

On the Movement of Birth Control in Republican City

【作者】 俞莲实

【导师】 戴鞍钢;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文从思想、妇女与家庭、社会与医疗、国家四个方面探讨民国时期生育节制运动。民国时期生育节制运动的研究,虽然已发表了不少值得借鉴的成果,不过由于资料的限制,这些研究尚有诸多需要再行商榷之处。本文在挖掘、整理大量报刊杂志、书籍、广告、档案资料的基础上,对民国时期生育节制运动的思想基础、妇女和家庭对节育的态度、节育的医疗化、避孕药物的广告和销售,以及国民政府的生育政策进行了全面的考察和评估。在研究方法上,笔者主要采用思想史、社会性别史、政治史的不同视角,分析了妇女、家庭、社会、国家对生育节制的不同反应、态度、立场,以及国家和个人之间“生育权力”关系的重建。尤其笔者借鉴社会性别史的研究典范,反映作为生育主体的女性在生儿育女的过程中所经历的酸甜苦辣,及生育的医疗化、制度化对妇女身体和生育行为所造成的性别压力。本文力图揭示民国时期生育节制运动的思想基础、社会发展情形,及其对国家生育政策的影响,从而发现二十世纪二十年代以母性自决和家庭幸福为主要诉求的生育节制运动,经过三四十年代节育的医疗化、制度化的过程逐渐转变为改善人口素质、提高民族优生的医疗、政治手段。这必然导致近代医疗和国家权力对家庭生育空间的干涉和控制,妇女和家庭的生育行为完全服从于社会和国家的公共目的,国家和个人之间发生新的生命权力(bio—power)关系。结果,生育从“个人私事”转变为“国家公事”,妇女和家庭的“生育权”归属于国家。

【Abstract】 The movement of birth control which my dissertation will research includes four aspects of thought, women and family, society and medical treatment, and nation. Though studies on the movement of birth control have a lot of scholar production used for reference, they are elementary because of limited materials. My dissertation will generally exam and value the settings of thought, the attitude to birth control of women and family, Medicalization of birth control, advertisement and distribution of contraception drug, and birth policy of republican state on the basis of digging and settling of lots of newspapers, journals, books, advertisements and archives. As for my approaches, I mainly use different views of intellectual history, gender history and political history, then analysis the different reflection, attitude, position of women, family and society, and reconstruction of birth power between state and individual. Moreover, I will refer to the paradigm of gender history and reflect the joys and sorrows of women as birth subjectivity, and the gender presses which are brought to women’s body and birth behavior because of medicalization and institutionalization of birth.Accordingly, this dissertation can be divided into six parts:Chapter one will introduce the purpose of the paper, review the scholar productions about the movement of birth control and explain the scope of study, the origin of materials and the approaches to study.Chapter two mainly discusses the idea and behavior of birth control in transitional society in order to rectify the wrong ideas that China had ever no methods of birth control and the level of women’s birth always remains the state of natural birth before western thought about birth control and contraception drug spread. Then intellectuals in China discussed the population issues and primarily introduce the knowledge of contraception under the promulgation of Malthusianism in the late Qing. This is the historical settings of birth control thought in China.Chapter three mainly narrates the formation of birth control in republic. After Mrs. Margaret Sanger came to China, the intelligentsia in China discussed the relations between birth control and women’s liberation, population control and nation’s sanitation from four aspects: self-determination of motherhood, new morality of sexuality, population issues and the knowledge about prepotency. Especially those people, who insisted in birth control, related birth control with the four controversies, for example, the progress of society, the development of nation, national prepotency and being rich and strong to save the nation, then put forward the ideas about "prepotency to birth control" and "birth control to save the nation" . As a result, "prepotency to birth control" became the basis of birth policies of republican state.Chapter four exams the fall between the ideology of motherhood and experience of women’s subject in order that we can realize the actual experience and feel of modern women in birth from the view of gender. Women gradually form the idea of "the power of self-determination in birth" and realize that it brings the affect to the behavior of birth under the voice of "birth control" and "self-determination of motherhood" . Furthermore, the dissertation also explain the attitude of the family in cities, the reasons to social economy of birth and concrete methods in birth control on the basis of materials of social investigation, then explore the modernization of idea about birth in cities’ family and the purposes appear different tendencies.Chapter five mainly probes into the process of medical treatment of birth control. There emerged lots of organizations of birth control in republican. The organizations of birth control and the centers for birth control which the institutions of medical treatment everywhere set up were omnifarious. From then on the movement of birth control formally was brought into medical system and the scope of birth control gradually expands to medical treatment, public sanitation and health care of women and infants. At the same time, production and distribution of contraception drug and the improvement of technical level of birth control and medical treatment bring a favorable turn to the development of the movement of birth control. But the doctors use the scientific knowledge of contraception and the professional technology of birth control to strengthen their authority under the effect of "medical treatment of birth control" and thence dominate or mark out women’s behavior of birth and their body. As a result, professional accoucheurs gradually dominated behavior of birth and their body which became an object that medicinal authority put to good use.Chapter six mainly discusses the birth policy of the republican state. The republican state set down "a case of outline on national child care policy" and elementarily certificated the principle of "prepotency to birth control" which became a part of national population policy. The republican state simultaneously carried out direction of prepotency and birth control in health care of women and infants and heath examination before marriage. Therefore the nation not only strengthened political domination and authority to the birth control of individuals and families, but also arrived at a management of population quality and a political aim to the improvement of national prepotency. Birth consequently turned from "private issues" to "public issues" and bio-power between nation and individual came into being.My dissertation tries to expose the basis of thought and the condition of social development of birth control and the affect which they brought to national birth policy in republican period. Therefore, I find that the movement of birth control which appealed to self- determination of motherhood and happiness of family in 1920s gradually transferred to a medicinal and political mean to improve population quality and increase national prepotency through Medicalization and institutionalization of birth control. It necessarily gave rise to a fact that modern medicinal treatment and state power intervene and control the birth space of family so as to the behavior of women and family completely obeyed to public orders of society and nation and bio-power between nation and individual came into being. As a result, Birth turned from "private issues" to "public issues" and "the rights of birth" of women and family belonged to nation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】C924.21
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1174

