

【作者】 孟祥仲

【导师】 尹伯成;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外国经济思想史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 平等与效率是经济学的一个基本问题,同时也是当代社会发展所面临的最基本、最重大的问题之一。对该问题的研究涉及到如下内容:平等、效率的内涵是什么?平等与效率的关系如何?社会发展中如何处理平等与效率的关系?衡量一个经济社会的平等与效率的指标体系如何确定?构建社会主义和谐社会对平等和效率的要求是什么等问题。对这些问题的认识与把握是关系到社会的稳定发展及政府经济政策科学决策的重大课题。特别是当今我国在构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大系统工程中,该问题显得更加突出和重要。本文基于经济思想史的视角,以研究分析代表性经济学家的平等与效率关系思想为主线,对以上的问题进行了梳理和分析。全文共分七章,各章的主要研究内容是:第一章导论。介绍选题的背景及研究意义、界定本文的研究范围,介绍研究方法、研究思路及创新点。第二章是平等思想的研究。主要比较研究西方古典经济学家的平等观;凯恩斯主义经济学家的平等观;自由主义经济学家的平等观。古典经济学家主要指:亚当·斯密、约翰·穆勒的思想。现代经济学家主要是指哈耶克、弗里德曼、凯恩斯、罗尔斯和奥肯等人的思想。同时还分析了中国古代、近代等重要思想家的平等观及当代中国学者的平等观。第三章是效率思想研究。主要研究西方古典经济学家的效率观;十九世纪七十年代以后边际主义经济学家的效率观;帕累托效率观的确立和发展以及当代经济学家对效率思想的发展。第四章研究西方经济学家的平等与效率关系思想。西方经济学家的平等与效率思想主要有平等优先论,效率优先论,平等与效率兼顾论等观点。第五章研究中国思想家的平等与效率关系思想。包括古代思想家的平等与效率观和当代学者的平等与效率思想。重点是以20世纪80年代以后的学者为主要研究对象。其中还包括社会转型期的平等与效率思想,社会保障体系中所体现的平等与效率的思想等重要内容。第六章主要研究中国共产党人的平等与效率观。中国共产党党人的平等观包括毛泽东、邓小平以及江泽民的平等与效率思想,同时还包括科学发展观的平等与效率思想。中国共产党人的平等与效率观,是中国共产党在领导中国人民建设中国特色社会主义的过程中,为解决民生问题不断探索逐步形成的平等与效率理论,它是当代马克思主义的中国化。中国共产党人的平等与效率观是建设有中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分。第七章的内容包括两个方面,一是全文的总结;二是研究当前构建社会主义和谐社会中,从平等与效率统一的角度需要解决的一些问题。在平等与效率基础上简要地分析了社会保障与构建社会主义和谐社会的关系。同时对中国目前在初次分配和再分配领域存在的平等与效率问题进行了分析并提出了相应的对策。这样就使平等与效率思想的研究较为全面和丰满。为了走出平等与效率关系理论矛盾困境,本文把平等划分为社会第一平等、社会第二平等。第一平等指的是公民基本人权的机会平等,第二平等指的是社会财富分配结果差别平等。在这个理论平台上,理清不同思想家的平等与效率观的差异,试图说明平等与效率之间的逻辑关系。只有这样才能科学的处理好平等与效率的关系。构建社会主义和谐社会必须处理好平等与效率的关系,这也是本文的落脚点和目的所在。平等、效率是和谐社会的检验尺度。可以这样说实现了平等与效率基本统一的社会就是和谐社会;反过来说同样成立,和谐的社会一定是平等与效率和谐的社会。

【Abstract】 Equity-efficiency is one of primary issues in the field of economics, at the same time considered to be an important problem in the economic development. This research includes the following questions: what are implications of equity and efficiency? For a given society, how to develop a series of indices to measure equity and efficiency? What are the requirements as to build harmonious society? The views of problems are related to the stability of society and the policy-making by national economics sector. Particularly, China undergoes profound development and endeavor to build harmonious society now. Many problems need to be solved. Therefore, how to improve social function at a more effective level and cope with various gaps in economic development appear to be significant. This paper provides coverage of most important thoughts economists have proposed and also insights into above questions from the perspective of economic thought.This paper includes seven chapters, the main content respectively is: Introduction (Chapter 1) firstly presents the study background and purpose. The topics I have chosen focus on theories in more depth. Furthermore, I briefly introduce the approaches, values and innovations of my study.Chapter 2 is on equity theory, primarily discussing the western classical propositions of equity theory. Primary thoughts include Classical School, Keynesian School as well as Liberalist School. The world-renowned economists consist of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, the major developers of classical economics and Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes, John Rawls, and Arthur M. Okun, which are outstanding economists and political philosophers of the twentieth century. In addition, I illustrate the equity thoughts of Chinese scholars in all ages.In chapter 3, the focus turns to discuss western efficiency theory. Here, the paper introduces the representative economic thoughts as to make the efficiency development distinct. It begins with the classical economics. Next, research stresses on the ideas addressed by Marginalism after 1870s. Then, it turns to the foundation of work of Pareto efficiency and finally introduces what the modern economists have incorporated new insights from their researches.Chapter 4 investigates western thoughts of the relationship between equity and efficiency. The theories basically consist of three branches: the theory of equity preference, efficiency preference and focus on the efficiency and care about the fairness.Chapter 5 relates to research by Chinese economists. It includes the ancient and modern greatest thoughts, particularly emphasizing on the studies after 1980s. Also those equity-efficiency thoughts applied to society transformation and reflected in society welfare are also the important sections discussed in this part.Chapter 6 covers the viewpoints of Chinese Communist Party towards equity and efficiency. The ideas are mainly addressed by leaders Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin. In addition, the interpretation of equity and efficiency from scientific concept of development is also given by President Hu in his speech. These ideas are formed in the process of perfecting socialist market economy, focusing on problems concerned among people in their best interests. For the most part, it can be understood as Chinese Marxism. The thought of Chinese Communist Party towards equity and efficiency is regarded as vital guideline for economic development in China.The final chapter 7 contains two aspects. One is conclusion. The other proposes current problems in building harmonious society from the perspectives of equity and efficiency. In this study, I seek to investigate the relationship between social welfare and harmonious society. In order to enrich the content and try to provide a comprehensive explanation, I also suggest policy towards the equity and efficiency in the field of distribution and redistribution after careful analysis and thought.Facing with this conflict, I try to divide equity into the first social equity and the second social equity. The former means equality of opportunity on civil human rights. The latter is the income equity. Having this theory, it becomes easy to understand the kinds of theories, realize their potential logic correlation, and provide useful method that surrounds the equity-efficiency in public policy.Building harmonious society, we ought to deal with conflict between the equity and efficiency, which is the conclusion that I intend to draw and the essential idea of this paper. The factors should be in the economic criteria of harmonious society. To sum up, society perfecting equity and efficiency is a harmonious society. In reverse, it goes without saying that social harmony is bound to be the society existing "harmonious" trade-off between equity and efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F091.3;F014.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1597

