

【作者】 温海清

【导师】 姚大力;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文聚焦于始自蒙古南下徇地中原、迄于忽必烈至元初年大约六十年间(1210s—1270s)华北地方行政建置发生激烈改易的现象,对该区域内路、府、州、县行政建置与行政区划的历史变迁问题,进行考释和分析。其中最为重要的内容之一,就是对《元史》卷五十八《地理志一》所涉腹里地区内各级地方行政建置,逐一加以清理和考释。在对《元史·地理志一》进行考释的基础上,本文还主要探讨了金元之际华北地方行政制度(州)的变迁、“腹里地区”的形成以及世侯占有州郡给该地区部分路与直隶州的形成以重要影响等三个方面的问题。在考察和分析金元之际华北地区州的滥置,以及蒙古草原旧制对中原官制带来冲击的基础之上,廓清了州在节度体系下分等之制发生转变的历史实相与历史缘由;本文认为,随着路制的定型与蒙元独特的军事镇戍体系的形成,州之节度体系的分制原则渐趋式微,给有元一代乃至整个明、清时期的州制带来十分重要的影响。针对金元之际出现的一系列“十道”现象,本文详细探究了这种类似于财政型性质的较高层准政区的历史变迁状况;并进而指出,元初“十道”体制崩解的过程,其实正好从一个侧面揭示出后来所谓的“腹里地区”的历史形成过程。金元之际汉人世侯问题极为突出,本文以两个极具代表性的汉人世侯辖地在窝阔台汗八年实行“画境之制”前后发生改变的情况为中心展开讨论,揭示出汉人世侯占有州郡给华北地区部分路、直隶州的形成以重要影响的历史事实。

【Abstract】 This essay dwells on the historical vicissitude of Northern Cathay’s local administrative regionalization, or the establishment and division of different Prefecture, Subprefecture and District, with its main focus on the radical changes of the local administrative regionalization in this area during roughly 60 years (1210s-1270s), between the Mongolians’ conquest of the area south of Yellow River and the early years of the Yuan Dynasty established by Khublai Khan.The most significant content in this essay is its analysis based on textual research and clarification of the regional division on all levels in the Central Area mentioned in the Volume of Historical Geography, which is Volume 58 of The History of the Yuan Dynasty.Based on the textual research of the Volume of Historical Geography, of The History of the Yuan Dynasty, the essay also discussed three related topics, namely, the evolution of administration system with its elementary units of Subprefecture, the formation of the Central Area and the changes of its regional division in the Central Area.After scrutinizing the messy Subprefecture division of Northern Cathay in the late Jurchen-Jin Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty and the negative impact on the political institutions of the area south of Yellow River induced by Mongolian’s nomadic system, the author outlines the historical truth and provides historical reasoning for the change of the classification system of Subprefecture under the system of Military Commission. The essay concludes that with the gradual formation of the system of Prefecture as well as the formation of a unique Yuan military system of garrisoning and guarding towns, the classification system of Subprefecture under the system of Military Commission began to decline, which brought significant influence to the Subprefecture system of the Yuan Dynasty, even furthered its influence to the successive Ming and Qing Dynasty. In the late Jurchen-Jin Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty appeared the phenomenon of Ten Circuits(or Ten Prefectures) and its sequences, which the essay carried a detailed research on the historical evolution of this para-province regionalization of a quality similar to fiscal division. Moreover, the essay proposes that the melt-down of this Ten Circuits( or Ten Prefectures) system in the early Yuan Dynasty actually provided some traces for the historical process of the formation of the so-called Central Area. In the late Jurchen-Jin Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty, some Han hereditary peerages are extremely prominent, whose occupation and governing of some Subprefectures and Districts as their territory greatly affected the formation of Prefectures and Direct Administrative Subprefectures in Northern Cathay. The essay illustrates this historical fact by analyzing two typical territories of Han hereditary peerages and their changes in the years of the Administrative unit divided (画境之制) in the 8th year of Okodei Qhan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】K247
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】862

