

Research of Femtosecond Laser Micro-and-nano Fabrication System and Functional Device Technics

【作者】 郭锐

【导师】 黄文浩; 徐先凡;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 精密仪器与机械, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为一种新型的激光成型技术,飞秒激光双光子微细加工具有真三维,亚微米级分辨率,热效应小等技术特点,在微加工领域越来越受到重视。本文结合国家自然科学基金重点项目“飞秒激光功能微部件加工技术研究”(No.50335050)的主要研究内容,对现有的飞秒激光微加工系统进行了优化,介绍了飞秒激光与双光子材料的作用机理并建立理论模型,采用理论和实验相结合的方法优化了加工工艺参数,在此基础上加工了几种微光学、微机械功能器件。本文的主要研究工作及成果如下:1.介绍了自行搭建的飞秒激光系统的原理,组成,参数优化和性能特点。对飞秒激光微加工系统进行了性能优化和功能拓展,增加了BBO倍频光路,增加新移动平台加大扫描范围,升级了控制软件。2.深入研究了飞秒激光双光子微细加工工艺。基于双光子光聚合反应的自由基浓度理论建立模型,理论结合实验研究了加工系统的点、线、面工艺特点,优化扫描步距参数;建立了最大模型和最小模型进行仿真并结合实验优化加工面形结构的粗糙度,引入数学形态学的膨胀算法和腐蚀算法仿真并优化复杂微器件的加工工艺;提出变步距扫描方法保证微器件加工精度和效率。3.在功能微器件的加工方面,使用S-3负性胶加工了8层Log—pile结构光子晶体,并在红外波段测得带隙,其带隙位置与理论计算吻合;设计了环形变步距扫描方法,加工出2×2微透镜阵列和微fresnel透镜,并对其光学性能进行了初步测试。在微机械零件方面,使用逐点提升法,加工了可用于光驱动的万字型微转子。并加工了一组微齿轮和微齿轮轴,结合单臂微装配装置,成功组装成可自由转动的微齿轮传动装置。最后还对飞秒激光微切割细胞组织做了探索性研究。4.对Bowtie形状场增强纳米小孔的通光特性进行了实验研究,并对飞秒激光结合bowtie纳米小孔进行近场纳米加工的可行性进行了分析和展望。本论文的研究为飞秒激光双光子微纳米加工的深入发展和在MEMS功能微器件、微系统加工中的应用打下了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 As a new type of laser based technology,femtosecond laser two-photon microfabrication has its unique technological advantages,like true three dimensional fabrication ability,sub-micron resolution and low heat effect et al.It becomes more important in microfabrication technology research field.In this thesis,supported by the key project of "Functional devices micro fabrication technology via femtosecond laser"(No.50335050) from NSFC,the femtosecond laser microfabrication system is modified and the mechanism of two photon polymerization induced by femtosecond laser is studied.The fabrication parameters are optimized through the method of combination of the theory and experiment research.As well,several functional micro devices are designed, fabricated and measured.The main research contents are listed as following:1.An introduction of the home-made femtosecond laser micro fabrication system is given.Some modification work are done like 400nm fabrication optical route,lager scanning range stage as well as the controlling software.2.A further study of femtosecond laser two photon micro fabrication techniques is given.Based on free radical theory of two photon polymerization,the fabrication resolution as well as the fabricated line and surface are studied theoretically and experimentally.Constructed the MAX and MIN model to reconstruct the pre designed device and control the fabrication roughness and precision.During the process of three dimensional complex devices,thc dilation and erosion algorithm of mathematical morphology are introduced to improve the precision.The variable scanning distance according to the different slope of the devices profile to increase the fabrication precision and efficiency.3.Several functional micro devices are designed,fabricated and measured.A new resin,S-3,is used to fabricate high quality three-dimensional(3D) log-pile photonic crystal with good performance in the IR region.The fabrication of micro lens using an alternative annular scanning mode with continuous variable layer thickness by two photon polymerization is reported and their optical performances are also tested.Micro-rotors which can be used in laser driving experiments are fabricated by using z-incensement scanning method.Micro gear chain is successfully achieved by two photo micro fabrication assistant with micro assembling technique.Finally, femtosecond laser micro cutting cells are also experimentally researched.4.High transmission nanoscale ridge apertures like bowtie antenna aperture are fabricated and its optical property is measured.What is more,the feasibility of femtosecond laser assistant with nano aperture to realize nano fabrication is discussed.All these experimental and theoretical results will be helpful and give improvement in this research area especially for the three dimensional and complexity micro MEMS and its development along the direction of function and integration.


