

Studies on Characteristics of the Macroalgae Community in Niangziguan Spring, North China

【作者】 石瑛

【导师】 谢树莲;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 植物学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 娘子关泉域是我国北方最大的岩溶泉。其分布跨越海河及黄河两大流域,主要河流为桃河、温河、松溪河、清漳河。娘子关泉域位于山西省东部,娘子关镇附近,出露于桃河与温河汇集地段。地理位置介于北纬36°55′-38°15′,东经112°20′-113°55′之间,全区面积7436 km2。主要泉组分布在自程家至苇泽关约7km长的河漫滩及阶地上,出露高程360-392m。娘子关泉域岩溶地下水汇水面积7436 km2,泉群多年平均流量10.6m3·s-1。娘子关泉域属温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温8.6℃-10.7℃,年平均降雨量538-578mm。泉水化学类型一般为SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg或SO4·HCO3-Ca型水,溶解性总固体600—700mg·L-1,总硬度均450—480mg·L-1,水温稳定,平均19℃。从2002年4月至2007年1月先后11次在娘子关泉域采集标本,共采得大型藻类标本300余号。经鉴定,娘子关泉域大型藻类植物共计有116种(包括变种),分别隶属于6门,9纲,16目,23科,39属。以绿藻门包含的种类最多,其次是蓝藻门。娘子关泉域大型藻类植物的主要群落类型有11个,即刚毛藻+红毛菜群落(Comm.Cladophora+Bangia)、轮藻群落(Comm.Chara)、刚毛藻+弯枝藻群落(Comm.Cladophora+Compsopogon)、无隔藻群落(Comm.Vaucheria)、水绵+微孢藻群落(Comm.Spirogyra+Microspora)、颤藻群落(Comm.Oscillatoria)、毛枝藻+羽枝藻群落(Comm.Stigeoclonium+Cloniophora)奥杜藻群落(Comm.Audouinella)、席藻+鞘丝藻群落(Comm.Phormidium+Lyngbya)、刚毛藻群落(Comm.Cladophora)、串珠藻群落(Comm.Batrachospermum)。从大型藻类植物总种类数的平面分布来看,五龙泉分布种类最多,有60种;平阳湖次之,有51种;滚泉第三,有49种;苇泽关泉第四,有30种;坡底泉第五,有28种;城西泉第六,有25种;水帘洞泉最少,有21种。从各门类大型藻类植物在各点的分布看,绿藻门植物的数量都是最多的,蓝藻门和硅藻门种类分布较均匀,在各采集点的分布相差不多。轮藻门和红藻门种类较少。通过计算索仁森相似指数,发现娘子关泉域与辛安泉的相似指数很高(0.712),与世界其它国家大型藻类差异较大,相似率普遍偏低,在0.028-0.169之间。泉溪大藻的分布具有明显的地域性和生殖隔离现象。从2006年3月到2007年1月,每两月对7个采集点进行标本采集和水样检测,对泉溪大型藻类的区系组成、生物多样性及其环境因子的影响进行了研究。从多样性分析的结果来看,在大多数月份,1#(五龙泉)的多样性指数和均匀度指数最大,其次是6#(平阳湖);7#(坡底泉)和5#(城西泉)较小。而优势度指数反映,在大多数时间,1#(五龙泉)最小,其次是6#(平阳湖),7#(坡底泉)和5#(城西泉)最大。从多样性指数的周年变化可以看出多样度与均度的变化趋势呈正相关;多样度与优势度的变化趋势呈负相关,这三种多样性指标反应的结果基本上一致,都能较好地表达娘子关泉域大型藻类的多样性。对环境因子主成分分析表明,全年影响各采集点分布的最主要的因子是流速,其次是水宽和水深,还受控于其它理化因子。对娘子关泉域10个主要的群落的生物量与环境因子进行了CCA分析,结果显示,流速是影响各个群落的一个主要因素,刚毛藻+红毛菜群落、刚毛藻+弯枝藻群落、无隔藻群落、奥杜藻群落、颤藻群落、毛枝藻+羽枝藻群落、席藻+鞘丝藻群落、水绵+微孢藻群落都与流速成正相关,串珠藻群落和轮藻群落与流速成负相关。温度也是影响群落生长的主要因素,与温度成正相关的有毛枝藻+羽枝藻群落、颤藻群落、席藻+鞘丝藻群落、水绵+微孢藻群落,与温度成负相关的有刚毛藻+红毛菜群落、刚毛藻+弯枝藻群落、轮藻群落及串珠藻群落。电导也是影响群落的重要因素,与电导成正相关的有奥杜藻群落,刚毛藻+弯枝藻群落和席藻+鞘丝藻群落,负相关的有无隔藻群落。从化学因子来看,受化学因子影响较大的群落是毛枝藻+羽枝藻群落、无隔藻群落,与大多数化学因子的关系都比较密切。而颤藻群落和串珠藻群落与pH呈现负相关性。颤藻群落、毛枝藻+羽枝藻群落适宜在氮、磷浓度较高的水体中生活,串珠藻群落却相反。分布于不同采集点的类群,影响群落生长的主要环境因子有一定的差异性。分布于同一个采集点的群落类型,环境因子对它们的影响是相似的。娘子关泉域大型藻类的附生藻类共计148种,隶属于4门,6纲,12目,19科,36属。其中硅藻门占绝对优势,有118种,约占总种数的79.7%。从分布上来看,平阳湖的附生藻种类最多,有89种,最少的是坡底泉,仅22种。附生藻类在春季最多,其次是秋季,冬季最少。研究结果还显示附生藻类和大型藻类种类表现出相似的季节性变化,两者存在正相关(r=0.963,p<0.05)。本文最后还对分析了娘子关泉域大型藻类生存危机的原因并提出了相应的保护对策。

