

【作者】 刘平

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图在现代化和国际化的背景下,以银行监管制度的变迁为主要线索,将银行监管制度作为一个完整体系,把银行监管的主体、客体、依据、内容、方法与手段等纳入其中,进行较长时间段的考察,并对近代中国的整个银行监管制度作出总体的考察与评估。时间断限定为1897—1949年。1897年是中国第一家商业银行中国通商银行正式建立的时间,也是本文研究的起点;而1949年则是中华民国和中华人民共和国交替的年份,同时也是两种性质差异非常明显的金融体制,包括银行监管体制实行交替的年份。选择这样一个时间段,将有助于对近代中国的银行监管制度变迁进行相对比较完整的考察和分析。迄今为止,研究近代中国银行业的机构个案以及具体业务的研究成果已有不少,而且具有相当的水准,但从制度层面研究的成果尚不多见。而从较长的时间跨度和较大的地域跨度来对近代中国的银行监管制度加以系统全面的研究,则尚属空白。本文以历史学的研究方法为主。着重从三个方面加以努力:一是从新的视角,认真回读和解构、整合以往研究中所采用的史料以及所得出的研究结论;二是力图通过对已刊未刊档案史料和旧报刊资料等进行新的挖掘和整理,尽可能使相关问题的研究具有更为扎实的资料依据;三是为了避免制度研究过程中就文本论文本的弊端,选取了若干典型案例作出相应的实证分析。本文还借鉴了相关学科的理论和方法。一是行政管理学。现代行政管理学研究为本文提供了可供参考的研究框架和视角;二是法学。相关法律法规是不同时期银行监管的重要依据,应当而且完全可以从银行监管法律角度来总结出一些有价值的内容,供银行监管实践借鉴;三是经济金融学。经济金融学的相关研究,特别是近年来的一些研究,为本文的进一步研究,提供了很好的理论基础和分析方法。本文在写作过程中,尽可能充分利用了已经整理出版的金融史特别是银行史资料,以及旧报刊杂志、统计年鉴、回忆录、日记、年谱等;同时,对中国第二历史挡案馆、上海市档案馆、重庆市档案馆、四川省档案馆、福建省档案馆等有关单位馆藏的相关档案史料进行了挖掘、整理和运用。本文主体部分共分为八章,主要包括:银行监管的法规依据、银行监管的主体特征、银行监管的客体构成、银行的市场准入监管、银行业务的持续监管、问题银行及市场退出的监管、银行监管的方式,以及建国之初人民政府对银行业的监管等。结语部分则对近代中国银行监管制度的阶段性、国际化、本土化、制约性以及有效性等问题进行了总体考察。本文具有下列特点:(1)既从纵向关注银行监管制度较长时间段的连续性研究,更从横向关注银行监管制度各构成要素的完整性研究;(2)既关注银行监管制度构成诸要素的个别研究,更关注这些构成要素相互关系的合成研究;(3)既关注不同时期银行监管法令和政策的制订和颁行,更关注银行机构的具体回应以及实施效果。成功的现代化过程,一定也是一个国际化与本土化有机结合的过程。从这个意义上讲,研究近代中国银行监管制度的变迁,并从中总结出若干有规律性的东西,对于推进和完善当今中国银行监管制度的建设,无疑将具有十分重要的现实借鉴意义;另一方面,对于深化近现代中国金融史特别是银行史的研究,也具有相当重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Under the background of modernization and globalization,following the evolution of banking supervisory system as a thread,the thesis tries to research the banking supervisory system which may cover subject,object, grounds,substance,tools and means,and make a general evaluation completely for a long time span.The time span for research starts from 1897 when the Imperial Bank of China was built up.The ending is in 1949 which is the transitional year of the establishment of the People’ s Republic of China as well as the changing of two financial systems including banking supervisory systems with obvious difference.The time spanⅠchoose for research will be suitable for comparatively integrated analysis for the evolution of banking supervisory system in modern China.Till now,there are a few researches been made on the institutional or business cases of banking industry in modern China,some of which made remarkable achievements,but there is few made achieved in the research from the systematic aspect.And it is still a virgin island for a systematic research from a longer time span and broader geographic span on banking supervisory system in modern China.Using the historical method of investigation,the research is made by the following means:the first is to Seriously review and restructure the historical documentations and conclusions found in the previous studies from a new angle of view;the second is to try to get new findings from those publicized or non-publicized historical files as well as old mess media information which may provide more sound support to the conclusion; the third is to make typical case studies in order to avoiding the malpractice of taking the matters as it stands by wording.I also use the theories and means of other relative subjects for reference.The first one is the science of administrative management which provides referential framework and angles of view for this thesis;the second is the science of law.As the important grounds for banking supervisory activities,laws and regulations of different time shall and should generate something valuable for supervisory practice;the third is the science of economy and finance.The researches,especially those made in recent years provide very good theoretical foundation and methods for further study.The thesis is written thoroughly on the basis of published financial historical books which covering banking side in particular,old newspapers and magazines,statistical annual books,reminiscences and chronicles etc.;Meanwhile,I also do a lot of review and reference on the files and historical achievement collected in China No.2 history Archives,Shanghai Archives,Chongqing Archives,Sichuan Province Archives and Fujian Province Archives.The main body of this thesis can be divided into eight parts which include the laws and regulations of banking supervision,features of supervisory subject,the components of supervisory object,market entrance supervision,sustained business supervision,supervision on the problem bank and market exit,means of supervision and a case study on the banking supervision carried out by people’ s government in the early period after liberation.In the end,I make a general conclusion on the phases,globalization,localization,conditions and effectiveness.The thesis approached the features as the combination of interest in the continuity for long time span vertically and the integrity of the system components laterally,the combination of interest in the individual and the internal relationship among those components,and finally the combination of setup of laws and regulation and the response as well as the affection afterwards.A successful modernization must be the organic combination process of globalization and localization.Based on this angle of view,research on the evolution of modern China’ s banking supervisory system and summarizing some laws of history will be very meaningful to speed up and improve the infrastructure of present-day banking supervision;meanwhile, it should be valuable to strengthen the research of modern China’ s financial history and banking history in particular.

【关键词】 银行监管制度中国金融史近代
【Key words】 banksupervisionsystemChina’s financial historymodern China
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1802

