

Entrepreneur’s Coping Strategy and Its Relationship with Burnout Basing on Interaction Effect

【作者】 韦雪艳

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 没有人能够一生中脱离压力而存在着。企业家在创业过程中经历和体验到了常人无法想象的压力和倦怠。揭示其压力来源、应对策略及对倦怠的影响机制是本文的目标。回顾以往研究,我们发现有三个理论问题有待解决:①企业家的压力源与应对策略的特征是什么?即企业家的压力源与应对策略的内涵;②企业家的倦怠特征是什么?即企业家的倦怠内涵;③基于交互作用理论(transactional model),企业家如何评价和应对创业压力?不同的应对策略如何影响倦怠?即创业压力源-压力感-认知评价-应对策略-倦怠的过程机制;带着上述问题,本文以创业压力源与应对策略的结构特征为切入点,围绕交互作用理论模型,针对创业压力源----应对策略---倦怠的过程机制,展开了一系列研究。研究一,对企业家的创业压力源与应对策略的内涵结构做了研究。首先对19家不同地区、行业的企业中19名不同性别、年龄、学历和创业阶段的民营企业家进行了半结构化访谈,其次对访谈记录进行了内容分析,最后在文献研究和访谈研究的基础上设计了民营企业家创业压力源和应对策略问卷,对四个行业(计算机行业、加工制造行业、服务行业和建筑行业)不同发展阶段的民营企业家(其中包括企业的副总,股份超过10%以上的企业家,本文也认为是有效样本)进行了问卷数据收集,对获取的143份预测数据和289份正式测量数据进行了统计分析。通过对两个样本的探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,①通过对两个样本的探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,揭示了创业压力源的五因素结构模型,其中包括:创业卷入、竞争强度、知识储备、资源需求和管理责任。②采用同样的探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法,研究发现企业家采用六种应对策略应对压力,其中包括:问题自我控制、问题社会求助、问题逃避、情感自我控制、情感社会求助、情感逃避。研究二,对企业家倦怠的内涵结构做了研究。首先对12家不同地区、行业的企业中12名不同性别、年龄、学历和创业阶段的民营企业家进行了半结构化访谈,其次对访谈记录进行了内容分析,最后在文献研究和访谈研究的基础上设计了民营企业家倦怠研究问卷,对四个行业(计算机行业、加工制造行业、服务行业和建筑行业)不同发展阶段的民营企业家(其中包括企业的副总,股份超过10%以上的企业家,本文也认为是有效样本)进行了问卷数据收集,对获取的125份预测数据和215份正式测量数据进行了统计分析。通过对两个样本的探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,通过对两个样本的探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,揭示了企业家倦怠的四因素结构模型,其中包括:枯竭、去个性化、创业成就感和创业认同感维度。研究三,借鉴人与环境交互作用理论对创业压力源--压力感--认知评价--应对策略--倦怠的过程做了研究。这个过程包括两部分:①面对压力源,企业家有不同认知评价,从而采取不同应对策略的过程;②不同应对策略对倦怠的影响过程。研究三对四个行业(计算机行业、加工制造行业、服务行业和建筑行业)不同发展阶段的民营企业家(其中包括企业的副总,股份超过10%以上的企业家,本文也认为是有效样本)进行了问卷数据收集,对获取289份测量数据进行了统计分析。采用多元方差分析技术,研究分为如下两个子研究。子研究一:创业压力源、压力感、认知评价与应对策略的关系。其中具体内容包括:①创业压力源与压力感的关系;②压力感与认知评价的关系;③初级评价与次级评价的关系;④认知评价与应对策略的关系;子研究二:应对策略、控制感与倦怠的关系。其中具体内容包括:①应对策略与倦怠的关系;②控制感在应对策略与倦怠的关系中的调节作用;研究三,首先针对创业压力源、认知评价与应对策略的关系进行了分析;子研究一结果如下:1.针对创业压力源不同维度对压力感的预测作用进行了分析;结果发现:创业卷入、竞争强度、知识储备、资源需求和管理责任对压力感有显著性预测作用;2.针对压力感不同水平在四种初级评价维度上和五种次级评价维度上存在的差异进行了分析;结果发现:压力感总体水平分别在四种初级评价维度上有差异;压力感总体水平在五种次级评价维度上有差异;3.针对初级评价不同水平,在次级评价水平存在的差异进行了分析;结果发现:①评价为威胁的维度在被动接受、信息获取、发展阻碍和任其发展维度上存在显著性差异;②评价为损害的维度在被动接受、发展阻碍和任其发展维度上存在显著性差异;③评价为挑战的维度在控制获得、被动接受和信息获取维度上存在显著性差异;④评价为收益的维度在控制获得和信息获取维度上存在显著性差异;4.针对初级评价不同水平和次级评价不同水平,采取的应对策略存在差异进行了分析;结果发现:一方面,初级评价水平不同,采取的应对策略水平存在差异;①评价为威胁的维度在问题逃避、情感自我控制、情感社会求助、情感逃避维度上存在显著性差异;②评价为损害的维度在问题逃避、情感自我控制、情感社会求助、情感逃避维度上存在显著性差异;③评价为挑战的维度在问题自我控制、问题社会求助维度上存在显著性差异;④评价为收益的维度在问题自我控制、问题社会求助维度上存在显著性差异;另一方面,次级评价水平不同,采取的应对策略水平存在差异;①评价为“控制获得”的维度在问题自我控制、问题社会求助、情感自我控制、情感社会求助维度上存在显著性差异;②评价为“被动接受”的维度在问题社会求助和三种情感策略维度上存在显著性差异;③评价为“信息获取”维度在问题自我控制、问题社会求助、问题逃避和情感社会求助维度上存在显著性差异;④评价为“发展阻碍”维度在问题社会求助、问题逃避、情感自我控制和情感社会求助策略维度上存在显著性差异;⑤评价为“任其发展”维度在问题社会求助和三种情感策略维度上存在显著性差异;5.针对初级评价和次级评价的交互作用对应对策略的预测作用进行了分析;结果发现:①问题自我控制模型中,威胁*发展阻碍、损害*控制获得、损害*被动接受、损害*发展阻碍、挑战*发展阻碍、收益*控制获得、收益*信息获取、收益*任其发展是其显著性预测变量,呈显著性水平;②问题社会求助模型中,威胁*控制获得、威胁*被动接受、威胁*发展阻碍、威胁*任其发展、损害*控制获得、损害*信息获取、损害*发展阻碍、挑战*控制获得、收益*被动接受、收益*信息获取是其显著性预测变量,呈显著性水平;③问题逃避模型中,威胁*被动接受、损害*控制获得、损害*信息获取、挑战*控制获得、挑战*信息获取、收益*任其发展是其显著性预测变量,呈现显著性水平;①情感自我控制模型中,威胁*控制获得、损害*被动接受、损害*信息获取、损害*发展阻碍、挑战*控制获得、挑战*发展阻碍、挑战*任其发展、收益*发展阻碍是其显著性预测变量,呈现显著性水平;②情感社会求助模型中,威胁*控制获得、威胁*任其发展、损害*控制获得、损害*任其发展、挑战*控制获得、挑战*发展阻碍、挑战*任其发展、收益*发展阻碍是其显著性预测变量,呈现显著性水平;③情感逃避模型中,威胁*控制获得、威胁*任其发展、损害*控制获得、挑战*被动接受、挑战*信息获取、挑战*任其发展、收益*控制获得、收益*信息获取、收益*任其发展是其显著性预测变量,呈现显著性水平;研究三针对应对策略与倦怠的关系也进行了分析;子研究二结果如下:1.针对应对策略不同水平在倦怠水平上的差异进行了分析;结果发现:六种应对策略维度的多元方差分析检验是显著的,说明不同应对策略维度在各倦怠维度上都存在差异。