

【作者】 陈志英

【导师】 姚大力;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 转运司是我国古代主要负责国家财赋征收及运转的政治机构,其雏形为唐代建立的差谴使职——转运使。转运司始建于五代,其权力在宋朝时达到顶峰,不仅负责地方财赋管理,而且成为地方一级行政机构,兼具监察百官的职责。女真族入主中原建立金朝后,在政治、经济管理上更多地袭用了辽、宋制度,转运司的建制也不例外,但在权力范围上比之宋朝,已大为缩减。蒙古国灭金后,在中原的经济统治,经历了由课税所向转运司转变的过程。但在元朝初期,转运司制度则发生了巨大的转变,由最初的全国性的财政机构转变为只负责盐、茶税收的经济机构,且直到明、清时期,亦未再恢复到原来的建制。有学者指出,“社会中的政治体制是为了人的政治生活的需要而形成,政治体制的运行以及变迁是通过有关的政治群体、政治组织机构以及政治角色的政治活动及其变迁所体现出来的。”本文主旨即要通过转运司这一政治组织机构的变迁,来考察金元时期政治体制的运行轨迹,及统治者在社会变革中对政治制度的选择过程,并力图籍这一变革来探讨民族关系、经济发展等对政治制度的影响,以及政治制度之间相互作用的关系。文章主体分为三部分。第一部分为建制篇,主要分析金元转运司制度的确立过程。通过金元转运司制度确立过程的比较可以看出,转运司的数量增多,规模变小,稳定性变差。第二部分为职能篇,分析了金元转运司的职能,在从金到元的发展过程中,转运司的行政职能消失,经济权力缩小。第三部分为人物篇,通过对金元转运司官员任职情况的分析,可以看出元朝转运司官员与金朝的区别主要在于,转运使数量增加,权力行使受到牵制;运司官员出身出现民族偏见,导致其整体素质下降。从转运司制度最后变迁的结果看,元世祖朝以后,转运司机构并没有完全被撤罢,仍然保留有税额较大的盐、茶转运司机构,其管理体制较前亦无多大变动。这是制度发展过程中必然会出现的一种“路径依赖”现象,从经济学的角度看,这种优胜劣汰后的制度显然更能符合当时社会发展的需要。转运司制度在元初发生这一重大变化的原因,主要有技术进步,新制度建立(行省),市场规模变化,大规模战争的停止等因素。

【Abstract】 The transport department(转运司which will be abbreviated to TD) is the political organization in the ancient times of our country,which is mainly responsible for imposing and transporting taxes.The TD’s embryonic form is the legate of the TD(转运使) in the Tang Dynasty,who is the mandarinate that is sent to the local government to carry out some task.The TD comes into being in the time of Wudai and achieves the crest in Song Dynasty,when it not only is responsible for managing the local wealth,but becomes the local political organization and has the duty of supervising the official hierarchy.The Nuzhen(女真) race takes over the political and economical system of Liao、Song Dynasty after its establishing the Jin Dynasty, the organizational system of the TD is not exceptional,but its authority is reduced greatly as compared to that of the Song dynasty.The Mongolia’s economical rule in the area south of Yellow River undergoes the process from the tax bureau(课税所) to the TD.But the huge transformation occurs to the TD at the initial stage of the Yuan Dynasty,it changes from the nationwide financial institution into the economic organization that is only responsible for the tax of salt and tea,and haven’t restored to its original organizational system until the Ming and Qing Dynasty.Some scholar points out,"the political system of the society is brought about for the people’s necessity of the political life,the running and change of the political setup are manifested by the political activities and changes of the relevant political community、the political organizational institution and the political roles." the main idea of this article is to investigate the operating style of the political system and the governor’s selection of the political system in the social reform of the Jin and Yuan Dynasty,and try to explore the influence of the ethnic relationship、economical development,and the relationship between the political systems.The body of the article is divided into three parts.The first part mainly analyses the establishment of the system of the TD in Jin and Yuan dynasty.The result of the comparation is that the TD increases in quantity,lessens in scale and becomes poor in stability.The second part analyses the function of the TD in the Jin and Yuan Dynasty. The political functions of the TD vanish and its economic authority reduces in the process from Jin to Yuan dynasty.By the analyses of the assignment of the TD’s officials,the third part demonstrates the main distinction between the TD’s officials of the Jin and Yuan dynasty,which is that they increases in amount,but is contained in the exercise of the power and their descent appears the national prejudice,this phenomenon causes the whole quality of the TD’s officials declines.From the result of the eventual change of the TD’s system,the organization of the TD don’t withdraw completely,the TDs that have the large amount of revenue on the salt and tea are still reserved,and their administrating systems are not fluctuant apparently.It is the phenomenon of the "path dependence" that will occur inevitably in the developing processes of the system.From the economic angle,the superior system apparently conforms to the need of the social development.The main causes of the tremendous changes of the TD system in the initial stage of the Yuan Dynasty is the advanced technology,the establishment of the new system,the variation of the market scale and the stop of the major warfare and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K247;K246
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】452

