

Research on Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route

【作者】 张世满

【导师】 行龙;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 晋蒙粮油故道是清代前期至民国早期存在于山西北中部与内蒙中西部之间的一条水陆衔接的重要商路,历时两百多年,空间跨越两千七百多里,是近代中国经济社会史,尤其是晋蒙近代区域社会经济史当中的一个全新研究课题。在本课题研究开始之前,学术界并未有人对这一问题做过专门研究,甚至连这一概念都没有明确提出过,仅仅有少量相关的研究成果。在这样的背景下,本文首次比较全面、系统地探讨了这一课题,应该说是一次学术研究领域的拓荒,具有一定的学术价值和历史与现实意义。本文主体内容分为八章。鉴于这是一个新的研究领域,第一章从总体上审视了晋蒙粮油故道这一历史现象。阐述了晋蒙粮油故道概念的提出及其历史依据,概括了它的时间与空间范围,指出了商道上粮、油、盐、碱、中药材、皮毛六类大宗商品,揭示了这条商道的四个主要特点:季节性,单向性,区域性和不均衡性。历史现象的发生都有其缘由。第二章从六个方面分析了这条商道兴起的背景与原因。分别概括为:清朝对蒙古地区的有效治理,清朝平定西北边疆及屯垦政策的实施,土默特平原的开垦,后套平原的开垦,山西中北部的生存压力与“走西口”浪潮,水路运输较早路运输的成本优势。商品是商道存在的前提。第三章着重探讨了粮油故道商品的种类、产地及其生产情况。提出并论证了早期的粮油货源地土默特平原,后期的粮油主要货源地后套平原,食盐的货源地吉兰泰盐池,碱的主要产地鄂托克、杭锦以及托克托等旗县,甘草的主要货源地达拉特、杭锦、鄂托克、阿拉善等地。商品运输是商道的基本职能。第四章专门论述这条商道上的运输方式。对水上主要运输方式船运与特殊运输方式筏运,陆路运输的主要方式驮运与补充方式车运,以及船筏、车辆和其他货物运输所需的辅助工具的制作等分别进行了说明。码头及其所在城镇是商道运行的大本营。第五章集中介绍粮油故道上的码头与口岸城镇的发展过程。自上游而下游,主要阐述了商道的起点也是吉盐装船的惟一口岸磴口,粮油故道后期最为繁荣的水陆商运枢纽城市包头,粮油故道前期内蒙段最重要的货物转运口岸河口,“鸡鸣三省”的码头城镇河曲,州治所在的口岸城镇保德,商道的终点也是下游最主要的水旱码头碛口镇。商品交易是商道上的核心活动。第六章主要探讨粮油故道上商品的买卖情况。分别讨论了吉兰泰盐在乾嘉时期与光绪朝以来不同的运销方式,河口、保德、碛口的甘草交易,包头的皮毛行业,上游地区与下游口岸粮油经营的不同方式。历史现象有开始就有终结。第七章论述粮油故道的衰落。在说明衰落的史实后,着重从铁路、公路等现代交通方式对传统运输的冲击,货源地农业生产状况低迷的影响,频繁的兵匪战乱对经商环境造成的破坏等三方面分析了商道衰落的原因,揭示粮油故道衰落的必然性。重要史实都会产生显著的后果。第八章分析了晋蒙粮油故道的影响与历史地位。认为这条商道作用与影响主要体现在四方面:即成就了一批口岸商业城镇,带动了口岸附近乡村的经济发展与转型,促进了晋蒙两地的商品经济发展与交流,有助于山西的社会稳定与内蒙中西部的开发。最后,从全国、山西及内蒙历史发展的角度,评说了晋蒙粮油故道的历史地位。认为这条商道在中国国内商贸历史上,尤其是近代商贸史上应该占有一席之地,在清代以来山西与内蒙区域社会经济发展史上更具重要地位。

