

【作者】 黄冬敏

【导师】 张广智;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 启蒙时代的史学思想是整个启蒙时代理性思潮不可分割的一部分,也是整个人类思想链条上不可分割的一环,它包含着人们对人性的理解,对自身的追问,对社会发展进程的反应与对美好社会的构建。在继承西方优秀史学传统的基础上,将史学推进到一个新的水平,促进了历史学世俗化和历史领域的拓展。本文主要以法国为中心,在阐释理性主义史学思想时,也论述理性主义史学与宗教、政治的关联,总结理性主义史学在西方史学史上的意义。本文分导言、正文、结语三部分内容。第一部分是导言,主要介绍论文的选题意义,国内外研究概况及写作思路。正文共分五章内容,第一章阐述理性主义史学的背景及理性主义史学的生成。理性主义史学是在理性主义思潮和启蒙社会思想的影响下形成的,表现出鲜明的理性主义特质,在承继以往史学传统的基础上,形成理性主义史学。第二章考察理性主义史学的历史思想,分三个层面进行阐释,即社会史观,世界史观和进步史观。在社会史观中着重阐述风俗、法律,即人类精神与社会的关联;在世界史观中,考察整体视域下的世界史;在进步史观中,论述启蒙思想家们的进步史观。第三章探讨启蒙思想家们的宗教观点与其历史思想的关联。分析18世纪启蒙思想家们的宗教观,置于历史思想中思考,最后指出启蒙思想家们的理性的宗教倡议。第四章关注启蒙思想家们的政治观点与其历史思想的关系,将其政治观点置于历史思想中考察,论述启蒙的方案:文雅社会的构建。第五章着意于理性主义史学理论的论述,就理性的批判分析的方法、整体联系的观点、比较的方法及因果律的解释方式和理性主义史学的写作特点等方面来阐述。结语对启蒙时代的理性主义史学的意义进行归纳,总结全文。

【Abstract】 The thought of historiography is inseparable from the rational trend in the Enlightenment, and is a necessary link of the thread of human thoughts. It includes the understanding of humanity, self-quest, the response on social progress, and the construction of good society. It derives from the tradition of the Western historiography, pushes the historiography onto a new stage, and accelerates the secularization of historiography and the expanse of the research field.This treatise is divided into three parts, including an introduction and a conclusion. The first part is introduction, which provides the significance of the research, a summary of the studies concerning this topic both from home and abroad, and the structure of this treatise.The main body has five chapters. The first chapter gives an analysis of the background and the up-rising of the rational historiography, which developed under the influence of rational thought and the enlightenment thought. It shows sharp features of rationalism.The second chapter examines the historical thought of the rational historiography from three perspectives: social historical view, world historical view and the advanced historical view. For the social historical view, this chapter is focused on the customs, laws, i.e., the relation of human spirit and society; for the world historical view, it examines the world history in a whole vision; for the advanced historical view, it expounds the advanced historical views of the enlightenment thinkers.The third chapter discusses the religious views of the enlightenment thinkers and the relation between the views and their historical thoughts. It restores the religious views back to the context of historical thoughts, and points out that the religious proposals of the enlightenment thinkers embodied the characteristics of rationalism.The fourth chapter pays close attention to the relation between the political views of the enlightenment thinkers and their historical thoughts, and the latter is examined in the historical thoughts. It analyzed the plans of the enlightenment: the construction of a civil society.The fifth chapter is focused on the discourse of the rational historiography theory, including its research method, standards of evaluation, characteristics of the writing, the cause and the historical function, etc.In the conclusion, the rational historiography has an explanation of its significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K091
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1471

