

【作者】 张笑川

【导师】 熊月之;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 所谓“城区史”研究,是在城市空间差异的视角下,对特定城区历史的考察。它是向内部深化城市史研究的一种途径。本文以1843—1937年的闸北为研究对象,是因为它具有地位突出、发展迅速、变化剧烈、内涵丰富等特点。闸北是20世纪初迅速发展起来的、上海华界中与老城厢并驾齐驱的主要城区。至八一三抗战止,其发展历程大致分为草创(1903—1910)、兴旺(1911—1931)、顿挫与沉沦(1932—1937)三个阶段。闸北是在上海城市的华界、租界格局下成长起来的,承担着“振兴华界”、“分租界之势”的政治任务。由于闸北对租界扩张的限制作用,租界当局一直意图向此地扩张、将之纳入租界管辖之内,而华界则奋起抵制。由此,闸北成为上海城市中华洋斗争的焦点和华洋交涉的频繁之地。20世纪前30年,闸北是上海的一个新兴工商业区。此地工厂数量繁多,形成了缫丝、印刷、食品等优势行业,成为上海的四大工业区之一,亦有“华界工厂发源之大本营”之誉。以米批发业和日常消费品零售业为主导的商业亦有初步发展,并形成了宝山路、大统路等商业街。此外,闸北还出现了众多区域性商人团体和商业精英。闸北的工商业是在依傍租界、临河临路的有利区位前提下,依托于租界的公用事业和金融服务,通过租界经济的扩散和辐射发展起来的。由于华、租区隔的影响,闸北的工商业以民族中小资本为主,企业规模偏小,技术和产业结构落后,抵抗经济波动的能力较差,发展不稳定。最终,闸北的工商业在一二八、八一三战争的打击下,彻底衰落。由于租界的横阻,在1927年上海市政府成立之前,上海华界的市政一直处于割裂、分立的状态,闸北的市政亦自成系统、相对独立的发展起来。在历届市政机关和民间社会的共同努力下,闸北市政设施发展迅速,城区功能日趋完善,有“华界自治典范”之誉。但因开发较晚、财政匮乏、起点较低,较之租界、老城厢,市政设施具有明显的缺憾和落差。其中,主要由地方绅商所操控的慈善和消防事业,为地方绅商发挥政治影响提供了社会和组织基础。闸北的市政是在多种矛盾的交织下发展演进的。首先,闸北的市政一直在“官治”与“自治”两种模式之间频繁转换,地方精英和政府之间围绕市政管理权展来了激烈的争夺,使之成为上海市政机关变动最为频繁的城区。其次,闸北的区域随着租界的扩张、城市化的进程、地方自治运动的演进逐渐扩大,但因处于两县之间的独特区位,闸北的发展面临着与传统区域认同的协调。最后,由于闸北三面被公共租界包围的地理区位以及租界持续的扩张企图,使闸北的市政建设随时面临着租界当局的阻碍。20年代开始,随着上海的人口日趋膨胀,闸北吸纳大量人口,成为上海人口最密集的城区之一。它是上海的主要中下层居住区和以江浙、广东、苏北等三大群体为主的外地移民集中区,也是以都市贫民为主体的“棚户”数量最多、最密集的城区。闸北是上海工人运动的策源地之一和左翼文人的聚居区。闸北的犯罪率较高,娱乐设施和高档消费场所缺乏,城区的景观简陋、混乱,呈现出“亦城亦乡”的社会风貌。与上海城市总体能够脱离政局动荡、战争影响,保持持续发展不同,闸北一直处于国内、国际战争的直接、间接影响之下。其中军阀战争、工人武装起义等国内战争对闸北造成较大的破坏,而一二八、八一三两次淞沪抗战对闸北造成毁灭性打击。20世纪前半叶,两租界、老城厢和闸北是上海最主要的城区。闸北的崛起是上海城市中心北移和工业化发展的结果,其兴起之速、衰落之骤,在上海诸城区中无出其右。闸北城区的独特社会风貌和演变轨迹,与其作为上海城市发展中多种矛盾聚集地的特点密切关联。首先,上海城市中特有的华、租两界对峙的格局,从正、反两方面制约闸北的发展。其次,西方近代文明和中国传统农耕文明在上海城市空间中的不均衡分布,使闸北的社会风貌与租界相比存在巨大落差。再次,处于城乡结合部和城市边缘区的区位特点,使闸北成为由于迅速城市化所带来的城乡矛盾的集中地区。最后,由于裸露于国内政局动荡的影响之下,而且和近代中国的国际矛盾息息相联,闸北城区一直处于战争的频繁影响和残酷破坏之中。闸北城区史研究提示我们,上海城市发展中“西方冲击”的巨大影响和政治因素的强大作用,以及“东方巴黎”繁华表象之外的另一面。以“典型性”为原则或将上海城市作为一个均质空间而随意取材的上海史研究,将可能忽略和遮蔽上海城市复杂、丰富的历史内涵。引入城市空间差异视角所展开的城区史研究,是深化上海城市史研究和近代中国城市史研究的有效途径之一。

【Abstract】 History of the city zone is a research of special region of a city, deepening urban history by paying attention to space differences within one city. This paper researches the history of a zone of Shanghai named Zhabei during 1843-1937, because it is a very important region of Shanghai and has developed quickly with great changes during these years.Form early 20th century, Zhabei begins its urbanization, and soon became an important zone of Chinese region of Shanghai. Its development is divided into three phrases: starting phase during 1903-1911, thriving phase during 1911-1932, and declining phase during 1932-1937. Zhabei developed in the situation that Shanghai was separated by Chinese region and concession region , and it was supposed to prosper Chinese region of Shanghai while restrict the concession region. So the authorities of concession wanted to annex Zhabei and the authorities of China resisted.Zhabei became an important industrial and commercial center of Shanghai in the first 30 year of the 20th Century by the influence of the concession, but the factories in Zhabei were small and were mostly in possession of Chinese low-down capitalists.The municipal administration of Zhabei was progressed independently in predicament, including the conflict between Chinese and the foreigners, the competition of local elites and government and the problem between Shanghai county and Baoshan county.Zhabei is a region with dense population in Shanghai which mostly occupied by immigrants, pauper and labors, so the community of Zhabei is intervenient between urban and rural.Zhabei had once been under the influence of war ~ domestic and international war, and declined gradually after the war between china and Japan in Shanghai in 1932 and 1937. Zhabei is a special region of Shanghai which is permeated by much contradiction, including the conflict between Chinese and foreigners, the gap between Chinese rural culture and the Western industrial culture, the problem accompany with urbanization and the aftermath of the wars. So Zhabei is distinguished from the other old counties and the concessions in Shanghai.The development of Zhabei tells us the important influence of West and the powerful function of politics in the development of Shanghai city. It also tells us that Shanghai has another face under the prosperous surface. The research of different regions of a great city is helpful to understand the history of the city.

【关键词】 近代上海闸北城区史空间差异租界
【Key words】 Modern timesShanghaiZhabeiRegional historySpace differenceConcession
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F299.24
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】623

