

【作者】 阮清华

【导师】 张济顺;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中华人民共和国成立前后,为清理和重建城市基层社会秩序,中国共产党在所占领的城市中进行了一系列的社会改革改造运动,诸如镇压反革命、取缔会道门、消除烟赌娼等,全国性的游民改造运动也是其中的重要一环。本文主要探讨1949年以后共产党在上海进行的游民改造,首先介绍了晚清到1949年前上海游民问题的处理情况,可以看出这一时期上海处理游民问题的一个基本脉络是由官方倡导、官民携手开始救济游民,到民间力量逐渐在该问题上占据主导,再到地方政府最终基本独力进行游民的收容处理。然后本文以主要篇幅集中讨论共产党进驻上海以后进行的游民收容改造。第二章介绍了上海游民改造前的基本情况,并追溯了中共历史上的游民政策以及在改造时期游民政策的变化。改造前上海有各类游民10多万人,他们分布广泛、种类繁多,是上海城市社会中一个不可忽视的阶层;共产党在建国前后对游民的政策发生了重大变化,从而为“游民问题”的处理提供了政策上的支持。第三章详细叙述了上海游民的收容、教育与改造以及游民的安置等三个方面;第四章分析上海游民改造的具体对象。通过这两章我们力争用具体的资料和数据,重建游民改造的基本史实,同时说明被收容者的真实身份,以及收容过程中不同阶段收容对象的区别和联系等,从而揭示共产党游民改造的实质。在将近10年的游民改造中,上海前后共计收容了各类“游民”7万余人,但分析表明他们中很大部分是以前国民党政权时代的工作人员或与之相关的人,而共产党建国初期调查认定的那些游民中有很大一部分并没有被收容改造。第五章分析游民改造中发生的暴力、自杀以及谣言等事件,从收容人员的角度来看游民改造政策,揭示底层社会如何表达他们自己,试着探讨“被拯救者”对于游民改造政策的态度和看法,既揭示共产党游民改造政策中的意识形态冲突,同时也探讨共产党人如何平衡意识形态与政治行为之间的矛盾,以达到其政治目标。第六章综合探讨了近代以来上海处理游民问题的主要力量、他们如何看待游民问题以及他们处理游民问题的实质等,然后回答了游民改造中“新、旧游民”的来源和去向问题:被收容的“新游民”主要是1949年以后由于政权更迭以及上海社会改革改造而产生的,而那些原本预计要加以收容改造的“旧游民”则有很大一部分通过各种方式离开了上海或者通过改变自身身份而逃脱了被收容改造的命运。

【Abstract】 Around the foundation of P.R.C., the Chinese Communist Party (CPC)carried out series of social reforming and transformation movements in cities to reconstruct the urban grass-roots social order, such as the suppression of counter-revolutionaries, the banned of the evil religion organization (fandong huidaomen) , the elimination of drugs, gambling and prostitutions. National rehabilitation of displaced persons was also an important part of the movements. This dissertation mainly discusses rehabilitation of displaced persons that the Communist Party carried out in Shanghai from 1949 to 1958. Firstly, the author introduced the situation of handling vagrants and homeless in Shanghai from the late Qing Dynasty to 1949, in which there is a basic thread that the government initiated to take some methods to help and relief homeless and vagrants and then officials and the non-governmental forces cooperated on this issue during this period. The latter became more and more important, but in the anti-Japanese war and post-war period governments had to deal with aggregation and relief of the displaced people alone.This dissertation mainly concentrates on the rehabilitation movement of displaced persons by the Communist Party in Shanghai after 1949. The second chapter introduces the situation of Shanghai’s vagrants before rehabilitation, and retraces the history of the CPC’s vagrant policies and describes the policy changing in period of the rehabilitation. There were more than 100 thousand vagrants, widely-distributed and variously-classed, and could not be ignored in Shanghai before 1949. Around the founding of P.R.C., the Communist Party adapted to new policy of rehabilitating the displaced persons, which differed from former one. The third Chapter discusses aggregating, reclaiming and resettling the displaced persons in details, and the fourth chapter analyzes specific objects of rehabilitating movement in Shanghai. In these two chapters we strive to use specific materials and data to reconstruct the basic facts of rehabilitating the displaced persons, which manifests the essence of the policy of rehabilitation by the CPC. In nearly 10 years after 1949, more than 70 thousand people were rehabilitated in Shanghai, most of who were the staffs of previous Kuomintang regime. Fewer real vagrants,which according to the statistics by CPC around the year of 1949, were rehabilitated. The fifth Chapter describes the violence, suicides, and rumors and other incidents in the rehabilitation. The author tries to reveal how the grass-root express themselves, and explores the attitude and views of displaced persons to" salvation" policy .The chapter reveals the ideological conflicts in the rehabilitating policy of the Communist Party on displaced persons and how Communist Party to balance the contradictions between ideology and political actions to achieve their political goals.The last Chapter concludes the main forces to deal with the vagrants, how they view rehabilitation policy and the essence of the movement in Shanghai .Then the dissertation answers the question of where the "new, old displaced persons" origin and where they destine during the rehabilitation of displaced persons . The "new vagrants" rehabilitated were people laid-off during the transformation of political power as well as social reforms in Shanghai after 1949.Most of the "old vagrants" who had been planned to be rehabilitated avoided being saved by leaving Shanghai or changing their own social identity by all means.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】956

