

Study on Remote Sensing Anomalies Related with Mineralization

【作者】 赵志芳

【导师】 陈建平; 成秋明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源与环境遥感, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 矿化异常作为成矿、控矿条件和找矿标志等综合的近矿标志,在地质矿产的前期勘查中常被作为重要信息参与靶区优选,并提供工作部署服务。遥感技术的发展,使得矿化异常信息在遥感数据中可得到真实、客观和宏观的反映。在以往的研究中对遥感所包含的海量信息未能充分挖掘利用,矿化遥感异常要素尚未综合形成体系。在矿产勘查中,遥感仅作为一个辅助手段加以应用,未能充分发挥遥感技术所具有的价值。为探索条件艰苦地区有效的矿产勘查技术方法,本文进行了大量的理论、应用及生产实践研究,取得如下创新和成果:1.本文提出了矿化遥感异常体系这一新概念,在深入挖掘遥感数据所承载的矿化空间特征与波谱特征信息基础上,构建了“线环构造地质体+地貌部位+蚀变异常”矿化遥感异常体系。研究证明,遥感作为丰富信息的技术载体,在矿产勘查应用中可以发挥独立参量的作用。2.以往国内外遥感矿化蚀变信息分量、异常分级阈值往往通过与已知矿区地质信息对比确定,在判识上具有不确定性,蚀变异常提取主要在基岩裸露区应用。本文针对以往存在不足,深入阐述了“掩膜+主成份+异常分级”蚀变异常提取中各个工作流程的工作原理,并有效改善了植被半覆盖区蚀变异常提取工作方法流程;从蚀变现象的光谱特征出发,深化了矿化蚀变异常提取中异常分量确定及异常分级应用的基础研究。3.在遥感地质应用研究方面,实现了遥感地质解译分层次表达,将出露岩体(或半出露岩体)和隐伏岩体分别采用实测和推测方式来表达遥感成果,突破了以往遥感地学数据信息挖掘不够的局限性;系统地进行了矿化蚀变异常的分析研究,得出了铁染异常主要指示矽卡岩型铜矿、羟基异常+铁染异常主要指示斑岩型铜多金属矿的认识;将遥感地质解译成果有效参与定量评价,改善了遥感地质技术多局限于描述性线环构造地质体解译的不足。4.依托所构建的矿化遥感异常体系信息,探索性地采用证据权法开展了滇西北铜多金属成矿带的成矿预测应用研究,成果为滇西北普朗超大型铜矿主矿体的位置确定、地苏嘎中型铜矿等勘查工作部署提供了直接信息指导,有效探索了矿产资源快速评价技术手段。总之,论文选题合理,理论结合应用实际探索创新性强,研究成果具有较好的理论借鉴和实际应用价值。

【Abstract】 Mineralization anomalies, which include ore-forming or ore-controlling factors and mineralization indications, were widely used as significant information in target optimization and exploration deployment. With the development of remote sensing, mineralization anomalies could be well recognized from remote sensing data in real, objective, macroscopical ways. However, to the best of our knowledge, the plentiful information in remote sensing data has not been fully identified and utilized. The components of mineralization anomalies have not been synthesized to a system yet. Remote sensing was usually taken as an assistant role in mineral exploration. All these factors hindered the remote sensing geological application. To propel an effective mineral resources exploration technology and method, remote sensing geological theories, applications and practice have been researched thoroughly in this dissertation. The main achievements and innovations are summarized as follows:1. A new concept-mineralization remote sensing anomaly system was firstly put forward in this dissertation, by studying on the spatial and spectral features of mineralization remote sensing anomalies. The mineralization remote sensing system was developed with“linement, circle geological information + landform + alteration anomaly”. The results showed that remote sensing, with plentiful information, could be taken as an important independent role in mineral exploration.2. The component of remote sensing alteration and the classification of remote sensing alteration anomalies were defined by roughly comparing results with a known mineral alteration. That led to uncertainties on the definitions. So far, remote sensing alteration extraction was mostly done in exposed rock area. To improve the above limitation, this dissertation deeply illustrated the mechanism of methods in“Masking + Principal + Anomaly Classification”on the basis of the alteration characteristic spectral features. The remote sensing alterations were extracted in northwestern Yunnan with semi-vegetation accordingly. By this way, the study on remote sensing alteration was in a further step.3. Remote sensing geological applications were widely improved. Remote sensing geological interpretations such as outcropped rock and hidden rock have been reflected respectively according to their differential properties. Besides, the remote sensing alterations in northwestern Yunnan were comprehensively and systemically analyzed. The objective conclusion was drawn. That is, the OH- alterations could be regarded as the indicator of the porphyry type copper deposits, while the Fe2+ (Fe3+) alterations were related with the skarn type multi-copper deposit. Moreover, remote sensing interpretation results were thoroughly involved in quantitative assessment, which improve the shortcoming of remote sensing interpretation qualitative description in previous work.4. The mineral resources prediction by Weights of Evidence was implemented by using the components of the mineralization remote sensing system developed in this dissertation. The practice has successfully determined the main ore body in Pulang large scale copper deposit. In the same way, the prediction information was favorable to the exploration of Disuga middle scale copper deposit. Thus, the effective mineral resources assessment method was propelled and developed.In a word, the topic of the dissertation was reasonable. The innovative was accomplished in the combination of the remote sensing geological theory and application. Therefore, the study results could be used as theoretical references, with high values of application.


