

Study on Bank Guarantee Mechanism for Engineering

【作者】 张杰辉

【导师】 林知炎;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建设工程管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 工程项目建设过程中存在着诸多的风险,信用风险是其中之一,有必要建立一套有效的保证体系或风险转移制度来规范建设活动主体的行为。在发达国家和地区,工程保证担保作为一种制度安排,已成为保障建设工程招投标有序进行及合同履行的一种重要信用工具。我国担保制度起步晚且尚不健全,施工企业过多造成的低价恶性竞争,给施工企业日后无法完全履行施工合同及业主拖欠工程款埋下隐患。本文利用信息不对称和委托代理理论,研究建筑市场上的承包商的履约行为;运用非合作博弈理论分析业主与承包商的困境,针对我国当前建设工程承发包、合同订立与履行所存在的问题及其对各方当事人和社会所造成的负面后果,论述了推行工程保证担保制度能够解决建设活动主体违约的机理。进一步,论文借鉴斯蒂格里兹和温斯对银行信贷配给的研究,验证了仅提高担保费率无法化解银行担保风险,加强对申请人的审查力度是可行的方法之一,并就审查力度与申请人履约率之间的关系进行经济学分析。在借鉴国外工程保证担保制度与实践,以及国内相关研究文献资料的基础上,结合作者从事建设银行中间产品业务工作过程的体验,研究我国银行业在工程保证担保制度的建立和运行过程,如何根据自身的特点和优势,进行工程保证担保产品的选择、定位、业务管理体制与机制建设,以提高工程保证担保的业务技术水平、降低风险,并对建设工程招标投标工作的正常开展和工程承包合同的履行,发挥其重要的保障与支持作用。从我国社会主义市场经济体制和建设工程管理体制的现实条件出发,分析了我国银行业应成为开展工程保证担保业务的主体。应把业主方支付保证担保、承包商履约(工程承包)保证担保、承包商付款保证担保和预付款保证担保作为银行业面向工程建设的中间产品业务的核心产品,加强行业内部运作机制、监管体系建设和现代科学管理手段的开发与应用,整体提升工程保证担保的业务水平。论文在强调有效应用反担保手段防范银行工程保证担保风险的同时,重点研究了工程保证担保业务的前期受理、保函定价、合同审核和后期跟踪管理等方面的机制建设问题,并提出了相应的方法和应对策略。

【Abstract】 Credit risk is one of the risks in construction procedure. It is necessary to restrict contractors and developers’ conduct by setting practical assurance or risk-transfer system. According to practice in developed countries, guarantee/bond is proved to be an effective way to solve problems caused by credit risk of participators due to information asymmetry.Game theory and credit rationing are the key theory of economics used to analyze the immanent motivation of contractors or developers’ breach of faith. As per practice in developed countries and author’s working experience in intermediary business of China Construction Bank, it analyses the way for native banks to take advantage of their strength to select the types of guarantee products and their routine operation management, which provides frame of reference to put guarantee/bond into practice in our country.Currently, it is highly recommended that native banks shall take developer/owner’s payment guarantee, contractor’s implementation guarantee/bond, contractor’s payment guarantee/bond and advance payment guarantee/bond as key products of intermediary business. Problems were analysed in project contracting, contract striking and implementing and the negative consequences brought about by those problems against each party, even our society. According to bidding and implementing process of construction project, information discrepancy and moral risks between sponsors and contractors, implementing and perfecting Construction Project Guarantee/bond is vital and essential. Furthermore, researches were conducted on preliminary procedures, pricing, contract review and follow-up management of guarantee/bond and suggests solutions and strategies especially for those problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F284;F832.39
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】827
  • 攻读期成果

