

Research on Yiwenleiju Editions

【作者】 孙麒

【导师】 吴格;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《藝文類聚》成書於唐初武德年間,由歐陽詢等奉敕編纂,是我國現存最早且保存相對完整的一部大型官修類書。此書保存唐前文獻資料至爲豐富,備受歷代學者重視,流傳至今,已逾千年。《藝文類聚》屢經傳抄翻刻,存世各版本,文字脫訛甚衆。以往對於《藝文類聚》的研究,多着眼於其編纂體例、内容價值、輯佚補遺等方面,對該書歷代傳本(尤其是明代各傳本)之刊刻及整理原委則少有學者關注,保存至今之版本實物亦罕有人整理并深入比勘研究,致該書之版本研究領域幾乎爲一片空白,亦致其文本整理工作較爲滯後,目前通行本只有上世紀六十年代汪紹楹先生校點整理本一種,其用當時新發現之南宋本爲底本,列出校記一千六百餘條,至今已近半個世紀,尚無人對其進行校勘補證。本論文有感於《藝文類聚》版本研究之不足,進行了以下三方面之努力:第一,根據歷代藏書目錄題跋之記載及海内外各圖書館之現有館藏,一一目驗核實《藝文類聚》現存各版本,詳細記錄各版本之刊印特征,并將一直未引起學者關注之文淵閣《四庫全書》本及文津閣《四庫全書》本《藝文類聚》納入研究範圍,以爲《藝文類聚》版本研究提供最可靠之實物依據。第二,通過對《藝文類聚》現存各版本之深入考察,運用文獻學校勘方法,比勘各版本差異並探究其原因。根據校勘所得,討論各版本間前後傳承關系,梳理出新的傳本系統表。第三,在對《藝文類聚》現存各版本深入調查基礎上,選擇在該書流傳過程中較爲重要之數種版本通校,對校勘中所發現之重要異文依次作出考辨,以對近年通行的汪紹楹校點本《藝文類聚》有所補證,也為《藝文類聚》使用者與研究者提供一個更爲可靠之文本依據。本論文分爲上下兩編,上編專述版本,共分五章,在版本調查目驗基礎上,詳細介紹《藝文類聚》現存各版本之主要特征,在此基礎上列出可靠的傳本系統表,并以《藝文類聚》流傳過程中最重要之數種版本爲主要綫索,根據相關材料及校勘結果,詳細考證它們與其前後傳本之關系及其在《藝文類聚》流傳過程中所產生之影響,以填補該書研究中“版本研究”之不足;下編整理校記,通過對目前通行之汪紹楹校點本的補證,推進《藝文類聚》的文本整理工作。上编版本研究爲下编校記整理提供版本甄別與選擇,下編所得之校記爲上編版本研究提供論據支持,兩編合而爲一個整體。

【Abstract】 Yiwenleiju , the extant earliest and relatively integrated great encyclopedia of China, was completed during the Wude years of the early Tang Dynasty, and it was compiled by Ou yangxun and his colleages under the imperial patronage. Yiwenleiju is abundant in literature and information before the Tang Dynasty, and was recognized by the scholars of past dynasties. Yiwenleiju has been handed down to the present more than a thousand years, during the long time many copies and texts have been produced, and literal errors exist in various editions. Much of the study of Yiwenleiju in the past concentrated on the compiling regulations , the value of the content, and the lost editions, etc. While few attention has been paid to the texts itself and the details of reprint of various editions of the past dynasties (especially the editions of the Ming Dynasty). Additionally, the editions conserved today remain seldom studied and collated, and the study on the editions of this great encyclopedia is almost blank. As a result, the work on the texts study is rather delayed as well. The current edition is collated and punctuated by Mr. Wang shaoying, the original edition of which is that of the South Song dynasty newly discovered at his time. In that edition, one thousand six hundred collated notes have been listed. Up to the present, over half a century has passed, and no one has done any collation and supplement work to this edition yet.In order to carry forward the study on the editions of Yiwenleiju, this dissertation focuses on three aspects: firstly, according to the records of library categories and preface and postscript of it of past dynasties, and the extant library collections home and abroad, various editions of Yiwenleiju are tested and verified, the print characteristics of various editions are registered in detail. And take Yiwenleiju of the Siku Quanshu Edition held in Wenyuange and that of the Siku Quanshu Edition Held in Wenjinge into research as well, the Siku Quanshu Editions have not aroused the attention of the scholars yet. With such work, the most reliable objective materials have been supplied to Yiwenleiju edition study. Secondly, with deep investigation of various extant editions of Yiwenleiju , the difference among them is collated, and the reason of which is also explored. According the results of collation, the pass-and-receive relation of various editions is discussed, and the new edition system table is arranged. Thirdly, based on the deep investigation into various editions of Yiwenleiju, several important editions are generally collated, and the main differences are checked . The purpose of all the work is to complement and improve the current Yiwenleiju edition collated and punctuated by Wang shaoying, and supply the users and researchers of Yiwenleiju with a reliable text.This dissertation is composed of two parts. The first part focuses on the description of the editions, divided into five chapters. Based on the verification of various editions, the main characteristics of various extant editions of Yiwenleiju are described in detail, and the reliable edition system table is listed. Taking several main editions as a clue, the relation with its former and latter editions, and its influence on the dissemination of Yiwenleiju, are thoroughly investigated, thus to complement the "study on editions". With supplement to the current edition, the second part of the dissertation describes the work on collation study. The former part supply the latter with edition discrimination and selection, and the latter part supply the former with proof and argument, and thus to constitute a whole dissertation.

【关键词】 《藝文類聚》版本校勘
【Key words】 Yiwenleijueditioncollation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】655