各自的方差分析检验表明:①“问题自我控制”在枯竭、创业成就感、创业认同感维度上存在显著性差异;②“问题社会求助”在枯竭、创业成就感、创业认同感维度上存在显著性差异;③“问题逃避”在枯竭、去个性化维度上存在显著性差异;④“情感自我控制”在去个性化和创业成就感维度上存在显著性差异;⑤“情感社会求助”在枯竭、去个性化、创业认同感维度上存在显著性差异;⑥“情感逃避”在枯竭、去个性化维度上存在显著性差异。2.针对控制感在应对策略与倦怠的关系中起到的调节作用进行了探讨,也得到一些有趣的结论。研究发现:控制感是应对策略和倦怠关系的调节变量;内控感在问题自我控制和创业成就感关系中起负性缓冲作用;内控感在问题的社会求助和创业成就感关系中起负性缓冲作用;内控感在问题逃避和枯竭关系中起负性缓冲作用;至此,创业压力源---应对策略----倦怠的整个过程机制得到完整揭示。企业家面对创业压力源,如何采取应对策略,采取不同应对策略对倦怠会产生怎样的影响,本文都进行了细致的探讨。研究发现有以下趋势,本文认为:①当评价是消极的或者应对资源不充分时,企业家采取情绪应对策略解决问题更有效,从而情绪枯竭和去个性化会存在差异;②当评价是积极的或者应对资源充分时,企业家采取积极的情绪应对更有效,从而对创业成就感更有效。但研究并没有发现情绪应对对企业家的创业认同感存在差异。③当企业家个体对所面临的情况评价为不确定状态时,会采取基于问题和情绪的不同应对策略。最后,本文系统的有逻辑的归纳了上述全部研究的结论,据此论述了所取得的理论进展和现实意义,并对研究存在的局限和有待进一步解决的问题进行了客观分析。

【Abstract】 Nobody can live well by escaping stress in his or her whole life. Entrepreneur experienced stress and burnout beyond ordinary person’s imagination. Therefore, the goal to is to explore hiding mechanism of stressor, coping strategy and burnout.By reviewing previous literature, we confirmed that three theoretical issues were unresolved:①which kinds of features of entrepreneur’s stressor and coping strategy were identified by entrepreneurs? Namely, contents of entrepreneurial stressor and coping strategy;②which kinds of features of burnout were identified by entrepreneurs? Namely, contents of burnout of entrepreneur;②how did entrepreneur appraise entrepreneurial stress? How did different coping strategy have effect on burnout? Namely, the process mechanism of entrepreneurial stressor- stress- cognition appraisal- coping strategy - burnout; A series of studies were conducted to uncover the process and mechanism of entrepreneurial stressor-coping strategy-burnout.Study one explored the construct of entrepreneurial stressor and coping strategy. We first made a semi-structured interview with 19 entrepreneurs who were different in gender, age, education, entrepreneurial stage. Secondly, a content analysis was made on the interview data. Lastly, based on the literature and interviews, entrepreneurial stressor and coping strategy questionnaire were developed and delivered to entrepreneurs (for vice-presidents whose share is over 10%)in different firms from four industries: IT industry, service industry, construction industry and manufacture industry. The 143 test questionnaires and 289 formal survey questionnaires returned. We found entrepreneurial stressor with the model of five factors, through the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.①The five factors referred to entrepreneurial involvement, rival strength, knowledge store, resource demand and management responsibility.②The study certified six coping strategy by adopting the same method. The six factors referred to self-controlled strategy basing on problem, social-controlled strategy basing on problem, escaping strategy basing on problem, self-controlled strategy basing on emotion, social-controlled strategy basing on emotion, escaping strategy basing on emotion.Study two explored the construct of burnout. We first made a semi-structured interview with 12 entrepreneurs who were different in gender, age, diploma, entrepreneurial stage. Secondly, a content analysis was made on the interview data. Lastly, based on the literatures and interviews, burnout questionnaire was developed and delivered to entrepreneurs (for vice-presidents whose share is over 10%) in different firms from four industries with IT industry, service industry, construction industry and manufacture industry. The 125 questionnaires and 215 