

Theory of Economic Transformation of Resource-based Cities and Models Optimization Research

【作者】 吴前进

【导师】 吴淦国;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 资源型城市,是指主要依靠自然资源的供给,以自然资源为对象的采掘工业及其相关的社会生产发展到一定规模后,由于人口集聚而形成的特定工业城市。我国共有资源型城市118个,约占全国城市数量的18%,总人口1.54亿人。随着我国市场经济发展和工业化进程加速,加上对资源的长期无序开采利用以及政策的不完善,致使大多数资源型城市因矿而建,因矿而兴,因矿而衰。如何破解“矿竭城衰”这一世界性难题,是摆在各级政府和相关研究机构面前的一个重大课题。国内外专家学者从不同角度对资源型城市经济转型进行了研究,提出了很多理论。围绕我国资源型城市面临的问题和症结,深入研究我国资源型城市发展的规律,运用区域经济发展理论、可持续发展理论、生态经济理论、循环经济理论、产业发展理论,提出的二元均衡发展理论,符合科学发展观的要求,对处于不同生命周期的资源型城市经济转型具有重要的指导意义。资源型城市经济转型的主要问题是寻找主导产业,探索最优的转型模式。资源型城市经济转型的主导产业的选择和模式的优化,要符合“经济社会又好又快发展、资源得到节约利用、环境得到改善和保护”这三个标准。以二元均衡发展理论为指导,依据资源型城市开采阶段和依托关系,研究不同城市的比较优势及产业、地域与环境因素之间的关系,提出了资源型城市经济转型的“深化培育”、“延伸外拓”、“挖潜壮大”、“收缩替代”四种模式。在此基础上以铜川为实证研究对象,运用主导产业选择数理模型优化选择出铜川经济转型的“挖潜壮大”模式,结合铜川在实践中提出的“5523”发展思路,可以概括为“5523”协调推进模式。近几年,铜川通过大力实施项目带动战略、工业强市战略、可持续发展战略,打造煤电铝水泥联产联营循环经济产业链,推进产业集群化、园区化,经济社会逐步走上了科学和谐发展的道路。资源型城市要实现成功转型和可持续发展不仅需要一个科学的发展战略和模式,还需要国家在资源、财税、产业等方面制定相关的政策给予支持,建立相关的组织机构积极推进。资源型城市经济转型是一个世界性的课题,也是一个系统工程,本文研究提出的转型理论和模式,重点在于资源型城市经济转型的战略和产业发展选择上,对转型中的社会因素和环境因素等的影响及评价涉及不多,有待于进一步深化和研究。

【Abstract】 Resource-based cities is a kind of industrial cities relied on natural resources supply and formed by population gathering with the development of extractive industry and relative social production . There are 118 resource-based cities in China, which account for 18 percent of the total and have a total population of 154 million. With the development of China’s market economy and acceleration of its industrialization process, most resource-based cities have experienced their establishment, palmy days and decline all because of mining, as well as long-term disorderly development and imperfect policies. How to resolve the global problem that the city ruins with the exhaustion of mine remains a big research subject for governments at all levels and correlative institutions.Experts domestic and abroad have made research from different points on economic transformation of resource-based cities and raised theories. Aiming at the root of problem and making intensive study on the law of development of resource-based cities in China, a dualistic balancing development theory have been raised on the basis of theories of regional economic development, of sustainable development, of ecological economy, of cycle economy, and of industrial development. The theory is consonant with the scientific view of development and enjoys guide significance to economic transformation of those resource-based cities on different stage.The main problem for economic transformation of resource-based cities is to look for leading industries and probe optimum mode for transformation. The selection of leading industries and mode of transformation must be in accord with three standards: social & economic quick and good development, resources-saved development, environmental improvement and protection. Guided by the dualistic & balancing development theory, according to development stage and industrial chain and researching the each comparative advantage and the industrial, regional and environmental relations, four modes of transformation have been brought forward for industrial development as follows, deepening cultivation, external extending, potential exploration and strengthening, contraction and replacement. On the basis of the four modes and depending on the reality of Tongchuan city, the economic transformation mode of Tongchuan has been chosen through optimizing leading industries--- potential exploration and strengthening. It can be included as harmonious pushing mode combining with the thoughts of development of Tongchuan, 5523, created in its practice. In the past few years, Tongchaun took a scientific and harmonious way for its social and economic development by carrying out the strategies of project-leading, industry-strengthened, sustainable development to form a cycle economic chain of coal mining, electric power, aluminum melting, and cement production. Meanwhile it also speeded up the development of industrial group and construction of industrial zones.To fulfill economic transformation and sustainable development of resource-based cities, it is necessary not only to choose a scientific development strategy and mode of transformation but to receive national policy supports in resources, finance, tax and industries, as well as setting up relative organizations in charge.The transformation of resource-based cities is a world-concerned issue and system engineering. This article focuses on transformation strategy and the selection of leading industries, less on effects and evaluation of social and environmental factors in the process of transformation, which needs further research.