【Abstract】 Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route, covering a distance of 2,700 Li and lasting for over 200 years, was a very important trade route that connected river transportation with land transportation between the mid and north parts of Shanxi Province and the mid and west parts of Inner Mongolia from the early Qing Dynasty till the early period of the Republic of China. The research on it is a brand new one in the study on the Chinese history of modern economy and society, especially on the modern history of regional social economy in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. Prior to this research, there has been no specialized study on this topic but few relevant academic viewpoints, even nor was any explicit definition about it given. Under such a background, this thesis is the first to give a comprehensive account of this topic systematically, which can be regarded as an explorer with academic value and of historical and practical significance.This thesis consists of eight chapters. Chapter One gives a general introduction to Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route. It gives the definition of it and provides its historical basis; also sets its time and space range; then summarizes six categories of staple commodities like grains, oil, salt, alkali, Chinese medicinal materials and fur; at last, this chapter lists four characteristics of the old transport route: seasonal, unidirectional, regional and unbalanced.Since any occurrence of historical phenomena has its origin, Chapter Two analyses the background of how and why the trade route came up from six perspectives, which include the effective control of Mongolia region by Qing government; the policies of stabilizing northwestern border area and stationing troops to open up wasteland; the reclaim of Tumote Plain and Houtao Plain; the survival pressure on residents in the mid and west parts of Shanxi Province, thereby the "Going outside through the West Pass" wave; the cost advantage of ship transport over land transport.Commodity is a prerequisite to the existing of trade route, so Chapter Three discusses the type, original supply source and production of the commodities transported on the old route. Take grains and oil supply as an example, the chapter proposes and confirmed that grains and oil supply source place in the early period was in the Tumote Plain, and in late period the Houtao Plain. Also other commodities’ source places are mentioned in this chapter.Goods transportation is the basic function of the trade route. In Chapter Four, it specially discusses the means of transportation used on the former route, which include major means of ship transport and special means of raft transport on river; major means of pack animal transport and supplementary means of cart carrying. Also, this chapter elaborates how ship, raft, cart and other alternatives were made.Ports and their surrounding towns were commercial and transportation places for the route running. Then Chapter Five concentrates on the development of ports and their nearby towns along the route. From upper to lower reaches, there were Dengkou Port, the only port where Ji-Salt was shipped as well as the starting point of the transport route; Baotou, the hub of river and land transportation, which is the most prosperous port in the late period of the former route time; Hekou, the most important transshipment port in Inner Mongolia during the early period of that time; Hequ, juncture of Shanxi, Shannxi and Inner Mongolia; Baode, where the prefecture government was; and Qikou, the major port handling both river transport and land transport in the lower reach of the Yellow River, which is also the ending of the river transport route.Commercial transaction was the core of the trade route, so Chapter Six discusses the goods trade on the route, and respectively introduces the different means of transportation and marketing for Ji-Salt since the reign of Emperor Qianjia and Guangxu; licorice root trade in Hekou, Baode and Qikou; fur trade in Baotou, and different ways of grains and oil operation in the upper reach area and lower reach ports.While historical phenomenon occurs, there will be an ending of it. Chapter Seven is about the decline of the former trade route. There are three reasons explaining the inevitability of the decline: the impact from modern means of transportation on traditional transportation; the depression of agricultural production in goods supply source areas; and continuous turmoil and chaos caused by war and local bandits.Moreover, important historical events will bring about significant results. Chapter Eight analyses the influences and significance of the Jin-Meng Former Grain-Oil Trade Route. Its influences can be found from four perspectives: first, the transport route resulted in the growth of some port business towns; second, it led the economic development and reshaping of surrounding rural areas near the ports; third, it promoted the development and communication of commodity economy between Shanxi and Inner Mongolia; fourth, it was helpful for social steadiness of Shanxi and developing of the mid and west parts of Inner Mongolia. Furthermore, this old transport route played an important role in Chinese history of domestic business and trade, especially in Chinese modern history of business and trade; it also enjoyed great significance in the development history of regional social economy of Shanxi and Inner Mongolia.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F542.9;F329
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】349
  • 攻读期成果

