

A Study on Chinese Neologism Clusters

【作者】 刘吉艳

【导师】 王德春;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在汉语新词语中,汉语新词语词群是以共同词素(词)为外在形式标志,且共同词素(词)的意义相同或相关,形式统一、结构整齐的词或短语的聚合。它是汉语新词语研究的内容之一,是通过类推机制而形成的一种语言现象。本研究以汉语新词语词群为研究对象,运用词汇学、语义学、社会语言学、认知语言学等理论,对其产生原因、结构类型、语义变化、发展趋势以及在对外汉语教学领域的应用等方面进行较为全面的考察。汉语新词语词群的组成成员可以是词,也可以是短语。组成成员之间必须具有共同的词素或词,我们称之为共同词素或共同词。我们对汉语新词语词群进行研究,可以以词群内组成成员的整体——词或短语作为研究对象,也可以以组成成员的共同成分——词素或词作为研究对象。由于新词语词群是以共同词素(词)作为外在形式标志,因此我们把词素作为一项主要内容纳入到研究中来。这种研究视角有利于我们对汉语新词语词群现象进行较为细致和深入的探讨。汉语新词语词群产生的原因包括外部原因和内部原因两大方面。其产生与社会发展需要、民族语言融合以及语用心理基础密切相关,同时也与语言体系内部的动态平衡、自我调节功能以及内在的类推机制等几个方面有紧密联系。在外因和内因的共同作用下,产生了这种较为整齐有序的、具有较强类推性的语言现象。汉语新词语词群结构类型符合现代汉语一般构词规律,但在结构类型分布上呈现出一些差异:偏正结构居多,主谓等结构偏少;在语义类型上的一个表现是一些共同词素(词)的意义发生了变化。按照共同词素是词根还是词缀,新词语词群可分为两大类:以共同词素为词缀的新词语词群;以共同词素为词根的新词语词群。从意义实在的词根到意义虚化的词缀,是一个渐变的连续统,我们可以根据其位置是否固定、是否有实体意义等加以区分。通过对新词语词群的结构类型和语义类型等方面进行观察与分析,我们认为汉语新词语词群具有词素(词)重合性、语义连接性、搭配选择性、词缀化倾向等方面的特征。汉语新词语词群内存在语义转化现象,其语义转换可分为整体转义和部分转义两种。转义的根本动因是人的认知思维和大脑机制。人们往往用已有的词语来命名新事物,这时词语原语义的范畴就扩大了,但这种扩大不是任意的,是建立在人的认知基础上的,其变化的重要内在机制是隐喻思维。无论是从一个域到另一个域的跨域投射还是意义的多方位衍化都需要求助于逻辑推理能力或联想以找到事物间的相似点,这一点构成了转义的心理基础。汉语新词语词群内的整体转义是词群中的“词”或“短语”意义的整体变化,而不存在再将“词语”切分为词素或词的情况。发生整体转义的新词语词群,其形成的基础仍是存在共同词素(词),但词(短语)与词(短语)之间的语义联系是整体意义上的相对或相关。我们采用语义特征分析的方法,对整体转义的过程进行了分析,并探讨了性质相似、功能相似、过程相似、状态相似、结果相似等整体转义类型。汉语新词语词群内的部分转义是词群内的词的共同词素(词)发生了意义变化,意义变化的部分可以是词素,也可以是词。部分转义可分为两种,一种是语义的类化;一种是语义的泛化。语义类化是指意义指称范围的扩大,语义类化的过程就是在一定的指谓对象上发现这些可以类化的特征,将这些特征加载在一定的对象之上使之纳入词语的指称范围。一些共同词素在类化的同时还增添了附加的语义色彩。汉语新词语词群的泛化转义以意义的抽象化、一般化和扩大化为特征,它是以部分具体义素的脱离和意义的适用范围扩大为前提的。在保持越来越少的原有语义特征的情况下,不断产生新的使用方式,将越来越多的指称对象纳入自己的指称范围,是尽可能地促使使用者在词语(能指)和尽可能多的对象(所指)之间创造性地发现新指称关系的过程。包括辐射型、连锁型和复合型等语义泛化类型。汉语新词语词群内部一些共同词素的语义在隐喻机制的运作下,发生类化或泛化。类化或泛化的过程是义素不断损失,细节义不断减少的过程,并逐渐固化为某一抽象义,有的伴随附加意义的产生。我们认为处于这一语义变化过程中的一些共同词素正在发生语义的虚化。我们通过观察语言和言语现象,研究了在语言发展一般规律统摄下的词群发展规律,同时研究了潜语言和显语言在词群发展中的交替情况,并在此基础上,对新词语词群的发展趋势进行了预测。我们认为新词语词群有词群音节三音化和共同词素词缀化的发展趋势。从总体来说,现代汉语仍然是以双音节为主,并以双音节为主要发展方向。我们所说的三音化的趋势是针对词群这一研究范围而言的。共同词素词缀化的发展趋势大体有三种情况,一是进一步虚化,发展成为词缀;二是保持在中间状态;三是词缀化进程终止。汉语新词语词群在对外汉语教学中具有一定的可行性和必要性。由于汉语新词语词群有较强的类推性,词群内部的新词语在造词上具有相对单一的模式,其共同词素(词)具有相同或相关的意义。因此在教学实践中,应使学生在课堂上学习少量新词语的内部构成和语义理据之后,使其触类旁通。在教学内容方面,要选用已经被认为是规范了的新词语词群来进行教学,重视造词模式与意义变化两个方面的教学,使两者相互促进,互为依存。在教学方法上,可采取词素扩展教学法和主题扩展教学法,遵循“必要性”、“普遍性”等原则,以保证教学的效果。

