

Economic Analysis of Conservation of Urban Cultural Heritage

【作者】 应臻

【导师】 阮仪三;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究经济学的思考方法和成熟理论在城市历史遗产保护中的应用。随着市场经济的发展,中国的城市历史文化遗产保护进入了新的时期。遗产保护中经济现象受到人们的日益关注。要解释遗产保护行为,就必须利用经济学成熟的理论来分析遗产经济现象。所以,本文主要从经济学思考方式入手,讨论由稀缺性而引起的选择问题,即资源配置问题。城市历史文化遗产的经济学分析就是研究遗产行为如何进行选择的问题。本文的研究对象主要有三个部分:它们是城市历史文化遗产、选择行为和局限条件。同时,本文将讨论与遗产价值相关的几个经济学概念,简述经济学对价值论的认识历程,借鉴经济学中有关价值理论,从稀缺性、成本、边际、行为和效用探讨遗产的价值认识。论文共分七章,主要分为理论研究和实证研究两个部分。前三章主要是理论研究:第一、二章主要讨论经济学的基本思考方式及如何从经济学角度看待城市历史文化遗产。第三章主要分析与综述经济学中的产权和交易费用理论。主要讨论本文所运用的经济学理论。经济学被称为“选择的科学”,引入经济学的思考方式,就必须引入经济学研究的基本假设、基本概念、分析方法。该章将引入的是新制度经济学的研究范式和研究方法。分析与综述新制度经济学中的产权和交易费用理论。共分为两个部分。第一部分将简述产权理论,探讨产权概念在经济学领域的认识过程,分析产权的概念、功能和类型,从产权角度看待公共和私人领域,说明私有产权和公共产权的经济学特性。分析遗产产权界定在遗产保护中的重要性。第二部分将简述交易费用理论,探讨交易费用的概念与定义,研究科斯定理与交易费用问题。分析交易费用为零和交易费用无穷大的两个极端,说明交易是有费用的,交易费用的节约过程是社会进步的过程。后四章主要是实证研究,是本文的重点内容:第四章主要讨论城市历史遗产的产权分割与界定问题。从单个遗产的界定谈起,讨论如何界定遗产产权。并结合规划和法律实践,针对目前国家立法重点中的物权制度,从法与经济学分析的观点讨论“发展权”、“地役权”、“无形财产权”、“共有产权”、“用益权”等概念,从经济学角度去分析这些不同概念的产权界定状态和交易费用大小。探讨如何利用这些概念更为精确地界定公共产权和私人产权,从而更加有效地利用有限的公共资源保护更多的历史遗产资源。第五章主要运用交易费用经济学理论分析遗产保护组织。这些组织是遗产“公共产权”的代理人。遗产保护组织主要包括公共部门、企业和非政府组织,不同的组织性质在“集中资源”和“使用资源”的过程中其交易费用是不同的。对遗产的代理作用也是不同的。因此,在遗产“公共产权”的让渡过程中的能力大小也是不同的。中国的非政府组织是本章讨论的重点。第六章主要为实证研究,该章将回顾中国城市历史遗产保护发展历程。从产权和交易费用的变化角度将建国后分为三个阶段。从制度经济学的观点看,对保护行为起到关键性作用的是整个社会对遗产产权界定和交易费用的大小,而后者取决于该阶段的社会制度、组织框架等所形成遗产保护合约。所以,分析不同阶段合约中的产权界定和交易费用问题,就可以对不同阶段的保护行为做出合理的解释。第七章是论文的主要结论。

【Abstract】 The dissertation studies on how to analyze conservation of Urban Cultural Heritage with economics philosophy and theory achievements.With the progress of China’s market economy. The conservation of Urban Cultural Heritage turns on a new chapter and given more and more focus. To interpret behave of heritage conservation. You must analyze the economic phenomenon with economics philosophy and theory achievements. The dissertation starts from studies on economics philosophy, discusses choice issue cause by scarcity. In other words, debates on how to configure resources. So, Economic Analysis of Conservation of Urban Cultural Heritage means studies on choice behave of conservation.The dissertation studies on three issues: Urban Cultural Heritage, choice issue of conservation behave and constraints which influencing choice behave. The dissertation will analyze some economic conception about Urban Cultural Heritage value. And by study on the evolution of axiology, using the economic ideas of scarcity, cost, marginal, behave and utilize, the dissertation discusses what the value of Urban Cultural Heritage is and makes clear the rule of Heritage value and price.The dissertation is divided into seven chapters and two main parts. The first main part is consisted of 3 chapters which is theory studies. Chapter 1&2 discuss the economics philosophy and what is Urban Cultural Heritage by the economics philosophy. Chapter 3 is divided into 2 parts :Part 1 studies on the evolution of property right idea. With the property right, analyzing the economic ideas of property right, its function and types, discusses what public and private field are from the property right point and makes clear the importance of defining property right in conservation of Heritage. With these studies, the dissertation indicates how the constraint of property right influences the choice behaves. Part 2 studies on the theory of transaction cost, indicates that what Institution, organization, law and criterion are all kinds of agreement with which can save transaction cost. With these studies, the dissertation indicates how the constraint of transaction cost influences the choice behaves.The second main part is consisted of 4 chapters which is positive analysis and it is the main part of the dissertation: Chapter 4 discusses how to divide and define the property right of the Urban Cultural Heritage and how to divide and define the property right. Using the achievements of Law and Economics like "Development right", "easement", "immateriality property right", "joint property right" and "Usufruct" as agreements, discusses how to protect and define the property right of Urban Cultural Heritage. Chapter 5 analyzes the conservation organization with the transaction cost theory. Indicates that act as agents these conservation organizations are also kinds of agreements and the aim of these organizations is to save transaction cost. The conservation organizations include public sectors, privacy sectors and NGO. Different organization has different transaction cost during the conservation of "collecting resources" and "using resources" and has different agency function. In this chapter, the studies of NGO are the keystones. Chapter 6 studies on the evolution of China’s conservation history. For defining the property right and saving transaction cost are the key constraints to conservation behaves and how to define the property right and save transaction cost are depend on all kinds of conservation agreements like society institution and organization frame. So, analyzing these agreements, discussing how to define the property right and save transaction cost from these agreements, you can explain conservation behaves in difference phases. Chapter 7 is the main conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

