

A Study on L2 Learners’ Acquisitiion of the Speech Act of Apology

【作者】 周瑾序

【导师】 梅德明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为第二语言习得研究的一个分支,语际语语用学研究的是非本族语者在第二语言中言语行为的使用和习得。很多实证性研究描述了非本族语者是如何实施言语行为的,旨在考察其与本族语者在此方面的异同。但是,对非英语专业研究生语用能力的研究很少,尤其对书面语的研究更是长期被忽视。虽然关于语用迁移、语用能力的研究已有大量成果问世,但是对于许多问题尚无定论。同时,对于如何提高二语学习者语用能力的研究很少。本文作者针对非英语专业研究生在实施道歉这一言语行为时所体现的语用能力进行了调查和研究,并进行了实验性教学,旨在提高学习者的语用能力。本研究针对以下问题:(1)非英语专业研究生和本族语者在道歉策略方面是否存在差异?如果有,差异是什么?(2)非英语专业研究生的语用能力如何?二语学习者的语用能力与其语言能力和学习时间是否有关联?(3)在课堂上,如何提高二语学习者的语用能力?(4)针对性的教学对二语学习者语用能力的提高有何影响?本文作者进行了访谈及三类问卷调查,即背景问卷、开放式语篇补全测试(DCT)问卷和道歉情景的评价问卷,采用社会科学统计软件对采集的数据进行了方差分析及相关分析。结果表明,二语学习者和英语本族语者在道歉策略的选择方面差异不大,在对道歉情景的评价即社会关系、社会地位、冒犯对方的严重程度和道歉的必要性方面存在一些差异,两组在上述两方面有相关性,但是这种相关性对二语学习者和英语本族语者道歉策略选择方面的差异性影响很小。二语学习者主要是不能恰当地实施言语行为,存在语用迁移和大量的错误。这表明非英语专业研究生的语言水平和学习时间并不能决定其语用能力的提高。教材中语用知识输入不足,授课方式不当是造成二语学习者能力低下的重要原因。本文作者对研究生、本科生和博士生所使用的听说和读写教材及课堂教学方式进行了详细评估,并实施了提高道歉言语行为能力的教学。实验结果表明,实验对象在道歉策略选择方面的改进不大,但在言语行为的恰当表达方面提高显著,错误极大减少。因此,语用教学对二语学习者语用能力的提高有显著作用。本研究具有重要的理论意义。在以往研究的基础上,作者提出了道歉的新定义,对道歉策略的种类进行了新的划分,证实或改变了以往关于语用能力习得研究的一些结论,并为英语学习者的书面道歉策略提供了数据分析。由于我国的外语教学长期以来注重语法和语言形式,学习者不知如何通过语言实施言语功能。本文作者设计了在课堂上进行语用教学的具体内容和方法,提高了二语学习者的语用能力,为外语教学提供了有益的启示。

【Abstract】 As a branch of second language acquisition research, interlanguage pragmatics is the study of non-native speakers’ use and acquisition of speech acts in a second language. Many empirical researches have been conducted to describe speech act performance by non-native speakers, aiming to examine similarities and differences in contrast to native speakers. However, little is known about the pragmatic competence of non-English-major graduates, especially in the form of written English which has been long neglected. Although many researches have been focused on pragmatic failure, pragmatic transfer, the relationship between pragmatic competence and linguistic competence, there are no definite conclusions. Moreover, less is known about effective ways to improve L2 learners’ pragmatic competence. The present study is intended to fill the gap by investigating pragmatic competence demonstrated in the speech act of apology and ways to improve learners’ pragmatic proficiency.This dissertation focuses on the following questions:(1) Are there any differences in apology strategies between non-English-major graduates and native speakers? If yes, what are the differences?(2) What is the level of non-English-major graduates’ pragmatic competence? Is there a relationship between L2 learners’ pragmatic competence, linguistic competence and length of study?(3) How can L2 learners’ pragmatic competence be improved in classroom setting?(4) What is the effect of instruction on L2 learners’ development of pragmatic competence?Background questionnaires, open discourse completion tests and evaluation of apology situations as well as interviews are used to elicit data. SPSS is applied to perform ANOVA and analyze the correlation. The results of the responses from the subjects of the experiment group and the control group indicate that there are not many significant differences in selection of apology strategies between native speakers and L2 learners of English. However, there are significant differences in the evaluation of apology situations shown by the four social parameters, namely social distance, social power, severity of offense and obligation of apology between them. There is also correlation between the evaluation of apology situations and apology strategy selection in both groups. However, such correlation has little to do with the significant differences in their selection of apology strategies. The main difference is the inappropriateness and incorrectness of apologies made by L2 learners. Negative transfers appear quite often. Non-English-major graduates’ pragmatic competence is out of proportion to their linguistic competence and length of English study.The reasons for L2 learners’ pragmatic incompetence are insufficient input of pragmatic knowledge and ineffective way of classroom instructions, which is shown by a detailed analysis of the instructions and the English textbooks of listening and speaking as well as reading and writing used by L2 learners in the university at the graduate, undergraduate and doctoral level. Subsequently, explicit instructions of making apologies in different situations combined with practices in class are offered to the experiment group. The results show that there is only a slight change of L2 learners’ selection of apology strategies but there is significant improvement of the experiment group in making appropriate apologies without errors, which does not exist in the control group. Thus, instructions of pragmatic knowledge with practices can greatly improve L2 learners’ pragmatic competence.The thesis is of much theoretical significance. On the basis of different definitions of apology and various classifications of apology strategies, a new definition and classification are put forward. The research has empirically confirmed or revised previous conclusions with regard to the acquisition of pragmatic competence and established data for performing apology strategies in written English. Since our foreign language teaching has long been attaching more importance to grammar and language forms, learners are often at a loss to know how to use the language to perform different functions. Therefore, the study will be of vital importance to the improvement of learners’ communicative competence and provide implications for EFL teaching in China in the aspect of adjusting our syllabus and teaching methods to facilitate L2 teaching and learning.

【关键词】 研究二语学习者习得道歉言语行为
【Key words】 studyL2 learnersacquisitionspeech act of apology
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1188

