问题最具代表性和影响力的研究成果。学社成员的建议是对社会现象与社会本质的深层次思考,反映了当时社会基层存在的重要问题。学社在学术界,社会上,政府中都有一定的影响力。今天我们回看二十世纪二三十年代中国社会学社成员的社会建设思想时,发现他们关注的社会问题,有一些仍旧存在。中国社会学社成员对改良路线和“改良主义”的追求已经被时代证明不是中国复兴的方式,但他们对于社会问题和社会建设提出的改良的办法却可以被用于今天的社会建设中。

【Abstract】 Intellectuals launched a deep research and intense discussion around the issue of China’s development road in the 1920s and 1930s.They also carried out a series of practical activities about society construct, such as the rural construction movement, the mass education campaign, the social investigation movement, the democratic constitutional government movement and so on. The members of Chinese Sociology Community as a part of intellectuals participated in these researches and practical activities.Professors of sociology in Shanghai and Nanjing set up a sociological specialized organization named South East Sociology Institute in order to connect all the sociology scholars in the southeast in September 1928. This organization was the forerunner of the Chinese Sociology Community. The South East Sociology Institute expanded into the Chinese Sociology Community in February 8, 1930. The Chinese Sociology Community’s purpose was to study the theory of sociology and social issues. The members included sociology scholars, social workers, sociology researchers and students in Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen and other places. The main members were Sun Benwen, Tao Menghe, Xu Shilian, Wu Jingchao, Wu Zelin, Yang Kaidao, Pan Guangdan, Chen Xujing, etc.Compared to the other kinds of intellectuals, the members of the Chinese Sociology Community have the following characteristics. First, the members are sociology scholars. Their theory is based on the western sociology. Second, the members concern about China’s basic society, they advocate improvement from bottom to top. They realized that the basic society’s organization construction and grass-roots’education is the core of social improvement. Finally, the members research widely. They participated in each aspect of Chinese society issues discussion nearly in the 1920s and 1930s, such as the rural construction movement, saving the nation through education movement, social security systems construction, democracy construction, cultural issues. The members of the Chinese Sociology Community participate in the society constructs process is also the reformism intellectuals participate in the society constructs process. They displayed these intellectual’s majority of general characters and the social scholar’s unique individuality.This article is a study of the social construction thought by the members of the Chinese sociology community. It investigates the source of their thought, analyzes their proposals’connotation and feasibility, and then appraises the value and the influence.The article has five chapters.The first chapter is the rural construction thought of the members of the Chinese Sociology Community. The rural issue is one of the most concerned social issues of them. They carried out various forms of research and discussion. Li Jinghan and Qiao Qiming investigated rural living conditions and the relationship between landlord and tenant. Yang Kaidao looked for the basis of rural organization from Chinese traditional village agreement. Wu Jingchao set forth that it is the only method to help agriculture by developing industry. When they talked about the issue of the rural construction, there were two difference ideas. One is“taking agriculture as country’s base”, the other is“taking industry as country’s base”. The discussion allowed intellectuals to deepen their understanding of Chinese rural society.The second chapter is the education thought of the members of the Chinese Sociology Community. The object of their researches and practices is to let the education draw close to social reality, and allow the ordinary populace to accept the education. The members had different angles in education researches. Tao Menghe emphasized on education and social essential factors. Yu Qingtang paid great attention to mass education practice. Chen Xujing focused the attention on the modernization of education research. They all realized that the relationship between education and society is importance, and hope they can find modern education development direction from social change and social environment.The third chapter is the labor social security thought of the members of the Chinese Sociology Community. Labor social security is an important aspect and central content in members’labor issue research in the 1920s and 1930s. With formerly studied differently, they start to seek establish modern social security system. The plan and proposal which included labor organization, labor welfare, labor insurance, labor legislation, put forward by Chen Da et al., provided ideas for Chinese modern labor social security system.The forth chapter is the political opinion of the members of the Chinese Sociology Community. The members yearned for democracy, and considered that democracy should be included by political democracy, economic democracy, and social democracy. They were dissatisfied with dictatorship of the National Government, and also didn’t accept Marxism. They thought that the development’s process of democracy is tortuous and long. China had not become the democratic country in the 1920s and 1930s. Raising the democracy’s basis is intellectuals’duty. At the beginning of establishment, the Chinese Sociology Community has clearly expressed that the Community only research, but does not care about politics. However, there is relation between the members’researches and their political view all the time.The last chapter is related comments on the social construction thought of the members of the Chinese Sociology Community. The members’thought originates in the new social thought in May the Forth movement period, and the modern sociology theory. As a part of reformism intellectuals, the members’thought has great difference with Marxism intellectuals, Culture Conservatism and Liberalism intellectuals. These differences were not only the members’important thought, but also the other intellectuals’essential thought.Generally speaking, the social construction thought of the members is the most representative and influential achievement to Chinese social issues at that time. The improvement suggestions that the members’deeply think about the social phenomenon and the social essence reflect some important issues of Chinese grass-roots society. The Chinese Sociology Community has influence to a certain extent in the academic field, society, and government. Today, we can find some issues that the members care about still exist now. The times already proved reformism dream is not suitable for China’s development, but their improved methods still can be used in today’s Chinese social construction.

  • 【分类号】C91-092;K263
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】945
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