

The Prevention & Perception on Enterprise Human Resource Crisis

【作者】 李航

【导师】 彭正龙;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 企业兴衰反映了企业管理水平的兴衰,而企业的人力资源则制约着管理水平的高低。随着我国市场竞争的不断加剧以及企业规模的不断扩大,人力资源危机得到人们越来越多的关注。本文从危机管理的过程视角出发,结合人力资源管理的理论,本着“防范于未然”的思想注重人力资源危机管理的事前和事中管理,并就人力资源危机的感知和防范展开研究。针对该领域已有研究的缺陷,本文给出了人力资源危机的界定,运用了管理科学的技术和方法,通过对人力资源危机由表及里地分析和综合得到人力资源危机的引发机理以及人力资源危机感知模型,并通过实证研究验证了感知模型。接下来根据感知研究结论提出人力资源危机评价的方法体系,并构建了基于危机源阻断的防范体系。具体内容如下:第1章为绪论。主要介绍了本文选题的现实意义,包括研究的现实背景和理论背景的阐述;另外通过对相关理论基础进行针对性分析提出了本文的研究思路,挖掘和阐述了本文的理论和实践意义。第2章是本文的文献回顾,主要通过分析国内外学者对人力资源危机管理的研究,总结他们的研究成果,分析归纳前人对人力资源危机感知研究方面的不足,提出文章研究的切入点,为下面的研究做铺垫和过度。第3章针对人力资源危机的归因进行分析,综合国内外学者对人力资源危机的理解,界定人力资源危机的概念、类别与特征;分析人力资源危机的表现和现有分类,借助于系统的分类方法对各种人力资源危机进行归类;定性分析人力资源危机引发的各类原因和引发过程,提出人力资源危机引发的机理模型;分析人力资源危机引发过程中各个影响因素之间的关系,为研究假设的提出奠定基础。第4章研究人力资源危机感知,根据组织人力资源管理、组织环境和人力资源危机之间的关系,建立人力资源危机感知的研究模型,提出相关假设;借助于统计分析,探讨不同的组织环境、不同的管理实践活动,对人力资源危机表现程度的影响;根据描述性统计分析和回归分析,感知影响组织人力资源危机的关键管理环节,以及在环境因素调节下,不同管理环节与人力资源危机征兆之间的相关程度,为人力资源危机评价指标的选取提供实证依据。第5章研究人力资源危机评价的方法,以实证分析的结果作为人力资源危机评价体系的构建依据,以企业人力资源相关的财务指标作为人力资源危机预测依据,对实证分析得到的关键管理环节可能引发的人力资源危机征兆进行归纳,采集人力资源危机评价的指标;利用层次分析法和模糊数学的方法构建人力资源危机评价模型;结合人力资源危机表现的程度设计危机晴雨表,划分人力资源危机等级,为防范措施的制定奠定基础。第6章研究人力资源危机的防范策略,从四大方面分别提出企业人力资源危机的防范策略:首先根据人力资源危机源因子分析的实证研究结论,针对显著影响人力资源危机的四个维度(外部招聘、员工培训、绩效评价以及激励制度)分别提出了人力资源危机防范对策;其次,根据实证研究结论的第二部分,企业环境对人力资源危机征兆的干涉和调节作用,提出了基于环境调节作用的危机防范策略;第三,根据人力资源危机评价研究的危机分级,提出基于危机征兆表现程度的人力资源危机防范策略;最后一部分则结合危机源因子分析实证研究的两大结论以及企业生命周期理论,提出了针对不同企业生命周期的人力资源危机防范策略。第7章上升到理论高度,在危机引发过程模型的基础上设计了人力资源危机防范模型,认为人力资源危机防范应该在防范责任机制、防范预警机制、快速反映机制和环境调节机制的基础上进行,在这四个机制的支持下可以使人力资源危机防范责任清晰、信息畅通、措施得当。本文将在学术界现有研究成果的基础上,结合人力资源管理的实践状况展开系列研究,研究的创新点主要包括以下几个方面:(1)研究框架上的创新:通过对现有研究的总结归纳,把人力资源危机因素分为宏观因素、中观因素和微观因素,并建立人力资源危机的引发机理模型,对引发人力资源危机的关键环节和主要影响因素,以及它们之间的关系进行深入分析,感知人力资源危机因子,并建立评价体系进一步对微观企业的人力资源危机状态进行等级评定,形成理论推演到实践验证的危机感知过程;然后针对人力资源危机因子分析结论和危机评价等级的划定提出相应危机防范策略,接下来制定相应人力资源危机防范机制,构建实践对策到理论归纳的人力资源危机防范体系。(2)以反映人力资源整体性结果的财务指标作为人力资源危机预评价依据,探讨用人力资源危机因子的关键维度和辅助维度来衡量人力资源危机征兆表现程度的新途径,并借助企业生命周期讨论人力资源危机临界值的确定,建立人力资源危机晴雨表,用以判别人力资源危机的等级,为人力资源危机的防范提供依据。(3)从人力资源危机防范对策和防范机制的建设两个方面,沿着从实践到理论的思路针对感知研究有关结论构建人力资源防范体系。从危机引发的关键维度、组织环境的调节作用、危机表现程度以及企业生命周期与关键维度、环境调节相结合的二维角度,这四大方面分别提出企业人力资源危机的防范策略。并站在理论高度,运用防范责任机制、防范预警机制、快速反映机制和环境调节机制四大机制构建了企业人力资源危机防范机制。本文系统而全面地分析了影响人力资源危机的因素,从而验证了现有研究的内容,并在这个基础上进行了拓展;科学的回答了哪些企业管理因素与人力资源危机具有显著相关性,哪些影响人力资源危机的因素具有关联性、协同性:并对人力资源资本因素对人力资源危机的影响进行了探索性分析。这些研究成果不仅在学术层面上有利于完善企业人力资源管理理论、员工激励约束理论和公司经营战略理论等,而且对如何针对性的进行企业人力资源管理具有重要的理论和实践意义。

