

Study of Land-use Optimization in Urban and Rural Based on Land-use Safety

【作者】 江福秀

【导师】 陈方正; 黄方方;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 城市人口的增加和工业化、城镇化水平的提高,导致非农建设用地需求增大;相应地,耕地面积逐渐减少,人地矛盾日益突出。但是,若对土地资源不加以合理地规划优化配置,盲目增加建设用地需求量,会增加城乡土地利用的危险性系数。本研究以南宁市为例,研究了南宁市城乡土地利用结构及其优化,主要结论和创新点如下:1、本文根据国内外城乡土地利用结构及土地利用结构优化配置的研究进展,运用信息熵等理论对南宁市城乡土地利用结构进行了研究,并与其它省会城市——广州市、济南市等进行了比较分析,揭示了其土地利用结构的现状和特点,进行了土地利用结构的时空变化分析,并分析了土地利用中存在的问题及影响其土地利用结构变化的主要因素。2、研究了土地利用安全与城乡土地利用的关系,详细分析了影响南宁市城乡土地利用的各种因素——地形地貌、地质因素、耕地质量、旅游资源、矿产资源、社会经济条件等。3、为增加土地利用的安全性,本文选取了6个评价因素——地形地貌、地质因素、耕地质量、旅游资源、矿产资源、社会经济条件等和9个评价因子——坡度、坡向、地质灾害、水资源、耕地质量、旅游资源、矿产资源、人口分布及交通分布等作为土地利用的安全性评价指标,运用层次分析法与特尔菲法相结合确定评价指标的权重,并运用GIS的地图代数功能将各种因素对南宁市城乡土地利用的影响进行了安全性分区。4、在土地利用安全分区的基础上,运用线性规划对南宁市城乡土地的数量结构进行了优化,并运用GIS进行二次开发,对南宁市城乡土地的空间结构布局进行了优化。最后,提出了相应的合理、安全开发利用土地资源的建议。

【Abstract】 China is at the stage of rapid urbanization, with the rapid development of urban population and industrialization and the demand for non-agricultural land-use increased. As result, the plowland are decreasing and the contradiction between plowland and human is intensifying. However, without the intelligent planning and optimum distribution of land resources, blindly increment of urban construction land will increase the danger coefficient of land-use in town and country. Using Nanning city as example, this paper considered the land use structure and its optimization of whole city ,there were main conclusion and innovations:According to the research of land-use structure and optimum distribution in domestic and foreign, the paper studied the land-use structure of Nanning by using entropy of information, and compared it with other cities such as Guangzhou, Jinan. Based on these researches, the paper showed out the current situation and features of land-use. Then the paper analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of land-use, the main problem and principal factors which impact on the land use structure.The paper studied the relationship between land-use safety and land-use in town and country, and analyzed all kinds of influence factors of land-use , such as terrain, geology, plowland quality, tourist resources, mineral resources and socio-economical conditions.In order to increase safety of land-use, the paper selected six evaluation factors including terrain, geology, plowland quality, tourist resources, mineral resources and socio-economical conditions, and nine sub-index such as grade, aspect, geologic hazard, water resources, plowland quality, tourist resources, mineral resources, population distribution and traffic distribution. Then Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Delphi method were also introduced to define factor weight. Also we had the division of safe degree by using map algebra of GIS.Based on the land-use safety division, the paper optimized the number of structure of land-use by linear programming, and then the space structures of land-use was optimized by re-development with GIS. Finally, the paper put forward rational proposals how to develop the land resource.