【Abstract】 Niangziguan Spring Area is the largest karstic spring in north China.Its distribution across the Haihe River and Yellow River,the major tributaries are Taohe River,Wenhe River,Songxihe River and Qingzhanghe River.It locates at eastern Shanxi Province,36°55′- 36°15′N,112°20′-113°55′E, closes to Niangziguan Town,at the convergence of Taohe River and Wenhe River.The whole area is 7436km2.The spring group mainly distributes from Chengjia Village to Weizeguan,about 7km long,and the exposed elevation is 360-392m.The catchment area of karst groundwater in Niangziguan Spring is 7436 km2.The annual average discharge is 10.6m3·s(-1).Temperate continental monsoon climate is the location feature of Niangziguan Spring,and four seasons are distinguishable there.The annual average rainfall is 538-578mm. The annual temperature is 8.6℃-10.7℃.The chemical type of the spring is SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg or SO4·HCO3-Ca.It contains total dissolved solids of 600-700 mg·L-1,total hardness of 450-480 mg·L-1,with the stable average temperature 19℃.From Apr.2002 to Jan.2007,11 times investigations were undertaken, summing more than 300 specimens.In this research,116 species(including varieties) of stream macroalgae had been identified,comprising 6 divisions, 9 classes,16 orders,23 families and 39 genera.Chlorophyta was the most diversified division.Cyanophyta ranked as second.There were 11 types of macroalgal communities in Niangziguan Spring, namely Comm.Cladophora+Bangia,Comm.Chara,Comm.Cladophora+ Compsopogon,Comm.Vaucheria,Comm.Spirogyra+ Microspora and Comm.Oscillatoria,Comm.Stigeoclonium +Cloniophora,Comm. Audouinella,Comm.Phormidium + Lyngbya,Comm.Cladophora,Comm. Batrachospermum.The result of planar distribution of macroalgae in Niangziguan Spring showed that the Wulong Spring had the most species,with 60 species. Pingyan was ranked as second,with 51 species.The third was Gun Spring ranked(49 species).Weizeguan Spring ranked fourth(30 species),Podi Spring ranked fifth(28 species),Chengxi Spring ranked sixth(25 species), the last one,Shuiliandong Spring had 21 species.The distribution of various kinds of macroalgae in the sampling sites showed that Chlorophyta had the largest number.Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta distributed evenly and similarly.Charophyta and Rhodophyta had less species.According to Sorensen-similar index,it was found that Niangziguan Spring and Xin’an Spring had a higher similarity index(0.712),which was greatly different with macroalgae in other countries in where the similarity index was generally low(between 0.028-0.169).Spring macroalgae had obvious geographical distribution and reproductive isolation.It was investigated the stream macroalgae and water analysis on 7 sampling sites every two months,from Mar.2006 to Jan.2007,including the composition,biodiversity and environmental factors.The results of biodiversity analysis indicated that there were the highest of diversity index and evenness index of in most months,Podi Spring and Chengxi Spring were at the lowest level.However,the dominance index was just the opposite in most months.Wulong Spring was the lowest of the dominance index,Podi Spring and Chengxi Spring were at the highest level. The results of annual changing showed that it had the positive correlation between diversity index and evenness index.Correspondingly,diversity index and evenness index had the negative correlation.The three biodiversity indicators could well indicate the algae diversity of Niangziguan Spring.In this research,the Principle component analysis(PCA) was applied to investigate the influence of environmental factors on distribution of macralgae.The results showed that the key factor was current velocity, affecting the distribution of the macralgae.Next was the width and depth of the water and other chemical factors.From the results of CCA showed that the current velocity was the key factor on the community.The current velocity was positively correlated with Comm.Cladophora + Bangia,Comm.Vaucheria,Comm.Audouinella, Comm.Oscillatoria,Comm.Stigeoclonium + Cloniophora,Comm. Phormidium+Lyngbya,Comm.Spirogyra + Microspora,but negatively with Comm.Batrachospermum and Comm.Chara.Temperature was also a dominate factor,which was positively correlated with Comm.Stigeoclonium + Cloniophora,Comm.Oscillatoria,Comm.Phormidium+Lyngbya,Comm. Spirogyra+Microspora,and negatively correlated with other communities. Especially Conductance was only negatively correlated with Comm. Vaucheria.It had positive correlations with Comm.Cladophora+ Compsopogon,Comm.Audouinella,Comm.Phormidium+ Lyngbya.At the same time,there were some correlations between the chemical factors and the communities,which affected greatly on Comm. Stigeoclonium+Cloniophora and Comm.Vaucheria.Among them,pH is negatively correlatied with Comm.Oscillatoria and Comm. Batrachospermum.It showed that Comm.Oscillatoria and Comm. Stigeoclonium+Cloniophora could grow well in spring water with high concerntration of N and P,whereas Comm.Batrachospermum was opposite. Accordingly,there were different environment factors effect on the distribution of macroalgae community on every sampling site.Moreover,it was similar to the environment factors on macroalgae community at the same site.There were 148 species of epiphytic algae in Niangziguan Spring, comprising 4 divisions,6 classes,12 orders,19 families and 36 genera. Among them,Bacillariophyta was preponderant with 118 species,about 79.7%.The result of planar distribution of Epiphytic algae showed that there were the most species in Pingyang Lake with 89,while the least was in Podi Spring with 22 species.There were seasonal dynamics in the species number of Epiphytic algae.It most occured in spring,next in autumn,the winter were least.The findings also showed that it was similar with macroalgae in seasonal changes,both positive correlation(r=0.963,p<0.05).Finally,the survival crises of stream macroalgae in Niangziguan Spring were analyzed and in view of this situation,some conservation strategies were suggested in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

