

【作者】 汤景泰

【导师】 朱文华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 作为一种大众传播媒介,报刊在近现代中国的思想文化生产传播中占据了独特的地位,产生了巨大的历史作用。一方面它让游离于体制之外的读书人可以通过写作来获得一定的经济收入,给他们提供了物质意义上的安身之处;另一方面,它又赋予这些读书人以话语权,可以借写作来实现自身价值,从而又给他们提供了精神意义上的立命之所。凭借这种新型的安身立命之所,处于转型期的中国知识分子围绕启蒙与救亡两大主题,充分发挥报刊作为大众传媒的优势,产生了以王韬、郑观应、梁启超、谭嗣同、严复、章太炎、章士钊等为代表的一批在全国产生了重大影响的报刊作家。这些作家铁肩担道义,妙手著文章,针对转型时代中国政治、社会、思想、文化等各个方面产生的新问题,提出自己的批评、见解与主张,在中国思想舆论界掀起阵阵波澜,并探索出了报章文、时务文、新民体、逻辑文等流行一时的新型报刊文体,形成了一种言论写作的传统。胡适继承了这一传统,并在新的历史条件下把言论写作提高到新的境界。胡适在言论写作中用力之勤,持续时间之长,影响之大,在近现代学人中罕有其匹。早在少年时期,他就曾担任革命派报刊《竞业旬报》的主编。在担任主编期间,受言论报国思潮的影响,他发表了大量论说、时评与时闻,对中国社会中不良的政治现象、文化现象以及国民劣根性进行了毫不留情地批判。当然,胡适此时的批判还带有一种所谓的“正义的火气”,但其中的一些思想及所受的白话文训练却成为后来他思想发展的重要起点。留美期间,胡适又担任了中国留美学生刊物《留美学生年报》、《留美学生季报》与《留美学生月报》的编辑。更重要的是,此时的胡适还本着“学以济时艰,要与时相应”的观念,形成了从思想文化教育入手,为中国“造不亡之因”的思想。1917年回国之后,他就以这种“造因”思想为指导,参加了《新青年》的编辑工作。他打定主意“二十年不谈政治,二十年不干政治”,要从思想文化上为中国政治的改革打造一个非政治的基础。在《新青年》同人的共同努力下,他们以白话文为突破口,对中国传统伦理道德与文化传统进行了全方位的价值重估,掀起了一场声势浩大、影响深远的新文化运动。在运动中,胡适充当了旗手的作用。他的文章提倡个性解放,抨击束缚人性的传统礼制,宣扬“健全的个人主义的人生观”,为信仰与价值观处于混乱之中的国人提供了一个新选择。不仅如此,胡适还特别重视宣传“科学实验室的态度”与“历史的态度”等实验主义的方法论。同时正是在这种方法论的指导下,胡适在主编《每周评论》期间,出于对当时舆论界议政方式的不满,掀起了一场关于“问题与主义”的讨论。也正是因为在议政方式方法上的歧异,他与陈独秀、李大钊等越走越远,最终造成了《新青年》的分裂。1922年,胡适创办《努力周报》,同时负责编辑《读书杂志》与《国学季刊》,走上了讲学复议政的道路。讲学方面,他参加科玄论战,揭穿科学破产论背后的玄学本质,提倡树立一种科学的人生观。在古史讨论中,他倡导疑古,打破人们对古史中虚构的黄金时代的迷信。议政方面,他撰写了大量时评,努力办一个“公开的正谊的好报”,不仅想改变舆论界空谈主义的不良风气,而且想推动中国政治走上有计划的轨道。他提倡联省自治,呼吁“有计划的政治”,鼓吹“好政府主义”。不过却因为往往从道德入手议政,使“说的世界”与“行的世界”脱节,再加上当时险恶的舆论环境,他的议政处处碰壁,不得不宣告失败。《努力》议政的失败使胡适再次把言论的指针调整到思想文化方面来。他支持《现代评论》,又联合徐志摩等人创办《新月》。在“我们走哪条路”等讨论中,通过比较中西差距之大,辨析西方所代表的现代文明在物质意义上以及精神意义上的价值,他提倡科学学术,呼吁国人深刻反省,努力实干,一点一滴地打到贫穷、疾病、愚昧、贪污、扰乱这五个中国真正的仇敌。除此之外,他还努力发掘传统的思想资源,在《努力》时期科玄论战的基础之上,又发掘出一条中国近三百年反理学运动的线索。但令胡适没有料到的是,打着革命旗号上台的国民党一旦执政以后,竟然会比北洋军阀更加肆无忌惮地压制自由、摧残人权。于是,他又被逼上梁山,掀起了“人权与约法”的讨论。但与《努力周报》时期相比,胡适这次议政范围缩小,把重点放在了争取言论自由与批判国民党压制人权两个方面。“九一八”事变之后,国难临头。胡适在蒋廷黻、丁文江等人的鼓动之下,创办《独立评论》。他吸取历次办刊经验,不花一分钱的稿费,把《独立评论》办成了一个全国人的公共论坛。同时,为实践做国家诤臣与政府诤友的志愿,他坚持独立精神。在中日关系的处理上,他不顾批判与威胁,主张有条件的和议;在“信心与反省”的讨论中,他指斥中国传统文化实在贫乏,建议把国人的自信建筑在反省的基础上;在“中国本位与全盘西化”的讨论中,他不顾一班官僚与复古文人的指责与威胁,宣扬“充分世界化”;在“建设与无为”的讨论中,他批评国民党政府穷摆排场,主张依靠专家,做有条件的建设;在“民主与独裁”的讨论中,他又与一班主张开明专制的学者展开论战,呼吁大家齐心协力促成民主宪政在中国的生根发芽。抗战胜利之后,胡适又联合一批教授组织独立时论社,力谏国民党实施宪政,走教育与科学建国的道路,但因国民党政府把全副心思放在内战上而希望落空。败退台湾之后,胡适又支持雷震等人创办《自由中国》。虽然与雷震等人存在着不少隔阂与分歧,但胡适一如既往地帮助他们,并与《自由中国》一起,在为蒋介石祝寿与反对蒋“三连任”中,继续争取民主宪政与自由人权。与前辈及同辈相比,胡适的言论写作的特点在于,其主旨始终指向民主宪政与教育科学两个方面没变。而且为求得其主张更有效的传播,他落脚于中国的现实问题,从不空谈“主义”,以容忍的态度对待反对意见,坚持“立言无所苟”的独立精神,实践了一种理性、平实的言论风格。在言论写作过程中,胡适明知坚持这样的主旨与风格会被孤立、被打击、被污蔑,但他仍融合儒释道三家精神的真旨,实践了他“宁鸣而死,不默而生”的宣言。毋庸讳言,胡适对中国共产党的一些主张并不理解,特别是在《自由中国》时期还曾发表过批评的言论。但正如耿云志在《胡适全集·序言》中所说的那样,对于这样一位学者,我们的评价需要超越单一的政治标准,主要以他在自己的专业领域做出的成绩来作为评判的根据。所以对于其言论写作,我们应在认识其局限性的基础之上,借鉴其经验,从而推动中国的言论写作在新的历史条件下进一步发展。

