

The Study on Natural and Humanistic Diversity of Shangri-La Region and It’s Development Model

【作者】 徐柯健

【导师】 刘嘉麒;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 生态地质学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 人与自然和谐,一直是人类共同的梦想与追求。1933年英国作家James Hilton (詹姆斯·希尔顿)在Lost Horizon(《失去的地平线》)里以喜马拉雅以东藏汉交界区域为原型创建了Shangri-la(香格里拉)这个词以及它所代表的优美、和谐、令人神往的人间天堂。香格里拉因此而成为人们的精神王国和美好理想的归宿。本论文以中国川、滇、藏交界区的香格里拉地区为研究对象,通过野外考察、资料搜集、室内整理,对“香格里拉”进行了全面的梳理和科学的诠释。本论文主要研究了五部分内容。第一部分系统阐述了香格里拉的由来和内涵;第二部分主要分析了香格里拉地区的环境和资源,即自然环境多样性及其成因;第三部分重点探讨了香格里拉地区的民族和文化,即人文多样性及其成因;第四部分全面分析了香格里拉地区的人地关系现状;第五部分针对香格里拉地区存在的问题,探索了一种未来香格里拉地区的发展模式。具体结论如下:(1)从多角度综合分析,认为最接近名词“香格里拉”所体现的内涵与精髓的地域是青藏高原东南部横断山区的主体部分。(2)香格里拉地区的自然多样性包括地貌类型多样性、气候类型多样性、生物多样性以及资源多样性,等等。这里山高谷深,雪山冰峰发育,这里垂直自然带谱完整(高达9个),且拥有全国50%的鸟类和哺乳动物以及30%以上的高等植物。这种自然环境的形成是地质构造、地形与气候共同作用的结果。(3)香格里拉地区的人文多样性包括民族多样性、文化多样性以及宗教多样性,等等。这生活着藏、彝、怒、白、纳西、傈僳、独龙、普米、回、汉等26个民族,具有多种多样的民族文化,信仰着佛教、天主教、基督教、伊斯兰教、道教等宗教。各民族和睦共存,各宗教自由传播。这种人文环境的形成是民族、文化以及自然地理综合作用的结果。(4)在香格里拉地区目前存在的人口贫困、发展滞后、生态脆弱等问题的基础上,提出了未来香格里拉应该选择一条人与自然和谐的现代生活之路:各民族的生活得以改善,过上现代的生活,他们的文化传统和生态环境不会因此而受到破坏;应该选择一个核心、两个圈层的发展模式:以自然和人文多样性保护为核心,以农牧业升级为主题,适度发展水电业,积极培育旅游业。

【Abstract】 Harmony between name and nature, has long been a common dream of mankind. In 1933, British author, James Hilton, wrote a novel named Lost Horizon. In this book, he created a term of Shangri-la and a beautiful, harmonious, fascinating paradise east of the Tibetan Himalayas. So Shangri-la became the spirit of the Kingdom and the ideal destination.In this thesis, the bounder areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet are defined as“the Shangri-la”region. The author interpreted the connotation of“Shangri-la”comprehensively and scientifically, with field investigation, data collection, and analysis.This thesis includes five parts to analyze the diversity and development model of the Shangri-la region. The first part discusses the origin and content of Shangri-la. The second part is a major analysis of natural elements of the Shangri-la region, that is, the diversity of the natural environment and its causes. The third part analyzes human elements of the Shangri-la region, including ethnic and cultural diversity and the causes. The fourth part was the analysis of the man and land relationship of the Shangri-la region. The fifth part, the author bring up a development model for the Shangri-la region.The main conclusions are as follows.1. In many aspects, the Shangri-la region is closest to the term“Shangri-la”coined by James Hilton. It is the main part of the Hengduan Mountains in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.2.The natural diversity of the Shangri-la region consists of ecology, topography, climate, soil, vegetation, biological species, biological communities and natural landscape. There are high mountains, deep gorges. There are at least nine bottom-up vertical natural zones. There lives 50 percent of birds and mammals and more than 30 percent of higher plants of China .The natural environment was formed by the effect of the geological structure, topography and climate.3. The humanistic diversity includes ethnic diversity, culture diversity, religious diversity, and so on.More than 20 ethnic minorities living here for generations, such as Tibetan, the Yi, the Hui, the white, the Naxi, the Lisu, the Nu, the Pumi, the Dulong. There are Tibetan Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, Confucianism.The human environment formed by the effect of the ethnic, cultural and physical geography.4. On the basis of some problems of the Shangri-La region, for example,Poverty, lagging development, ecological fragility, the author set up that the Shangri-La region should choose a road of modern life. That is to say, all ethnic groups will Live a modern life. Their cultural traditions and the environment will not be damaged. At the same time, the Shangri-La region should choose a development model. Protect the natural and humanistic diversity, then improve the agriculture, and develop tourism and small hydroelct


