

Research on Optimal Retailer’s Price and Inventory Decision under Permitted Delay of Payment

【作者】 陈琦

【导师】 刘杰;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 延期支付作为一种短期商业信贷主要方式,广泛地存在于商业活动中,尤其在零售业中,延期支付的普遍应用可以使供应商对零售商的信用状况更好的了解;增强对零售商的控制力;降低供应商处理存货的成本且可以更有效地掩盖价格歧视行为。传统的零售商库存决策研究中往往忽略资金成本,因而建立的零售商最优定价和库存模型与现实情况有较大差距。在此背景下,本文首先通过大量阅读延期支付领域的相关文献,提出值得进一步研究的四个问题:(1)当延期支付是临时性时,零售商是否需要并如何调整正常的定价和库存策略?(2)当延期支付是有条件才允许时,零售商如何制定最优定价和库存策略?(3)当考虑零售商对顾客也提供延期支付,即两阶段延期支付条件下,零售商如何制定最优的定价和库存策略?(4)在零售商主导的供应链中如何利用延期支付机制实现库存协调?然后,本文通过对以上四个现实问题的数学建模或对已有模型进行改进,运用运筹学中存储论等相关理论,以及微积分、概率论等数学工具,对数学模型分析求解,最终提出这四个问题的最优决策模型及求解算法。具体包括:1)建立临时性延期支付下零售商的最优定价和库存模型,当延期支付起至时段在零售商单个订货周期内时,提出零售商选择临时订货的决策定理,并给出相应的算法求解最优订货量;当延期支付起至时段为有限计划期时,提出零售商的动态定价和库存联合决策模型,并给出求解算法;2)改进已有的有条件延期支付下零售商的订货决策模型,在两类条件下分别放宽假设,即第一类有条件延期支付的假设是供应商提供延期支付的同时有多个现金折扣点时,第二类有条件延期支付的假设是允许零售商部分延期支付,且考虑多种需求特性,分别建立零售商最优订货周期和订货量的决策模型,并给出求解算法;3)改进已有两阶段延期支付下零售商的订货决策模型。分别考虑两种更为现实的情况,一是供应商对零售商提供全单位延期支付,而零售商对顾客提供部分延期支付;二是零售商对顾客提供的延期支付期限对顾客需求有影响,分别建立零售商最优订货周期和订货量的决策模型,并给出求解算法;4)对零售商主导的这一类特殊供应链,证明了当零售商参与延期支付条件制定时,可以实现自身利益增大的同时不减少供应商的利益,最终实现供应链协调,并建立供应商和零售商的联合库存决策模型,及延期支付条件的最优决策模型,并给出求解算法。综上所述,本文补充和改进了延期支付领域的研究,对以上四个问题建立更符合实际的决策模型,因而具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。同时,随着研究的深入,发现的问题会更多,建模过程中考虑的假设条件会更逼近现实情况,建模及求解过程会越来越复杂,也会越来越具有应用性。

【Abstract】 Delay payment is a popular way of short-term business loan, existing broadly in the business activity, particularly in the retail trade. Widely application of delay payment can make supplier to better understanding of the reputation condition of the retailer;Strengthen to the control of the retailer;reduce the cost of the supplier processing stock and cover up the price discrimination behavior more availably.Usually neglect the funds cost in the traditional retailer inventory decision research, there is a big gap between the optimal price and inventory decision of retailer and the realistic circumstances.Firstly, this dissertation put forward worthy of further research of four problems under this background,based on the review of a great lot related research papers:(1)When the delay payment is a temporary behavior, should the retailer need to adjust his nomal inventory decison?And how to make the optimal decision? (2)When the delay payment is conditional,how does the retailer make the optimal price and inventory decision? (3)When consider the retailer also give the delay payment to the customer, namely the two stages delay payment, how does the retailer make the optimal price and inventory decision? (4)How does the delay patment mechanism to carry out the stock coordination in the supply chain in the retailer dominated supply chain?Secondly, this dissertation set up the models or improve the existing models for the four realistic problem with mathematics method, using the inventory theory ,calculus, and probability theory etc. mathematics tool, solving these models, and finally give the optimal decision model of these problems.1) Set up the optimal price and inventory models under temporary delay payment. When the temproray delay payement existing one order cycle of retailer,this part give the choice principle and the optimal ordering model;when existing multi-order cycle,this part give the dynamic price and inventory decision model.2)Improving the existing model of coditional delay payment models,release the hypothesis under two kinds of conditions.One is the supplier give multi-cash discount point of delay payment,the other one is the retailer can partially delay payment.This part give the optimal inventory decision models under these two conditions and give the resolve algorithm. 3) Improving the existing model of two-stage delay payment models, release the hypothesis under two kinds of conditions. One is the supplier give full unit delay payment to the retailer,but the retailer give the partially delay payment to the customer.The other one is the delay payment which the retailer give to the customer can influence the customer demand.This part give the optimal inventory decision models under these two conditions and give the resolve algorithm.4) Considering the retailer dominated suppy chain, proved that delay payment can make the coordination of suppy chain when retailer participate to the decision of delay pay.Retailer can carry out the self interest but not to reduce the benefits of the supplier at the same time, This part also give the optimal inventory decision models under these situation and give the resolve algorithm.In a word, this dissertation replenished and improved the existing research of delay payment, set up four more effective decision models, have a certain theory and practice value. With related research continued, the hypothesises would be more close to the real world,the process of modeling and solving would be more complex,and the conclusion will be more applicable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F224;F717.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】758
  • 攻读期成果