formal survey questionnaires returned. We found that burnout is the model of four factors, through the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The four factors referred to emotional exhaustion (EE) , depersonalization of others (DP) , and sense of entrepreneurial personal accomplishment (PA) and sense of entrepreneurial personal identification (PI) .Study three made a study on entrepreneurial stressor-sense of stress-cognition appraisal-coping strategy-burnout by adopting transactional theory. The process included two parts:①when face on stressor, entrepreneur have different cognition appraisal. Then entrepreneur adopt different strategies.②different coping strategy had effect on burnout. Lastly, based on the literatures, questionnaire was developed and delivered to entrepreneurs (vice-president whose share is over 10%) in different firms from four industries: IT industry, service industry, construction industry and manufacture industry. The 289 formal survey questionnaires returned. By using multivariate statistic, Study three included two sub-studies. Sub-study one analyzed the relationship between entrepreneurial stressor, sense of stress, cognitive appraisal and coping strategy; Sub-study one includes:①the relationship between entrepreneurial stressor and sense of stress;②the relationship between sense of stress and cognitive appraisal;③the relationship between primary appraisal and second cognitive appraisal;④the relationship between cognitive appraisal and coping strategy; Sub-study two analyzed the relationship between coping strategy, sense of control and burnout. Sub-study two includes:①the relationship between coping strategy and burnout;②the moderating effect of sense of control between coping strategy and burnout.Study three analyzed the relationship between entrepreneurial stressor, sense of stress, cognitive appraisal and coping strategy; the result of sub-study one indicated that:1. The study analyzed the predicting effect of entrepreneurial stressor on sense of stress; the result indicated that entrepreneurial involvement, rival strength, knowledge store, resource demand and management responsibility all had significant predicting effects.2. The study analyzed the difference in four primary appraisal and five second recognition appraisal as they appraised as sense of stress. The result indicated that there were differences in primary appraisal as they appraised as sense of stress. There were differences in second cognitive appraisal as they appraised as sense of stress.3. The study analyzed the difference in second cognitive appraisal as they appraised as four primary appraisal. The result indicated that:①Subjects appraised more had to accept, need more information and leave it alone in encounters as they appraised as threatened situation.②Subjects appraised more had to accept, had to hold back and leave it alone in encounters as they appraised as loss situation.③Subjects appraised more could change, had to accept in encounters as they appraised as challenged situation.④Subjects appraised more could change in encounters as they appraised as benefitial situation.4. The study analyzed the relationship between primary appraisal and coping strategy. The relationship between primary appraisal and coping strategy was examined with multivariate analyzed.①Subjects appraised more escaped strategy based on problem, self-controlled strategy based on emotion, social-controlled strategy based on emotion and escaped strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised as threatened situation.