

The Power-balanced Structure Research on Contemporary China

【作者】 刘俊杰

【导师】 赵连章;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 权力在人类社会发展中占据重要地位。权力运行和权力制衡结构的变迁是受社会发展规律制约的,权力制衡结构发展、变化也有其自身规律。如果一个走向现代化的国家,其权力内部结构失去合理分工、配置和制衡,就很难科学运用权力自身规律和权力最佳资源的配置力量推动社会进步,反而会导致社会发展失序、失衡和腐败。中国改革开放30年取得的巨大成就是与当代中国权力制衡结构的变革和进步分不开的,要实现改革开放后30年的可持续发展、和谐发展和科学发展,我们面临的主要任务之一就是解放思想、适时地推进中国政治体制的改革,而中国政治体制改革的关键是完成当代中国权力结构的转型,而权力结构转型的难点就是实现当代中国权力制衡结构的彻底变革,建立具有中国特色的权力制衡结构框架。什么是当代中国权力制衡结构框架?如何形成当代中国权力制衡框架结构?是本文研究和回答的主要问题。本文运用比较的方法、整体结构的方法和辩证唯物的研究方法,通过网络和尽可能搜集到的资料,从国家权力的框架结构出发,概述了自亚里士多德提出权力制衡思想以来,权力制衡理论源起、发展和适用的进程,研究了文明转型与权力制衡的关系,提出了每一次文明的转型均导致了国家权力结构的变异,均导致了权力制衡结构的革新,从而极大推动社会生产力大发展的新观点。从这个论点出发,本文考察了权力制衡原则在英国、法国和美国的适用情况以及对这些国家产生的影响,得出了权力制衡与市场经济、新教伦理精神构成了西方近代工业文明支柱的观点。权力制衡原理是人类创造的政治文明成果,具有同一性、共有性。当代中国权力结构的转型,权力制衡结构的构建,要解放思想,大胆吸收和借鉴资产阶级创造的政治文明优秀成果。1949年建国后,中国社会主义国家的权力结构和权力制衡结构的构建,不能不受到长期的封建专制传统的影响,不能不受到前苏联高度集权模式的消极影响。高度集权的体制,虽然加速推动了中国在贫穷基础上工业化的进程,但留下的弊端、教训更是沉重。本文在研究当代中国权力制衡结构时,把权力结构和权力制衡结构划分了改革前和改革后两种不同的结构,划分的时间以1978年中共中央十一届三中全会为界。本文比较了它们的区别、联系和变化,概述了高度集权、党政合一权力结构形成的过程、原因,再肯定其进步作用的同时,指出了高度集权的权力结构的弊端和危害。对于改革后的权力制衡结构的变革和进步,本文着重从具有中国改革特色的分权化、市场化思路出发,研究了改革后新的权力结构和权力制衡结构的建立、发展和趋势。现代性产生稳定,现代化会导致不稳定和权力腐败。当代中国权力制衡结构存在的缺位现象是导致当代中国现代化进程中政治不稳定、权力腐败、分配不公、市场秩序失衡的主要原因之一。发展和改革是解决问题的惟一出路。形成合理的权力制衡框架结构,必须改革和完善党的执政体制,理顺党政关系,完善我国的基本政治制度,落实司法独立的制度。难点是推进党内民主,改进党与人大的关系。突破点应在个别省、市、县建立改革试验区。改革后建立的权力制衡框架结构,就是在发挥中国共产党政党制度优越性的前提下,合理构建执政党的权力、全国人大和政协的权力、政府的权力和两院的权力关系,在理顺党政权力关系后,实行人大常委会立法权、政府行政权和两院司法权的科学分配置、合理分工、权力制衡的权力框架结构,实行中央和地方的合理分权的权力分工关系。实行国家、社会、市场相互分立和制约的关系。

【Abstract】 The power claims its importance in the development of human society. With the close relations of economy, politics and society deepening in the time of globalization, the power’s superiority will change into inferiority if there is no reasonable arrangement and balance in its internal structure, possibly leading to the fact that not only the progress of society cannot be drived by the scientific arrangement of power, but also the development of society may be interrupted, disordered or even the development in the exchange of social price. The thesis believes that the power structure and the balance of power structure of contemporary China have not only the superiority of conformity of political resources and the mobilization of the mass but also the inferiority of power deficiency. Therefore, we must implement the transformation of the power structure of contemporary China at the right time in order to guarantee the social development in a scientific, harmony and democratic way after 30 years’reform and opening up of China. This thesis believes that the key step of the political reform in China is the implementation of the power structure transformation stressing the priority of the construction of the balance of power structure.What is the balance of power structure in contemporary China? How is the construction of the balance of power structure? These are what the thesis ready to research and answer. With the methods of comparison, structure research and dialectical materialistic research, the thesis, collected the materials on the internet and through other possible ways, has outlined the theory of power balance and its reality orientation from the point of state power structure since the statement of power balance of Aristotle. Through researching the relation between civilization evolution and power balance, the author proposes a new viewpoint that the change of state power and the innovation of power balance caused by the civilization evolution have greatly progressed the development of social productive force. Form this argument, the author has tracked down the suitable characteristic and influence of power balance principals in the countries of Britain, France and the United States of America, discovering the modern western pillar consisted of power balance, market economy and Protestantism. With the identical and natural characteristic, the theory of power balance is the political civilization of human. The transformation of power structure and the construction of the balance of power structure in contemporary China must study and absorb the outstanding civilization achievements of bourgeoisie in the manner of mind emancipation and explorative step.The construction of power structure and the balance of power structure were greatly influenced by the long-term feudal dictatorship tradition and the highly political centralized pattern of Soviet Union just after the birth of China in 1949. Although the highly political centralized pattern accelerated the modernization of China which founded on a poor base, it left behind the heavy lessons in China. So this pattern is different with the one after reform and opening up in the year of 1978. Apparently, there are two patterns of power structure and the balance of power structure with their differences, relations and changes argued in the thesis. Firstly, this thesis tracks down the process and cause of the highly political centralized pattern ----the party-state power structure with its superiority and inferiority stated respectively. Secondly, this thesis points out the construction, development and tendency of the latter pattern and then indicates its evolution and progress in the process of power division and transforming into market with Chinese characteristic reform.The modernity produces stability and the modernization can cause disorder and corruption. The deficiency of the balance of power structure in contemporary China is one of the reasons which cause the appearance of unstable politics, power corruption, unfair distribution and market disorder in the process of modernization. Reform and development are the only methods to solve the problems. In order to form the reasonable balance of power structure, China must reform and perfect the ruling system of the Party, comb the relations between Party and state, perfect the basic political system and practice the independence of jurisdiction. Of our applications, the most difficult is to carry forward the inner Party democracy and then to improve the bilateral relations of Party and the National People’s Congress. In order to make a breakthrough in the practice, there should be a reform zone constructed in a specific province, city or county. The new balance of power structure in the period of reform and opening up is ready to reconstruct the powers of the ruling party, the National People’s Congress and the Political Consultative Conference, the government, People’s Court and People’s Procuratorate. After comb the relations between the Party and the government, there should be an immediate practice of power balance of the legislative, administration and jurisdiction. There also should be a practice of power division between central government and local government. Therefore, a divided but balanced relationship of the state, society and market is established finally in China.


