

A Study of Urban Mixed-use Development in Theory and Practice

【作者】 黄毅

【导师】 伍江;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑历史及其理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 混合功能是古今中外的城市建成区的存在方式,是城市土地使用的理想状态,是城市可持续发展的必要途径和必然结果。当前,信息社会带来的生活方式、生产方式的改变,以及我国城市高速发展产生的问题对于以功能分区思想为指导的城市规划和城市开发方式提出了挑战,在这种背景下,本文以科学发展观为指导,按照构建社会主义和谐社会的时代要求,提出了混合功能城市的概念,探讨了混合功能城市的内涵和意义,并以上海的城市混合功能为例,从历史演变、城市规划管理和开发实践方面探讨了城市混合功能的形成与发展,初步构建了上海城市混合功能建设的理论与实践的框架。本文研究的主题是混合功能,研究的对象是城市,主要是通过对城市混合功能的历史研究发现内在的逻辑性和规律性,作为城市开发与管理的借鉴。本文分为四个部分,共八个章节,依循提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的基本思路展开:第一部分是混合城市的理论部分,论文从信息社会、城市化进程、可持续发展等方面提出了城市混合功能建设的问题,接着阐述了混合城市的概念,提出了步行尺度内的功能混合的理念,并进一步探讨了混合城市的历史以及相关的城市理论与研究,为下文作了理论上的铺垫。第二部分是上海城市混合功能的历史研究,根据城市混合功能的主要特征按照时间段共分为城市自然形成的功能混合(1843~1949),计划经济下的城市功能混合(1949~1978)和市场经济下的城市功能混合(1978~至今),通过对不同时期城市混合功能表现的特征以及具体实例的分析,探讨了历史进程中上海城市混合功能形成的内在机制,成功的经验以及存在的问题,作为进一步研究上海当前混合功能建设相关问题的基础。第三部分是上海城市混合功能的实证研究,探讨了上海混合功能建设中的规划管理以及城市开发等相关问题。在规划管理方面,从政府对于城市混合功能控制与管理的必要性和可能性入手,分析了上海市当前对城市混合功能控制与管理的现状,并比较研究了美国、英国、德国、香港等国家和地区的管理措施。在城市的开发实践方面,则从上海城市混合功能建设的战略意义出发,分析了城市混合功能建设中的问题与难题,在技术层面上对于城市的混合功能开发的内容、形式以及混合功能建设的不同模式进行了深入的研究。第四部分是结论部分,在总结上文的基础上,提出了引导开发、动态更新的上海城市混合功能建设的构想,初步构筑了城市混合功能建设的体系框架,对混合功能建设的运作机制进行了相关的研究,为上海城市的混合功能建设指出了方向。

【Abstract】 Mixed use,a morphology of city,has existed in urban built-up areas at all times and in all countries.Mixed use has led to an ideal state for urban land use.Mixed use is not only a necessary approach to sustainable urban development,but also an inevitable result of it.At present,the information society has brought us major changes in both patterns of living and mode of production.The rapid development of urbanization in China has created many problems which pose a challenge in urban planning and urban development mode that are using functional zoning as guidance.The research project is carried out under the guidance of the scientific development view and in accordance with the time request of constructing the Harmonious Society.This thesis brings forth the new concept of mixed-use city both in theory and practice, and probes into the connotation and significance of mixed use city.With the example of the city of Shanghai this paper gives a thorough discussion on the formation and development of urban mixed use through the view angles ranging from history progress to urban planning management as well as some practical cases of such development.This study has initially established the theoretical and practical framework of mixed use urban development for Shanghai.The thesis consists of following four parts,totally eight chapters,organized in the logical sequence of posing questions,analyzing questions and solving questions.Part one:Theory of Mixed-use CityThis part sets out to investigate the issues in different aspects of mixed use urban development:information society,urbanization process and sustainable urban development,etc.It defines the concept of mixed use city and sets forth the idea of pedestrian scale in mixed-use development practice,and it also has a further deep discussion on the history of mixed use city and its relevant theories so as to provide theoretical base for the following parts.Part two:History research on mixed-use in ShanghaiThis part is divided into three stages--the urban self-formed mixed use development (1843~1949),urban mixed use development in the state planned economy period (1949~1978) and urban mixed use development under the market economy conditions (1978~present),based upon the major features of urban mixed use in chronological order,aiming at investigating different characteristics featured in the urban mixed use development in varying period along with the analysis of the case studies.It intensively studies the intrinsic mechanism of urban mixed use formed by the history process in Shanghai as well as the successful experience and some problems of mixed-use development in practice we have got in order to provide the base for current mixed-use development in Shanghai. Part three:The model and empirical investigation of urban mixed use in Shanghai This part explores the issues about the management of urban mixed use and questions related to urban development.In terms of urban planning management,it has analyzed the control and administration of urban mixed use development being implemented by the Shanghai government and compared it with mixed use management measures executed in the countries or areas like US,England,Germany, Hong Kong.In terms of mixed use in practice,it has analyzed the questions and difficult problems faced in urban mixed use development through the view angle of strategic significance of mixed use development in Shanghai.In terms of technology,it has intensively examined the content and form of urban mixed use development, along with the different modes of mixed use development.Part four:ConclusionIn the summary,this study proposes the mixed use conception of guiding development, dynamic renewal development in Shanghai.So it has initially established the theoretical and practical framework of urban mixed-use development for Shanghai.It also conducts the related research on the operation mechanism of mixed-use development and has indicated the mixed-use development direction for Shanghai.

【关键词】 混合功能历史城市开发城市规划土地使用
【Key words】 Mixed-useHistoryUrban developmentUrban planningLand use
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