【Abstract】 Chinese neologism clusters, arising from lexical analogy, are aggregations (or sets) of words or phrases marked by the uniform structure and shared morphemes (words) that carry identical or related senses. Based on lexicology, semantics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, this dissertation centers on the motivation, construction, semantic change and evolutionary trend of Chinese neologism clusters, as well as their application in the teaching of Chinese as foreign language.Chinese neologism clusters range from words to expressions. The occurrence of shared morphemes or words is indispensable to the formation of Chinese neologism clusters, of which the study is conducted at both macro-level and micro-level, i.e. a comprehensive study of the neologism clusters and their shared morphemes or words. Shared morphemes of Chinese neologism clusters become the focus of this dissertation on the grounds that they are the mark of such neologism clusters and that it is a better perspective for a precise and in-depth exploration into the clusters.External and internal facts all provide stimulus to the origination of Chinese neologism clusters, say, social development, language integration as well as pragmatic psychology fit into an external category whilst language homeostasis, self-regulation and analogical mechanism of the language all provide evidence of the internal factors. It is such external and internal facts that are combining forces to motivate the occurrence of Chinese neologism clusters which are marked by their uniform structures and analogicality.The construction of Chinese neologism clusters is in accordance with Chinese word-formation laws while asymmetry in structural type can still be observed, say, much more attributive-head structure than subject-predicate structure. Semantic change also happens to certain shared morphemes (words). Judging from whether the shared morphemes function as roots or affixes in neologism, Chinese neologism clusters fall into two categories, namely root cluster and affix cluster. Between a root carrying lexical meaning and an affix indicating grammatical information, there exists a continuum.Therefore criteria like whether a shared morpheme is fixed in lexical structure and whether it carries lexical meaning are prerequisites for the coming research. Careful observation on the structural and semantic features of Chinese neologism clusters suggests that repetitive morpheme (word), semantic connection, selective collocation and affixation tendency are the epitome of the Chinese newly-coined word clusters.Semantic change, which can be observed from within neologism clusters, takes the form of overall transference or partly transference, which are motivated by human cognitive mentality and brain mechanism. A tendency to name new things after existing expressions leads to an amplification of lexical meaning on a cognitive basis. Metaphorical thinking mode is the key to semantic transference mechanism. Similarities based on logical reasoning or association, which are essential to projection between semantic domains and multi-directional derivation of lexical meaning, also lay a psychological foundation for semantic transference.The overall semantic transference of Chinese neologism clusters takes place at the level of entire words and phrases within a neologism cluster instead of any further division of a neologism into the level of a morpheme. When neologism clusters do get involved in an overall semantic transference, an existence of shared morpheme (word) still contributes to the basis of word cluster, however the relativity and correlation of an overall meaning of a cluster helps establish semantic connection between words (phrases). Through semantic analysis an exploration is made into the process of the overall semantic transference, including similarity in feature, function, process, status similarity, outcome and so on.The partly semantic transference of neologism clusters involves the change in the meaning of the shared morpheme (word) within a neologism cluster. There are two ways of partly semantic transference, one is the amplification of semantic category and the other semantic generalization. The amplification of semantic category is formed by putting categorized semantic features into the denotation of a shared morpheme or word, with some shared morphemes getting extra connotations. The generalization of semantic transference of neologism clusters is characterized by semantic abstraction, commonness and expansion; it is premised on the loss of some semantic components of neologism clusters, and expansion of semantic application. When the number of semantic feature decreases, new ways of expression spring up, thus resulting in the increasing number of sense. This is a process of encouraging language users to explore new referential relationships between the signifier and the more signified. Types of semantic generalization include radiation, chain and compound generalization.Metaphor mechanism contributes to the amplification of semantic category and the semantic generalization of some shared morphemes or words within neologism clusters. In the process of the amplification of semantic category and the semantic generalization, exists a loss of semantic elements and diluting semantic nuances, as a result, gradually emerging a fixed semantic abstraction, in some cases, additional meaning comes into being.The grammaticalization of the meaning of the shared morphemes takes place in this process of semantic change. By investigating into langue and parole phenomena, the study is conducted ,on the first hand, into the law of neologism cluster’development under the general law of language development, on the other, the alternation of implicit and explicit language phenomena in word-clusters’development. We also manage to predict the development tendency of neologism clusters, tri-syllabification of the word clusters and grammaticalization of the shared morphemes are the developing tendency of neologism clusters. On the whole, two-syllable words dominate the Chinese language and double syllabus is the general tendency of the Chinese language evolution. A tri-syllabification tendency is then studied within the scope of neologism clusters. The grammaticalization of shared morphemes expresses itself in three tendencies, namely further grammaticalization into affixes, maintenance of the statue quo, and termination of the grammaticalization.In the teaching of Chinese as foreign language, neologism clusters are not only feasible but also an essential part of the instruction. Due to the fact that Chinese neologism clusters are highly analogized, that the formation model of neologism is comparatively simplex within the cluster, and that meanings of the shared morphemes are either identical or related, students can easily make analogy after having acquired the internal components and semantic motivation of a few neologisms. In the process of instruction, only standardized neologism clusters are encouraged to be introduced into classroom teaching, and much emphasis should laid on the word-formation model as well as semantic change since the two aspects are indispensable to the teaching. Better is that teachers should follow“necessity and universality”as principles and that morpheme-expansion approach and subject-extended approach should be taken into account in the teaching of Chinese neologism clusters to non-Chinese speakers, so as to guarantee effectiveness of teaching.

  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】3168

