

Study on the East Frontier’s Ethnic Relations in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘智文

【导师】 刘厚生;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以朝鲜族为中心,论述了朝鲜垦民自清代迁入中国境内以来,在东疆的核心地带,即今吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州、长白朝鲜族自治县,与汉、满等民族相处,其间民族关系形成、发展、巩固的演变过程;通过东疆民族关系演变研究,揭示了朝鲜垦民由难民、移民身份迁入中国后,其国民意识和社会地位的历史渐变过程及内外因。从而对朝鲜族成为中华民族一员的判定标准,及边疆跨界民族地区的稳定问题提出了新观点。清代东疆真正意义上民族关系的出现,始于东北释禁后汉、满、朝等民族对东疆的开发。在清朝200余年对东北封禁时期,东疆是禁中之禁,只有少数八旗官兵和原住民库雅拉人驻防,民族成分单一。长期的地旷人稀、边防空虚给19世纪中叶后的边疆危机留下了隐患,同时也给汉、朝流民移入提供了广阔的生存空间。伴随着汉、朝流民的到来,东疆民族关系开始有了实质的含义。表现为两个内容:一是清廷对朝鲜越境垦民的收纳安置,使其中国化;二是汉满朝民族关系的初步形成。朝鲜族迁入后,东疆民族关系的形成,是在中朝宗藩关系大背景下产生的。这一背景下的关系特点是:既有清廷对属国臣民的优抚体恤,汉、满族民间的宽容收纳,又有“天朝上国”对“小邦之民”的轻视;经济上既有剥削雇佣关系,又有互补与相互依赖。部分垦民“薙发易服、领照纳租”,仅仅是出于生计上的考虑,并非对清朝“倾心向化”。但是他们在开发边疆中起到的重要作用,特别是他们所拥有的水稻耕作技术,使得他们在这块沃土扎下了根,也因此而培植、强化了他们的主人翁心态,这也是其日后国民意识形成的一个重要心理基础,是中国接纳其成为国民的重要依据之一。“薙发易服”和对朝鲜垦民的“轻视”,一定程度阻碍了朝鲜垦民对清朝的认同程度和国民意识的形成进程。“间岛问题”促使朝鲜垦民中国认同意识萌发。当时,朝鲜族身处“夹缝”,自身的法律地位、经济利益和生存环境持续恶化。部分上层有识之士开始认识到“间岛”与中国的关系,朝鲜垦民与中国的利害关系,并将两者联系起来思考问题。他们对中国的心态开始由客居“上国”的外来者、旁观者、局外人而开始微妙变化。朝鲜族中的一些社会组织和进步人士采取了各种办法反对日本帝国入侵“间岛”,恳求清朝政府抵制日本入侵,保护垦民,掀起了自愿“薙发入籍”的运动。1910年,“日韩合并”,不甘心被日本人统治“保护”的朝鲜垦民也加快了其“中国化”的步伐,“薙发入籍”的人数迅速增加。但“间岛问题”后的入籍则不同于最初单纯为了获得土地所有权非自愿的入籍,而是为了摆脱日本灭亡朝鲜后的欺辱与剥削压迫,寻求中国真正保护的“自愿入籍”。可以说近代日本的殖民侵略扩张,是催发这个外来民族对第二故乡——中国,这个居住国国家认同意识萌生的原因之一。东疆民族关系的巩固与朝鲜族同各民族共同的反帝反封建斗争密不可分。朝鲜族由一个外来民族成为中国的国民、一个最年轻的少数民族有一个历史渐变过程,即与中华民族双向认同的过程。实现这个过程中的重要一环就是和中国各民族共同进行的反帝反封建的斗争。共同的斗争经历使彼此结成了密不可分的血肉联系,增进了相互了解与认同,增强并巩固了民族关系;朝鲜族用巨大的民族牺牲赢得了他民族的接纳、赞赏与尊重,为成为中国国民赢得了当之无愧的资格。在东疆民族关系的发展过程中,中朝文化的渊源关系、文化同质性、移民文化的特性、朝鲜族的文化素质也起着重要作用。文化共性越多,彼此认同度就越高,凝聚力就越强,民族关系自然就和谐。中朝间历史上的特殊宗藩关系,同质性文化背景,再加上东疆开发移民实边时期,朝汉民族相似的逃难求生经历和移民身份,以及此后朝鲜灭亡、中国东北沦陷,国破家亡的共同经历,使中朝两个民族容易产生共鸣、共识,从而相互支持帮助。所以朝鲜族迁入中国东北后能站住脚,并很快融入中华民族大家庭之中。民族政策对民族关系的影响最直接有效。民族关系状况既取决于民族间的认同程度,也取决于民族与国家间的双向认同程度。国民意识强,国家认同程度高的民族自然忠诚于自己的国家,与国内其他民族的关系往往也是良性的。而国家与少数民族之间的认同关系往往从政策中得到直接体现。朝鲜族国家认同意识的产生和深化与政策有重要的关系。总之,今天东疆民族关系和谐现状的形成,非一日之工,具有深厚的历史渊源,是历史、文化、政策等综合因素合力而成。

