

Research on Contemporary Technology and Process Management and Key Techniques

【作者】 马自勤

【导师】 王秀伦;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪的中国已经成为制造大国而让世人瞩目,然而中国至今并没有成为制造强国,其关键问题之一是在制造领域缺少具有中国特色的创新工艺管理理论、方法和先进的工艺管理技术。工艺管理研究面临着新的机遇和严峻的挑战。现代工艺管理应该而且必须作为一门科学来研究。其基本任务是解决现代制造中工艺管理前沿和工艺管理实践中的关键科学技术问题,为我国尽快从制造大国走向制造强国提供强有力的核心基础支持。现代工艺管理学科本身将在这一过程中不断完善自我,得到质的飞跃。整个论文工作以我国现代工艺管理为主线,针对所存在的问题,深入系统地研究现代工艺管理内涵及其若干关键技术。本文工作的主要内容分为如下几个部分:(1)研究现代工艺管理科学理论体系及系统模型。传统工艺管理理论薄弱陈旧,在实践上凭经验。本文有系统地进行我国现代工艺管理相关理论及方法的研究归纳,构建包括基础理论、支撑理论和主体理论的现代工艺管理科学理论体系。对面向产品全生命周期的工艺管理工作过程进行充分的调查研究,站在现代制造和现代集成制造CIM的高度,结合我国的具体国情,采用不同的建模方法,从不同角度,研究建立我国现代工艺管理系统模型,包括系统体系结构、功能模型、信息模型、工作流模型、资源模型、组织模型。(2)研究数字工艺管理系统总体框架。现有的数字工艺管理基本上围绕工艺设计CAPP的局部过程展开,大多只注重工艺设计,忽视工艺管理功能。数字工艺管理的实践尚未拓展到产品全生命周期,远远不能适应现代制造和现代工艺管理的需求。本文建立面向现代制造、面向产品全生命周期、面向工艺管理全过程的数字工艺管理系统的总体框架。在建立系统总体框架的基础上,构建基于网络的数字工艺管理系统,建立1-2个子系统,以达到实用化水平为目标,进行相关技术的研究与模拟。(3)研究现代工艺成本管理体系。工艺成本是产品成本的基础与核心,但是一直没有得到应有的重视。目前我国机械制造业从工程技术的角度对工艺成本定额的系统研究尚属空白。本文以现代成本管理为参照,对现代工艺成本管理的基本理论、多维工艺成本、战略工艺成本等进行研究;建立现代工艺成本管理体系;从工程技术的角度,研究建立基于工序、工艺工作中心的工艺成本估算模型。(4)研究现代工艺管理水平评价。现代制造业的发展为我国工艺管理带来了发展机遇,我国20世纪80年代建立的工艺管理水平评价指标体系和方法已经不能满足现代工艺管理的要求。本文以其他学科领域成功的现代评价模式为参照,对基于战略实施、管理控制、管理项目等不同背景的现代工艺管理水平评价框架进行研究;建立现代工艺管理水平评价体系;建立面向产品全生命周期的现代工艺管理水平评价指标体系;建立现代工艺管理水平评价的模糊综合评价模型。上述工作具有重要的理论和实践价值,对我国制造业的现代工艺管理和现代成本管理具有示范作用和现实意义。

【Abstract】 In the twenty-one century, the whole world has witnessed China becoming an enormous manufacture country. However it has not become a manufacture superpower. The reason for this has to do with the fact that there lacks of national standards regarding the theory, protocol and technological aspects of advanced technology and process management. Thus, the technology and process management study is facing both new opportunities and challenges. It is believed that contemporary technology and process management should and perhaps must be treated as a new topic in research. Its mission is to solve the key aspects of the technical management theory and the technical management practice. This will provide a strong foundation to transfer our country from a big manufacture country to a manufacture powerhouse. The technology and process management subject itself will also be improved and achieve leaping fundamental progress in the due process.The concept of the contemporary technology and process management is studied in details in this article. The connotation of the advanced technology and process management and several other essential technologies are discussed. The highlights of the article are as follow:(1)An advanced technology and process management theory and system models have been researched.In our country, the tradition technology and process management theory is weak and old. Its practice depended on the experience. In this article, a systematic study has been carried out on the theory and practice of the contemporary technology and process management consisting of the basic theory, support theory, and main theory. The proposed work may potentially become the foundation of the contemporary technology and process management. The entire life cycle of a product is fully investigated using the technology and process management model with a vision of entire environment, massive production, whole system, and integrate CIM manufacture and in consideration of the specific situation of our country. A particular emphasis is placed on the correlation between the theory and practice to establish a contemporary technology and process management system for our country including the system architecture, functionality model, information model, work flow model, resources model, and organization model.(2)A frame work on the digital technology and process management system is studied.The traditional computer aided process design CAPP is around manufacture part of process design and neglects the function of technology and process management. The application area of technology and process management is not covering product lifecycle. It is not fitting for requirements of contemporary manufacture and contemporary technology and process management. A digital technology and process management is developed in consideration of the whole life cycle of a product, advanced manufacture technology and the entire technology and process management. The article also discussed how to build the digital technology and process management system based on the network. Based on the building the entire frame of the system, the article constructed 1-2 subsystems to study and simulate the interrelated technologies in order to reach to the level of realistic practice.(3)A contemporary technology and process cost management system is studied.Technology and process cost is the basis and core of the overall product cost. However it has not been paid enough attention in the past. Currently, it is blank space that research on technology and process cost quota from engineering and technology point of view in machine manufacture industry of our country. In this article, the fundamental theory, multi-dimension technology and process cost, and strategy technology and process cost of the contemporary technology and process cost management is investigated referring to contemporary cost management. Technology and process cost assessment models based on procedure and process work center are also developed from the engineering technology point of view.(4)An evaluation of the contemporary technology and process management is developed.The contemporary manufacture industry has to offer development opportunities for technology and process management. But it is not fitting to requirements of contemporary technology and process management that the evaluation index system and evaluation method of technology and process management built in 20th century 80th era. According to the contemporary evaluation model of other successful subject areas, this article studied the evaluation frame of the contemporary technology and process management standard based on the different backgrounds; established the evaluation system of the contemporary technology and process management standard; built the index system of the contemporary technology and process management standard; studied and developed the evaluation model of the contemporary technology and process management standard.It is believed that this work has important theoretical values which would be able to set up exemplary roles and contribute to practical significances for the contemporary technology and process management and contemporary cost management for the manufacture industries of our country.