②Subjects appraised escaped strategy based on problem, self-controlled strategy based on emotion, social-controlled strategy based on emotion and escaped strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised as loss situation.③Subjects appraised more self-controlled strategy based on problem and social controlled strategy based on problem in encounters as they appraised as challenged situation.④Subjects appraised more self-controlled strategy based on problem and social controlled strategy based on problem in encounters as they appraised as beneficial situation.5. The study analyzed the relation between second appraisal and coping strategy. The relationship between second appraisal and coping strategy was examined with multivariate analyzed.①Subjects appraised more self-controlled strategy based on problem, social controlled strategy based on problem, escaped strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised as could change situation.②Subjects appraised escaped strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised had to accept.③Subjects appraised more self-controlled strategy based on problem, social controlled strategy based on problem, escaped strategy based on problem and social controlled strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised as need more information situation.④Subjects appraised more self-controlled strategy based on emotion, social controlled strategy based on emotion and escaped strategy based on problem in encounters as they appraised as had to hold back situation.⑤Subjects appraised social controlled strategy based on emotion in encounters as they appraised leave it alone.6. The study analyzed predictive effect of the interaction effect of primary appraisal and second cognitive appraisal on coping strategy too. The result indicated that:①In the model of self-controlled strategy based on problem, the interaction effect of threaten and hold back situation, loss and could change situation, loss and have to accept, loss and hold back, challenge and hold back situation, benefit and could change situation, benefit and need more information situation, benefit and leave it alone could predict dependent variables significantly;②In the model of social-controlled strategy based on problem, the interaction effect of threaten and could change situation, threaten and have to accept, threaten and hold back situation, threaten and leave it alone, loss and could change situation, loss and need more information, loss and hold back situation, challenge and could change situation, benefit and have to accept, benefit and need more information could predict dependent variables significantly;③In the model of escaped strategy based on problem, the interaction effect of threaten and have to accept, loss and could change situation, loss and need more information, challenge and could change situation, challenge and need more information, benefit and leave it alone could predict dependent variables significantly;The result also indicated that:①In the model of self-controlled strategy based on emotion, the interaction effect of threaten and could change situation, loss and have to accept, loss and need more information, loss and hold back situation, challenge and could change situation, challenge and hold back situation, challenge and leave it