

【作者】 木村泰枝

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1840年中国鸦片战争战败后,东亚国家面临西方强国的威胁,日本也在被逼迫开国的情况下开始寻找生存方案。从前日本人以“汉字文化圈”的概念来把世界分为:日本、中华、外国、外夷。在东亚出现西方势力,作为“外夷”的西方压迫中国,在破坏旧世界原有的秩序同时,也威胁日本的独立。江户幕府末期到开国之前,以及之后的明治维新时期,日本对内对外都面对改变既成秩序的难题,对内需要以王政复古统一全国,对外需要衡量中国和西方的实力。在西方强国以经济开发的目的推进“第一次全球化”下,日本人开始重新探索在国际关系中的自己。时代的趋势让日本转变世界观,明治以后日本的世界观可以说是在汉文文化圈中的本国日本、以前的宗主国中国、新出现的西方列国三者之间寻找定位。这时候,日本与中国的关系特别重要。明治以后“近代化”过程中,日本人不断地拿中国进行对照,来试探自己的定位。本文中笔者选择上海这座与日本有特殊渊源的城市,对日本人来说,上海是一座非常适合于观察的城市。一个城市里有西方势力与对抗这个势力的中国势力,后来日本人也亲自进入这座城市里,参加竞争。通过考察日本人和上海的关系,进行日本知识分子所描绘的上海这座国际城市的“形象”的清理,从而揭示出当时日本人对上海社会各个方面与各个层面的反映,思考“上海”对日本人和日本“近代”具有的意义。分析的时候,我着重关注上海租界里定居的日本人,包括日本人对上海看法的变化,以及受到日本对华大陆政策波及上海的影响。由此,我分析日本人关于上海的的写作的时候,按时间顺序分为:1)第一次上海事变发生前2)第一次上海事变后到第二次上海事变日本军胜战之间:3)上海孤岛时期;4)日本军占领上海的沦陷期。引言前人研究成果介绍部分中,我提出在日本学术界公认的里程碑式的三本专著,详细介绍每个著述的研究角度及其成果。首先第一章中笔者详细描述研究本课题的城市特殊背景及其根源。介绍了上海城市发展史,从建立租界的西方人和居住其中的中国人的立场分别考察租界的发展过程,及“晚来的移民”日本人成为租界实力派移民族群的过程。接着第二章中,选择1932年“1.28”事变爆发之前,最早描述上海的三个日本作家(芥川龙之介、村松梢风、横光利一)的作品,从作家之间的人际关系和来沪的动机等角度着手,分析三位作家在上海这座城市里发掘出的西方、日本、中国三者多元而复杂的关系,思考文学想像中上海城市形象的变迁。选择这时期的文学作品是因于1932年“1.28”事变以后,作品上发生变化,主要的变化是反映战争以及日本大陆政策。由此,笔者认为大概1932年左右发表的作品与1932年经历过“上海事变”后出现的作品的性质有差异。第二章中,探索经历“上海事变”之前写出来的、从芥川龙之介的游记到横光利一的小说的变迁,清理他们作品上显出的上海想象,思考他们在上海城市上看了什么?第三章中,针对日本国内发行的两大综合刊物《改造》、《中央公论》上发表的关于上海的记事,作进一步的分析。这些商业出版物没有特定读者,用更加直率的思考方式深刻反映了日本的真实立场。通过分析这些记事,了解一部分当时日本言论空间里的上海形象的变化。笔者先介绍两个杂志的发行历史,然后分析《现地座谈会》。《现地座谈会》是经历过1632年“1.28”事变以后的1936年开始,在记事上可以追寻“上海事变”后的日本人对上海的看法。

【Abstract】 After China’s defeat in Opium War in 1840,the East Asian countries were facing the threat Western powers.Japan was also looking for surviving strategy when it was forced to open up.As per the concept of "Chinese Characters Culture Cycle",Japanese used to divide the world world as Japan,China,Foreign Countries and Vassal States. When the Western Power appears in East Asia region and oppressed China as the’Vassal States"and destroyed the orders of the old world, they were also a threat to the independence of Japan.After the end of Edo Shogunate and before the opening up of Japan,till the Meiji Restoration period,Japan needs strong central power to unify the state; and for the foreign affairs,Japan needs to measure the strength and that of the Western.Under such situation,Japan began to re-search Japanese position in the world.The tendency of epoch forces Japanese to change their world point of view.Actually,we can say,after the Meiji Restoration,Japanese tried to locate themselves among the original Japan within the Chinese Culture Circle,the prevenient suzerain China and the newly emerging Western Countries.So at this time,the relationship between China and Japan is specially important.During the course of modernization after the Meiji Restoration in Japan,Japanese continuously keep trying to locate themselves by taking China as the contrast.In this doctoral dissertation,the doctor candidate(the author) chooses Shanghai as the sample for observation since Shanghai has special origin with Japan and Shanghai is a very suitable city for observation for Japanese.Both the Western power and Chinese power co-existed in this city and Japanese also joined the competition in this city later.The purpose of this research is,through the observation the relation between Japanese and Shanghai,to clear the city image of Shanghai under the description of Japanese intellectual,to reveal the Japanese’s response of Shanghai society in all the various aspects and all kinds of lays,and to think about what Shanghai means to Japanese and modern Japan.When conducting the research,the doctor candidate specially focuses on the Japanese who lived in the Concession of Shanghai,on the change of Japanese’s opinion about Shanghai,and on the influence on Shanghai from Japanese policy to China.The author divided the writing by Japanese on Shanghai into four stages according to time sequence:1,Before the first Shanghai Incident(1932.1.28);2,From the first Shanghai Incident to the second Shanghai Incident(1937.8.13);3,The solitary island period of Shanghai(1937.11.14——1941.12.8);4,The Occupation period of Shanghai by the Japanese Army(1941.12.8——1945.8.10).The Forward Part is literature review.The author reviews three monographs of this field which are regarded as milestone by Japanese academic circles.Part One,The author describes the background and origin of Shanghai city in detail,introduces the city development history of Shanghai,observes the heuristic procedure of the Concession in Shanghai and the course during which Japanese turned to be the strong migration group inside the Concession in Shanghai.Part Two,the doctor candidate chooses the works of three earliest Japanese authors(Akutagawa Ryunosuke,Muramatsu Syofu and Yokomitsu Riichi) who described Shanghai before the first Shanghai Incident in 1932.From the angle of interpersonal relationship among them and their motivation of coming to Shanghai,the author analyzes the multivariant and complicated relationship among the Western Countries, Japan and China digged up by the three authors in their works,clears the Shanghai image appeared in the three Japanese’s authors’ works,think over the change of Shanghai city image under the description of the three Japanese authors,thinks about what the three Japanese authors saw in Shanghai at that time.Part Three,the doctor candidate conducts farther analysis on the articles about Shanghai published in two big magazines<The Reconstraction>and<The Central Review>which were distributed domestically in Japan.The articles on these two magazines deeply reflect the true standpoints of Japanese on Shanghai in a direct way.Through the analysis of these articles,we can know Japanese true image about Shanghai and understand the change of Japanese image about Shanghai at that time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】I313
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1526

