

A Sociolinguistic Study of New Migrants in Shanghai

【作者】 雷红波

【导师】 游汝杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文是对当前上海的正在发生的语言接触所进行的一次探索性研究,旨在通过描述当前城市背景下移民的语言选择模式、语言习得、语言能力、语言态度等相关问题,从语言接触中的另一方——移民的角度出发反映语言接触和语言变化现实。外来移民潮的到来造成了新一轮广泛的语言接触。与解放前的上海不同的是,今天的上海户籍人口占有绝对优势。但这一次移民潮中的新移民不再以上海周边北部吴语区的移民为主,而是以官话移民为主,包括全国各地说各种方言的人。大量移民的涌入势必在社会语言的使用上带来新的变化。移民浪潮汹涌,城市人口结构发生巨大变化,某些职业发生了结构性的转用,移民的语言使用问题不仅仅是他们的个人选择,也对接触中的本地人群有潜移默化的作用,从另一个侧面反映着整个城市的语言面貌。本文旨在通过对大量移民的语言使用调查分析在语言规划、语言多元化、城市化和全球化共同作用下移民在多语环境下的语言选择,希望通过对上海这座典型的移民城市的语言调查,对当前语言接触的现象进行分析,从另一个角度描写正在发生的语言变化。具体说来,本文首先关注的是上海的新移民群体。作为被统称为“外地人”的群体,不同社会亚群体的新移民在新的社会语言环境中会出现怎样的语言选择模式?他们习得普通话、上海话以及原有家乡话的模式是怎样的?语言能力如何?来自不同地区、不同社会阶层的移民在语言态度上有何差别?他们的语言态度对移居背景下的语言习得有何影响?不同人群在语言维持和语言转用上体现出哪些规律?这些都是本文希望回答的问题。本文首先要做的是对上海新移民当前的语言使用状况(包括语言能力、语言习得和语言心理)进行描述。通过分析移民本身的方言背景、性别、年龄、教育水平、社会阶层等特点与其语言使用之间的关系,从移民的角度考察上海当前的语言接触中普通话、上海话和家乡方言对不同的移民所造成的影响。从这个角度也可以观察到语言接触对未来上海城市公共领域内语言变化造成的影响以及变化的方向。通过对新移民的在各领域内语言选择模式的描述,可以看出普通话推广政策和移民以及城市化共同作用下,未来城市语言发展的趋向和动态。因此,本文作为一个城市语言实证研究的样本,能够为全球化和城市化背景以及语言政策综合作用下的当代语言接触理论研究提供补充和发展,是对中国城市语言调查实证研究的发展。本文采用定量研究与定性研究结合的方式,使用问卷调查、观察、访问等多种研究方法,对上海专业技术阶层、初级白领阶层、商业服务员阶层和重体力劳动阶层四个阶层的新移民的语言使用、语言能力、语言心理等方面的问题进行了分析与讨论。全文共十章:第一章绪论介绍研究的社会语言背景、研究方法、目的和意义等。第二章理论述评,介绍本文在分析宏观、微观语言问题以及语言心理问题时借助的语言市场、实践社区理论和族群语言认同理论等理论体系。第三章是对当前上海的语言接触状况的一个初步的调查。第四至七章分别描写和分析专业人士阶层、初级白领阶层、商业服务员阶层以及体力劳动阶层所有成员的语言选择行为和语言心理等。第八章对语言与性别相关的特征进行了总结分析。第九章是对文中出现的语言问题所做的总结,主要探讨普通话的地方化变异。第十章是对全文的总结。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is an explorative Study of the ongoing language change happening in the urban context.It aims at the language choice patterns and language proficiency,language acquisition and language attitudes of the migrant population in the urban context,and tries to provide a first look at the language contact phenomenon from the perspective of the "outsiders" instead of the local residents.In the contact with local residents,the migrant population has always been understood as a unity in contrast to the local.Yet it is true that their language behavior shares much in common in the sense that they all use Putonghua in public context,while the local often use more local phonological,lexical or grammatical features or straightly the dialect.They were identified as an enthnolinguistic group in the sense that they form a larger group which is NOT local. Urbanization in China has come to a new point that the panorama of the migration should not only cover the less-educated rural migrants from the underdeveloped area but also cover the better-educated urban counterparts,especially those graduates from all different colleges.The perceived ’migrants’ or ’outsiders’ in fact is far more heterogenic than expected.Shanghai urban dialect used by the local citizens was formed by the co-contribution of the migrants to a considerable context in the early 20th century.The migrants that time have merged into the locals now.While nowadays,another continuous migration movement has taken placed,is and will be taking place in a long term.It will be interesting to see when the migrants are coming from different language contexts what will be the language landscape.The present study is aimed at the language choice patters,the acquisition patterns they used in acquiring the knowledge of their home dialect,the national variety Putonghua and the local prestigious variety Shanghai Urban Dialect.The study is trying to find the difference and agreement of the features of four social strata:i.e.the professionals,the office workers,employees in the commercial and service industries and labor workers.The Analysis is based on data drawn from the questionnaire study, participant and unobtrusive observation and interviews as well.This essay tries to analyze the language behavior pattern of the migrants of the four social strata from both the quantitative and the qualitative data.The data collected are from questionnaires,observation and interview.The whole essay is composed of ten Chapters,the first is an introduction of the sociolinguistic context,the research question,the methodology and the goal of this study.The second Chapter is a literature review on the theories I rely in macro- and micro-level of understanding the migrants’ language choices and also the socio-psychological theories that helps to understand the subjects and their behavior.Chapter 3 is a preliminary study of the language contact situation in Shanghai.Chapter 4-7 is the presentation of language choice behavior of each social stratum..Chapter 9 is a summary of the linguistic features concerning gender and age across all social strata.Chapter 9 is a description and analysis of the variation of Putonghua in migrant context in Shanghai and Chapter 10 concludes the whole in the end.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】H102
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2083