【Abstract】 The rise and fall of enterprise is a reflection of the corporate management level, and the latter is constrained by human resources. As market competition grows, enterprises are expanding. Meanwhile human resources crisis has drawn increasing attention. From the perspective of crisis management process, this paper combines the human resources management theory with crisis management to study the human resources crisis perception and preventing aiming at a "preventive" view. According to former research in this area, this paper, defines the crisis in human resources, and uses scientific management technologies and methods, to analyze and integrate human resource crisis triggered mechanism as well as human resource crisis perceptual model, and verified through empirical study of a perceptual model. Followed by the conclusion of the study in accordance with perceived crisis in human resources evaluation methodologies, and building block based on the source of crisis prevention system. Details are as follows:Chapter 1 is a brief introduction. This paper introduces the topics of practical significance, including the background and the reality of the theoretical background on other of the relevant theoretical basis for the analysis in this paper focused on ideas, mining and paper described the theoretical and practical significance.Chapter 2 of this paper is the concept of literature review and research, scholars at home and abroad, mainly through analysis of human resources crisis management studies and summing up the results of their research, analyzed and summarized previous crisis of human resources in the study of perception is presented research articles starting point for the following research Zuopudian and excessive.Chapter 3 of the crisis in human resources for attribution analysis, and scholars at home and abroad to the understanding of human resources crisis, the crisis in human resources to define the concept of categories and characteristics of the crisis in human resources and the performance of the existing classification, the help system classification of the various human resources crisis classified; qualitative analysis of human resource crisis triggered by various causes and trigger the process, human resources crisis caused by the mechanism model of the process of crisis triggered various factors affect the relationship between research lay the foundation for the proposed assumptions.Chapter 4 perceived crisis in human resources for research, in accordance with the organization of human resources management, environmental organizations and human resource crisis of the relationship between the perception of crisis to establish model and related assumptions; With statistical analysis, the organization of different environment, different management practices, human resources crisis performance extent of the impact according to descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis, human resources organizations perceived impact of the crisis management of the key links, as well as environmental factors in the regulation under different management areas and the relationship between symptoms of the crisis of the evaluation of the crisis in human resources for the selection of indicators provide empirical basis.Chapter 5 on the crisis in human resources evaluation methods to the analysis of the results of empirical evaluation as a basis for the practice of selected indicators to human resources costs and creating value for the target selection of the theoretical basis of empirical analysis of the key management areas may be triggered to sign into crisis, the crisis evaluation of acquisition targets; use AHP and fuzzy math methods to build crisis evaluation model in conjunction with the performance of the extent of the crisis Design crisis barometer of crisis levels for the formulation of preventive measures lay the foundation.Chapter 6 on the human resources crisis prevention, crisis prevention in the clear support mechanisms, to the extent based on the performance of the symptoms of the crisis management strategy, the crisis of a different grade state organizations should take preventive strategy., The impact of the crisis in accordance with the signs of the four key link, based on the crisis triggered by the key dimension of the management strategy. With the design model to prevent and guard against and prevent the establishment of mechanisms for the formulation of strategy based on building block source of crisis prevention system.This paper will be available in the academic community on the basis of research results, with the practice of human resources management situation started series of studies on innovation mainly include the following:(1) A summary of existing research into the human resources risk factors into a macro, meso and micro factors, and the establishment of a human resources crisis triggered mechanism, triggered the crisis in human resources for the critical links and the main impact factors, as well as the relationship between them carried out in-depth analysis so that the more for scientific research.(2) Extension of the human resources crisis the connotation and extension of the definition of crisis summarized characteristics of a breakthrough in the current crisis management research perspectives, from the practice of human resources management and crisis sign of the relationship between performance, and through statistical analysis of human resources management activities and signs of crisis between the direct effect relationship between factors of the environment under the influence of human resource management activities and the relationship between the symptoms of the crisis; sense to trigger symptoms of the crisis in human resources for key management practice. To the value of human resources and cost management theory as a guide, signs of the crisis in human resources performance of new channels through the use of qualitative and quantitative costs, value indicators and systematic evaluation of methods to study the human capital and the relationship between the human resources crisis and the building of human resources crisis barometer for the level discriminant crisis, a crisis prevention provide a basis.(3) Construction of the crisis based on the source system to prevent the blocking. Pre-contractors from the system, institution-building and avoid crisis source blocking mechanism study three aspects. The model through prevention, prevention and prevention of the establishment of mechanisms for the formulation of strategy based on building block source of crisis prevention system.In this paper, systematic and comprehensive analysis of the impact of human resources crisis, thus verifying the contents of the existing research, and in this expansion on the basis of a scientific answer to what enterprise management and human resources factors significantly associated with the crisis, What are the implications of the crisis in human resources for the relevance of factors, coordination; capital and human resources factors on the impact of the crisis of human resources held exploratory analysis. These research results not only in the academic level is conducive to improving the enterprise human resources management theory, staff motivation theory of constraints and corporate strategic theory, but also on how to carry out targeted Enterprise Human Resource Management has an important theoretical and practical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

