

Research on Agri-product’s Supply Chain Management for Quality Safety and Its Information Platform

【作者】 胡莲

【导师】 刘仲英;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 信息管理与信息系统, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 民以食为天。农产品质量安全问题事关国计民生,各国政府无不高度重视。本文旨在研究当代中国的农产品质量安全管理问题。论文以契约型供应链为基础,设计了系统有效的农产品质量安全管理策略,并以农产品质量安全监控信息平台为支撑,提高农产品质量安全水平。论文以农产品质量安全为主线,研究供应链在农产品质量安全中的作用,并讨论供应链构建中的合作伙伴选择问题、供应链执行中的利益分配问题、供应链监督中的抽样检查问题,以及基于质量安全的农产品供应链管理的信息平台支撑问题。在构建方面,论文从合作伙伴选择角度,强调农产品质量安全因素,综合评价待选伙伴的质量安全保障能力,为构建合作关系奠定基础。运用模糊综合评价方法,可以选择出具有质量安全保障能力的合作伙伴,降低供应链上的逆向选择风险,从而在供应链建立之初,保障农产品质量安全。在执行方面,论文运用委托-代理模型和激励理论,分析供应链上销售商和供应商之间关于农产品质量安全的博弈关系,协调供应链上销售商和供应商之间的关系,实现利益的最佳分配。在博弈模型中,还考虑了农产品供应商和销售商的风险偏好类型,着重分析风险规避型农产品供应商和风险中性的销售商之间的博弈,激励供应商生产出质量安全的农产品。在监督方面,论文建立了基于抽样检查的供应链农产品质量安全模型,通过抽样检查策略、内外部失败成本的分析,利用供应链契约,实现对各企业的监督,降低供应链上的道德风险。在保障方面,运用现代化的信息技术,建立了农产品质量安全监控信息平台,以质量安全信息平台为技术支撑的农产品供应链可以实现政府监控、信息共享,消费者也可以通过该平台实现对农产品生产、加工以及销售全过程的监督,从而促使生产商和销售商加大对农产品质量安全的投入,提高农产品质量。为供应链的运行提供完善的技术保障。论文以契约理论、委托代理理论和博弈论等经济管理理论为基础,以现代信息技术为支撑,提出了基于质量安全的农产品供应链管理模式。论文既有理论上的分析,又有实际的操作方法,拓展了供应链的应用范围,并为提高农产品质量找到一条有效的途径。

【Abstract】 Food is number one thing in everyday life. The safety of agricultural product (agri-product) is vital to people’s life, so each country’s government in the world pays more attention to it.From the perspective of quality-safety, an effective agri-product’s supply chain (SC) management system is developed in this dissertation. An information platform that supports the system is also constructed to enhance the agri-product quality-safety level.First, supply chain’s partner selection in establishing the SC is studied. Fuzzy synthesized appraising approach is used to select the partner which is the foundation of the cooperation relationship. Adverse selection risk is reduced from the establishing of the supply chain which ensures the quality-safety.Second, profit assignment in executing the SC is settled. Principle-agent model and incentive theory are used to analyze the relation between the seller and the supplier in agri-product supply chain. The effort level of the supplier is enhanced by profit assignment. Risk preference of the agri-product supplier and the seller is considered, and the risk aversion type is emphasized according to the real world.Third, contract model in supervising the SC is established. Sampling tactic is designed to supervise the supply chain’s operation which can reduce the moral hazard. Through analyze the sampling tactic and the inside/outside failure costs, supervising can be realized.Final, quality-safety information platform is set up using modernized information technology which provides integrated safeguard for supply chain’s operation. Government monitoring and information sharing can also be realized. What’s more, consumers can surveillance the production, processing and selling phases by this platform.In conclusion, contacting theory, principle-agent theory and game theory are used in this thesis. Supply chain coordinated agri-quality safety management system and its information supporting platform are proposed. Apart from the theory analysis and operating approach constructing, this thesis extends the application scope for supply chain, and finds an effective method for enhancing the agri-product’s quality-safety.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F322;F326.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】36
  • 【下载频次】3163
  • 攻读期成果

