

【作者】 陈敏华

【导师】 朱威烈;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 冷战结束以后,和平与发展成为时代的主旋律。然而,各类极端组织实施的恐怖暴力行动对全球社会造成了极大的危害,构成了非传统安全威胁的一个重要组成部分。本文之所以选择中东伊斯兰极端组织为研究对象,是因为中东地区是冷战以后极端暴力行动的高发区域,各种伊斯兰极端组织在此频频活动,从而成为研究滋生极端势力“土壤”的最具典型意义的地区之一。本文从社会学视角出发,在全球治理的框架内,把中东伊斯兰极端组织的暴力行动视为一个“国际社会问题”,运用社会学整体主义方法,探讨其特性及其成因。本文尝试将中东伊斯兰极端组织的暴力行动看作一个“完整的社会行动过程”,该过程涉及的要素有四项:社会环境、社会互动、行为过程和行为主体。然后运用社会学和社会心理学的符号互动论、社会化理论、越轨行为理论和集群行为理论,努力分别论证这四个要素与暴力行动之间的因果关系和建构关系,以及这四项要素之间的逻辑关系。第一,社会环境分析:把社会环境划分为经济环境、政治环境和制度环境。社会环境中的物质环境(外部的和内部的)与观念环境中的利益冲突,使在全球化时代处于相对弱势的中东伊斯兰世界,正在或有可能进一步被边缘化而陷入困境,而这种困境已经对中东穆斯林造成了极大的社会压力,使其中部分人的心理感受从不满发展为愤怒。第二,社会互动分析:以美国为代表的西方文明与伊斯兰文明之间客观上存在着很大的差异。在后冷战时期,这种差异由于美国控制中东地区的意图和力度不断趋强,以及亨廷顿的“文明冲突”理论问世而被进一步夸大。双方在互动中由于“文化符号”的差异以及“共有知识”的缺失,引起各种文化偏见和文化曲解,进而导致双方的文化敌意。这种敌意事实上加剧了中东穆斯林的屈辱感甚至愤懑情绪。第三,行为过程分析:从社会化理论和越轨行为的文化传递理论来看,中东伊斯兰极端组织的暴力行动,是少数穆斯林极端分子自觉不自觉地对社会压力和文化敌意所做出的回应。这种回应如果以穆斯林个体角度为出发点,可以分为外部环境诱导和内部文化选择两个方面。一方面,极端组织的领导者刻意营造氛围,片面引用《古兰经》和《圣训》,对“圣战”作狭隘的、脱离时代精神的文本解读,对穆斯林个体进行负面的“社会化”,使他们把自身处于相对滞后与边缘化状态的责任全部归咎于美国、以色列和中东国家现政权;另一方面,一小部分穆斯林在封闭环境的教化诱导下,盲目地把伊斯兰极端理念内化为自身的“殉教”需要,并赋予伤及无辜的暴力手段以“合乎伊斯兰教法”的意义。第四,行为主体分析:中东伊斯兰极端组织绝大部分是非政府组织,属于社会“团体”范畴。他们的暴力行动明显带有反社会主流规范的“越轨”性质,而且具有“集群行为”倾向,因此,他们的思维容易偏于激进,行动容易趋近极端,方式容易倾向暴力。上述四要素的逻辑关系用下图表示:中东伊斯兰极端组织之所以采用暴力行动,是因为在全球化与现代化进程中,中东伊斯兰世界成为美国最重要的战略目标和西方国家欲加以改造的对象。广大穆斯林既看不到改善自身经济状况、社会处境的希望,又不满意本国政府出于现实政治需要而对美国为首的西方国家所作出的各种妥协;因共有知识缺失导致的文化偏见和文化曲解,在互动中发展为文化敌意;他们内心不平和失望的感受日积月累,需要寻找宣泄的通道及出口。在有具有偏执宗教激情,且一直觊觎夺取政权的极端组织领导者的诱导下,不少穆斯林把造成中东伊斯兰世界相对边缘化和弱势身份的责任,完全归咎于外部环境。同样是在这些伊斯兰极端主义领导者的教化下,失望和愤懑的穆斯林将暴力行动纳入“合乎伊斯兰教法”的“圣战”范围,铤而走险,采用了自杀性袭击等暴力手段去报复与威慑他们判定的“行动目标”——以美国为首的西方国家、以色列、中东国家现政权乃至无辜平民。他们这种暴力行动的背后,一是心理上借此发泄不平、失望和愤懑的感受;二是精神上追求“殉教”,以期得到后世的吉庆。本文努力通过各类文本、调查数据和具体案例,运用逻辑推理与实证分析相结合的方法进行论证。其中在坚持辩证唯物主义前提下,特别注意论证观念通过“互动”对物质所具有的“反作用”力,以期引起对规范、制度、核心价值观等文化传递内容及文化传递方式的重视。

