

【作者】 尚红娟

【导师】 姜义华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪中国政治的重要特点是派别活动普遍化。国民党派系尤为复杂,可以说,不研究派系就不可能全面了解国民党。国共正面抗争的第一个回合中,西山会议是这段历史的关键。所以,笔者通过对发起这一会议的革命党精英在联俄容共后蜕变的考察,试就现今民国史热点之一——国民党的改组问题,在微观层面上的研究能有所推进。全文共分为五章,外加绪论与结语。主要创新点如下:第一章通过对鲍罗廷在“联俄容共”中扮演的角色分析,尤其是对他分化国民党右派中央委员的政治言动的梳理,得出西山会议之缘起的“反鲍”色彩远浓于“反共”。第二章就西山派之上海中央将中共由“友党”变为“敌党”,二者由“暗斗”发生到“明争”后,中共所发起的反攻进行详述。第三章就西山派因汪、蒋集团势力的消长,导致其与国民党党统中央关系变化的原委作一探究。第四章就西山派在中特委、扩大会议、非常会议这三大会议中的政治表现,试图揭示其由革命党精英沦为政客的蜕变。第五章对西山派于时代、于个人的影响进行客观全面的分析。通过研究,笔者得出如下结论:从1925年11月至1931年12月,作为国民党改组后出台的第一个与中央分裂的派系,西山派的存在几乎影响了20年代中后期国民党发展中的每一重大政治事件。与此同时,这六年间所突发的诸多足以影响时局的政治事件也使得西山派“一分而不可收”,从而在国民党史上的四次大分裂中扮演了重要的角色。西山派的发展与主导民国政局的蒋、汪两大集团势力的消长密切相关。他们的蜕变也是一个渐进的过程:因固守三民主义,执着地反对联俄容共——因为个人恩怨,毫无原则地反蒋——因对现实的无奈,最终苟存于蒋中央异化的“党国体制”之中。从开国元勋沦为在野政客,而后被中央闲置,如果说“西山会议”是他们郁郁不得志的政治生涯的转折点,那么扩大会议的凑集煽动可谓是其“政客化”的转折点。从分裂广州中央到回归南京中央的历程中,西山派先后受困于国共与蒋、汪的“夹攻”,尽管他们采取了“公开对抗”与“地下活动”的状态在困境中“突围”,将其斗争持续长达六年之久,但最终还是合流于蒋中央的南京政府。或许,发起西山会议的文人派系在与军事强人蒋介石近四年的较量中深刻体会到了“蚍蜉撼树谈何易”!所以说,文人从政于蒋中央的军权时代,其所以蜕变也是情理之中。

【Abstract】 During the first half of 20th century, the rise of several political factions was one of the characteristic of the Chinese politics. The KMT, one of the Chinses political party, also experienced a high degree political fragmentation, this is an historical phenomenon that we can’t ignore if we want to fully understand the further development of the KMT. The XiShan conference(1925) took place during the first united front of the KMT and the CCP. This conference gave name to a new faction within the KMT: the XiShan conference faction. The present work aimes to study the impact of the XiShan conference faction in the reorganization of the KMT. Through the analysis of the political thoughts of the XiShan conference faction, we will try to further explain the implications on the political structure and the function of the KMT.This dissertation paper consists of three parts: preface, main body including five chapters and conclusion. The first chapter focus on the role palyed by Michael Borodin in the reorganization of the KMT during the "United Russia and Accept Communism"period(1924-1927). His role is portraited by a systematic analysis of his thoughts and political activities leading to splite the right-wing of the KMT. The second chapter’s conclusion we can draw is in detail the counterattack of CCP towards the XiShan conference faction after their relationship changed from"firendly party"to "enemy party". The third chapter study on the whole story that is Wang Jingwei and Jiang Jieshi groups power’s the swing of pendulum led to relationship evolution between shanghai—center committee of the XiShan conference faction and legal—center committee of KMT. The fourth chapter focus on the qualitative change occurred within the XiShan conference faction from the revolutionary party elite to politician. This chapter takes three major KMT conferences: central special committee(1927), expanding conference(1930), extraordinary conference(1931) as a historical frame to explain the severe change. The fifth chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the overall impact at that time of the XiShan conference faction in Chinses politics, society and individual.From Novermber 1925 to December 1931, as the first political faction splited from the KMT center committee, the XiShan conference faction effected a great influence on every major political event of the KMT in the later 1920’s. At the same time, the political event development of the KMT also had a correlative impact on the XiShan conference faction performance. The fundamental change of this faction was made progressively step by step. From the revolutionary party elite to the politician, the XiShan conference and the expanding conference were the major turning point in this qualitative change. Perhaps engaged in politics center of military power monopolized, scholars ’qualitative change was excusable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K262.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】768

