

【作者】 仇鹿鸣

【导师】 韩昇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 魏晋之际的政治演变历来不乏学者的关注,本文在前人研究的基础上,运用政治史与家族史相结合的研究方法,力图突破过去“政治集团”与“党争说”的分析模式,致力于探讨魏晋之际的政治变化以及家族网络在其中的作用。司马氏家族并非典型的儒家大族,其家族在两汉时代经历过一个由武入文的过程,在文化上受到东汉中后期学术风气新变化的影响,是河内郡的地方名望家族,其婚姻、交往网络皆根植于地方社会。司马氏正是借助了乡里评论网络的作用,进入曹魏的政治体制。通过司马懿数十年仕宦生涯的经营,其在曹魏政治中积累了广泛的人事资源,超越了地方的局限,成为全国性的政治大族。司马懿利用曹魏元老对于曹爽改革的不满,发动高平陵之变,控制了曹魏政权,但是参与高平陵之变的曹魏元老并不能转化为支持魏晋革命的政治力量,魏晋嬗代并非一帆风顺。在司马师执政时期,克服了内部与外部的挑战,开始逐步建立起一支支持嬗代的政治力量,奠定了魏晋嬗代的基础。在司马昭时代完成了司马氏集团内部权力结构转化,并通过伐蜀的功业摆脱了弑君所构成的道德挑战。而作为受成之主的司马炎虽然是名义上的开国之君,却缺乏足够的政治基础,面对功臣、宗室两股既成的政治势力,其在泰始年问更多地扮演了一个政治平衡者角色。但是咸宁二年(276年)拥立齐王司马攸的密谋,使司马炎深受刺激,成为武帝一朝政治的转折点。司马炎改变了原有的政治策略,培植外戚作为自己的亲信力量,并借助于伐吴成功所带来的威望,强令齐王攸出镇。这一诏命激起了朝臣的强烈抗议,并在君臣之间造成了长久的裂痕。在三国鼎立的局面下,司马氏时刻面对着外敌的觊觎,并不具备革新官僚阶层的条件,因此魏、晋两代在统治阶层的构成上具有相似性,以曹魏贵戚子弟为主的西晋官僚阶层具有封闭、排他的特征,缺乏流动性的政治体制削弱了西晋政权的社会基础。

【Abstract】 Many scholars much attention has to been paid the political transition during Wei and Jin Dynasties. Based on the previous researches this dissertation intends to discourse the political changes and find out the role the family network played in Wei and Jin Dynasties in light of political history and family history which differentiates itself from the previous focus on the ’political group’ nor ’partisan struggle’ paradigm. The Sima family was not a typical Confucius one and experienced transformation from military attache to civil service in the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties. Hence it was culturally tinted by new changes in cultural atmosphere during the second half of the Eastern Dynasty. The Sima family were esteemed in Henei Jun (Henei Prefecture) and were rooted deeply in local society in marriage and communication network sense. Taking advantage of the local commentary, the Sima family gained entry into the political system of the Wei Dynasty. After dozens of years in Sima Yi’s official career, the family won extensive human resources and became a national prominent family. Sima Yi by making full use of old establishments’ dissatisfaction over Cao Shuang’s reform, launched the Gaopingling Coup and controlled Cao’s regime. Yet it failed to pave the way for the birth of Jin Dynasty as other families involved were not expecting a new dynasty. During Sima Shi’s rule, he conquered challenges within and outside the court, fostered political power laid a solid foundation for a new dynasty. Sima Zhao rebuilt the power structure within the Sima family and conquered Shu, which eased the accusations of regicide. When Sima Yan took the ready throne, he had to keep the balance between two political forces---monarchy heroes and royal clan, especially in Taishi years. But he changed the policy when the conspiracy to put Qi Wang, Sima You into power occurred in 276 AD. Availing the power he fostered in his wife’s clan and the prestige he gained by conquering Wu, he forced Sima You to leave his region. This action met strong protest from ministers and resulted in great and long-term conflict between the emperor and his ministers. During the Three Kingdoms Period, the possibility of foreign invasion kept the Sima family from any political reform. Hence the Jin Dynasty shared a lot with the Wei in bureaucracy. Mainly composed by the Wei royal clan, the ruling class in the Western Jin Dynasty were self-closed and exclusive to outsiders. The standing-still political system undermined the Western Jin Dynasty’s social foundation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

