

【作者】 高占盈

【导师】 李青;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以古代中国岭南南越国为中心,以考古发现的材料和历史文献及前人研究成果为依据,从多学科的角度对该地区自远古至公元前1世纪左右这一漫长历史时期的艺术发展状况、风格特征、文化源流、学术价值,以及与该地区艺术发展密切相关的民族关系、历史背景等方面作综合性论述;并主要以岭南南越国——这一重要历史文化时期的艺术品为研究对象,首次建立了以图像为核心的较为系统和翔实的艺术谱系;并对南越国时期所出现的经典艺术类型如玉器、玻璃器、铜器、金银器、铁器、石器、陶器、漆木器、织物、服饰、建筑、绘画艺术等作了初步考释。作者认为,南越国艺术是南越土著文化与中原汉文化、邻近楚滇文化,以及早期海外交流传入的西方文化相互交融的产物,蕴藏在该地区艺术遗产中丰富的不同文化因素体现了南越国艺术的多元文化特质,也构成了该地区独特的艺术形态和艺术特征。不仅如此,南越国艺术还曾对东西方艺术的发展产生过极为深远的影响,华夏文化艺术通过南越国这一窗口输出海外,为海上丝绸之路的全面开通打下重要基础。该地区所发现的诸多艺术遗存已成为人类艺术中的珍贵遗产,在中外艺术史中拥有重要的学术价值。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the Nayueguo sites in lingnan in ancient china, this composition combines archeological discoveries, historical documents and previous research results with field investigation findings, makes from multi-disciplinary perspectives, a comprehensive discussion and demonstration on the development status, styles and features, cultural sources, academic values of the art in this region from the remote antiquity to the 1th century B.C., as well as the national relationships and historical backgrounds concerned. It sets up for the first time a systematic and detailed frameworks for artworks which put an emphasis on image, and makes a preliminary illustration on the typical artworks occurred in the development of Nanyueguo art, such as stone artifact, pottery, bronze ware, fabric, dress, wooden articles, lacquer, architecture, painting, sculpture, rock painting, calligraphy, grave inscriptions, etc. The author argues that art is formed by a fusion of eastern, western and local art, with rich elements of different cultures reflecting the cultural, multiplicity, and shaping the unique artistic forms and features. Furthermore, the Nanyueguo art is considered to have had a great influence on the development of eastern and western art, so some historical remains discovered in this region have become the only ones, academically invaluable in the history of art home and abroad.