alone, benefit and hold back situation could predict dependent variables significantly;②In the model of social-controlled strategy based on emotion, the interaction effect of threaten and could change situation, threaten and leave it alone, loss and could change situation, loss and leave it alone, challenge and could change situation, challenge and hold back situation, challenge and leave it alone, benefit and hold back situation could predict dependent variables significantly;③In the model of escaped strategy based on emotion, the interaction effect of threaten and could change situation, threaten and leave it alone, loss and could change situation, challenge and have to accept, challenge and need more information, challenge and leave it alone, benefit and could change situation, benefit and need more information, benefit and leave it alone could predict dependent variables signifieantly;Study 3 also analyzed the relationship between coping strategy and burnout. The result of sub-study two indicated that:1. The relationship between coping strategy and burnout. The relationship between coping strategy and burnout was examined with multivariate analyzed. We certified results as follows: The multivariate statistic of six coping strategies was significant, indicating that there was a difference in the coping strategy in encounters with burnout outcomes. The univariate tests indicated that:①There was a significant difference in stakes in self-controlled strategy based on problem in emotional exhaustion, personal sense of achievement, personal sense of identification.②There was a significant difference in stakes in social-controlled strategy based on problem in emotional exhaustion, personal sense of achievement, personal sense of identification.③There was a significant difference in stakes in escaped strategy based on problem in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization.④There was a significant difference in stakes in self-controlled strategy based on emotion in depersonalization and sense of personal achievement⑤There was a significant difference in stakes in social-controlled strategy based on emotion in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal sense of identification.⑥There was a significant difference in stakes in escaped strategy based on emotion in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.2. In addition, sub-study two analyzed the moderated effect of locus of control between coping strategy and burnout. The result indicated that locus of control moderated the relationship between coping strategy and burnout. We found some interesting conclusions. The study explored: locus of control was the moderator of relationship between coping strategy and burnout; internal locus of control negatively moderated the relationship between self-controlled strategy based on problem and sense of achievement; internal locus of control negatively moderated the relationship between social-controlled strategy based on problem and sense of achievement; internal locus of control negatively moderated the relationship between escaped strategy based on problem and emotional exhaustion; All in all, we covered the whole process mechanism of coping between the entrepreneurial stressor and burnout.Finally, we summarized the main conclusions, theoretical progresses, practical implications, research limitations and future directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