【Abstract】 Since the end of the Cold War, peace and development has become the theme of times. Nevertheless, the various terrorists’violent actions launched by extremist organizations have greatly endangered international community, which composes an important part of non-traditional threat. This dissertation focuses on the Middle East Islamic Organizations, for this region is plagued with frequent extremist actions and various extremist Islamic Organizations, making it one of the most typical“hotbeds”of terrorist forces.From the perspective of sociology, this dissertation, within the framework of global governance, views the Middle East extremist Islamic Organizations as“a social problem in the international community”. By making use of holism in sociology, it touches down upon its attributes and dynamics.This dissertation attempts to view the Middle East extremist Islamic behavior as“a complete process of social behavior”, which is linked with four factors, i.e. social environment, social interaction, behavior process and actors. Next, it will comprehensively make use of social and social psychological theories of Symbolic Interaction,Social Evolution, Deviant Behavior and Cluster Behavior, and probes their correlations with violent actions as well as the logics behind the four factors.First, the analysis of the social environment. This dissertation divides it into three fields of economic, political and system environments. The conflict between material environment (both external and internal) and conceptualization environment has possibly further marginalized the relatively disadvantaged Middle East Islamic region in the globalization era. This kind of predicament has exerted a gigantic social pressure on part of Muslims in the Middle East, whose dissatisfaction has gradually evolved into infuriation.Second, the analysis of the social interaction. Objectively speaking, the western civilization, represented by the US, has an overwhelming divergence with the Islamic civilizations. In the Post-Cold War era, this kind of divergence is caused by the US intention and capability to dominate the Middle East, the intensified contradiction between the US and Islamic countries in the region, as well as Huntington’s theory of“the clash of civilizations”.Due to the difference of“cultural symbols”and the lack of“shared knowledge”between the two sides, cultural prejudice, misunderstanding and distortion are inevitable, which have caused hostility culturally. The hostility has deepened the sense of humiliation and infuriation among the Middle East Muslims.Third, the analysis of the behavior process. Judging by the theories of socialization and the cultural aspect of Deviant Behavior, the violent actions of the Middle East extremist actions launched by some Islamic Organizations, is a kind of response to external social pressure and cultural hostility consciously and unconsciously. From the angle of the Muslim individuals, there are two aspects of external factor and internal cultural factor. On the one hand, the leaders of some extreme organizations deliberately set up an atmosphere, and one-sidely quote the Koran and the al-Hadith and their out-of-dated interpretation of the holy war. The“socialized”Muslims are lured to argue that their relative backwardness and marginalization result from the US, Israel and the Middle East secular governments. On the other hand, educated in such a setting, these Muslims will blindly internalize these concepts in order to legitimize their“martyrdom”and violent actions against the innocent, which, they are convinced, are in conformity with law.Fourth, the analysis of the actors. The Middle East Islamic Organizations are non-governmental organizations, and they belong to social organizations. Their action is obviously characterized by deviant and cluster behavior. Consequently, they tend to be radical, extreme and violent.The above-mentioned four factors can be illustrated with the following diagram:The Middle East Extremist Islamic Organizations resort to violent action, for in the process of globalization and modernization, the Middle East Islamic region becomes the primary target of the US and also the object of western transformation. Consequently, these Muslims are encountered with various pressures in different interest conflicts, and can neither see the hope of their national economic and social development, nor can they tolerate their governments’compromise to the US-led western countries. Their dissatisfaction and infuriation are accumulating. Induced by certain“totalitarianist”, some Muslims are convinced that the external forces should be responsible for their marginalization and their disadvantaged status. Educated by the“totalitarianist”, some disappointed and infuriated Muslims resort to violence in the name of Islamic Law and“Holy War”. They always, by means of suicide attack and other violence forms, take various risks, retaliate and deter their“targets”, namely, the western countries headed by the US, Israel and the Secular pro-US countries in the Middle East as well as civilians, in order to reveal their dissatisfaction, disappointment and infuriation psychologically, realizing martyrdom and achieving eternal happiness.Based on the reinterpretation of various texts, data, survey and cases, this dissertation attempts to combine logic analysis and empirical studies and strives to draw a conclusion. It adheres to the principle of dialectical materialism, it particularly argues that Conceptualization has a countermeasure to Matter in the interaction, and it expects that academia will attach greater importance to regimes, norms, core values and other cultural content and means.

  • 【分类号】D815.4;B968
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1241