【Abstract】 Focused on the Chinese korean, the paper fully elaborates the whole process from formation, development to enforcement among the Chinese korean, Han and man nations since the Qing dynasty when the Korea minority migrated to the eastern boundary of China. Through the study of relations among different nations, the paper reveals the reasons for the transition of citizen consciousness, status and social positions since they migrated and settled down in China. Therefore, the paper points out the new perspective to the problems of stability in the regions where the minorities live and the judging standard to which Korean become Chinese.The real ethnic relations in Qing Dynasty dates back to the period when the Han, man and Chinese korean together explored the northeast of China. Qing government implemented the policy of forbidding the entry of other nations especially in eastern boundary and only a small number of Baqi soldiers and native kuyala were allowed to station there. The shortage of boundary soldiers defense and the low density of population in broad land, caused the hidden danger in the boundary in mid-late 19th century. At the same time, it also provided the great opportunity for the immigration of Han and Chinese korean. The ethnic relations in the area began to have a great significance after the nations immigration for one thing, Qing government accepted the Koreans and recognized the status of being Chinese citizen. For another, the relations among the Han, man and Korean began to form.The original relation among nations in eastern boundary was set in the relations of two countries (China and Korea), Qing government admitted the subjects from Korea, on contrary, and they despised the subjects from the small country. Han people employed and exploited Koreans and Koreans eventually accepted some of the cultures and rules of China in order to make a living. Korea people played a very significant role in exploring the land; especially they grasped the skills of cultivating rice. The skill made them settle down in the land, and become Chinese people. This also lays the foundation for the formation of their citizen conciseness and the essential proof of being admitted. The Korean people were forced to have their hair cut and change the clothes, even being despised by Chinese. To some extent, this prevented the Koreans from recognizing Qing government and forming the citizen consciousness. The“Jiandao issue”promoted the consciousness and the ethnic relations step into a new stage.“Jiandao issue”stimulated the germination of Korean recognition of China, also promote the development between nations. The Koreans suffered from the continuous deterioration in the social position, economic benefits and environments. Therefore, some of upper classes began to realize the relations between China and Korean, also considered themselves to be Chinese rather than foreigners. At that time, some organization took actions to protest the invasion of Japan, request qing government to withstand the Japan, and protected the country. And they were willing to have hair cut and attend Chinese nationality. In 1910, Japan governed Korea and combined into one country, so the Koreans fasten themselves to become Chinese. Therefore, the colonial aggression of Japan is one of the causes of germination of Korean recognition consciousness China.The enforcement of ethnic relation in eastern boundary has close connection with the fight with imperialism and feudalism. The Korean experienced a gradual process to become the youngest minority of China. The most significant factor to realize the process is that all nations in China together fought against imperialism and feudalism. The fight strengthened the friendship and relation of nations. Korean sacrificed themselves to win Chinese admission, praise and respect, and qualified for being Chinese.The cultures of China and Korea in the development of ethnic relations also play a key role. Two countries shared common cultures, making the harmonious relations and the strong unity and recognition consciousness. The policy on ethnics also has influenced the ethnic relations directly and effectively. The ethnic relations mainly depend on recognition between ethnics and country. The ethnic with high citizen consciousness is loyal to the country. The policy on ethnics demonstrates the degree of recognition between country and minorities. The Korean recognition consciousness stems from the comparison of different policies and the different experiences of Koreans. To sum up, the harmonious relations in northeast of China went through a long period of history. The factors of history, culture and policies al make contribution to the steady and increasingly harmonious relations.

【关键词】 东疆民族关系朝鲜族
【Key words】 eastern boundaryethnic relationsChinese Korean