【Abstract】 As a mass media,newspapers and magazines occupied a unique position in modern China’s Ideological and cultural production and communication.On the one hand,the drifting intellectuals who outside the school system can abtain certain economic income by writing to newspapers or magazines,which can provide them with the material sense of a place to live;On the other hand,those intellectuals also abtain the saying right by writing,which can give them a sense of the spirit of the Living.With the newspapers and magazines as the new foundation for living,arounding the two main themes of enlightenment and salvation,the modem China’s intellectuals give full play to the advantages of the mass media.So a lot of representatives of writers who had a significant impact on the country came into being,such as Wang Tao, Zheng Guanying,Liang Qichao,Tan Sitong,Yan Fu,Zhang Taiyan,Zhang Shizhao, etc.With the responsibility for saving the nation,these writers produced a blend of articles against the political,social,ideological,cultural,and other aspects of the new issues of the era of China restructuring.They put forth their own criticism,opinion and ideas,which set off waves of the thinking area in China.They explored some newspaper article styles which are popular in modem China,such as Newspaper’s style,Shiwu style,Xinmin style,Logic style.So a kind of speech writing tradition came into being.Shih Hu inherited this tradition,and improved speech writing to a new leve lunder the new historical conditions.In the remarks of diligence,and lasted longer,and the impact of large,there is no other modem scholars in the past can be in Hu’s rare horse about the force in newspapers and magazines.Early in the juvenile period,he was sent to editor-in-chief as revolutionary newspaper Jingye Xunbao.As a chief editor,he made a lot of remarks,news commentary which mercilessly criticized the undesirable phenomenon of political,cultural,as well as a national bad quality.Of course,at this time,some of Hu’s critications are still with a so-called "justical fire",but some of these ideas and the vernacular literature trainings became an important starting point for the development of his ideas.In the course of studying in America,Hu also is the editor of Chinese students’ publications:the Annual Reports on the Chinese students,the Quarterly Reports on Chinese Students and the Monthly Reports on the Chinese students.More importantly, Shih Hu also formed the ideas to "rig the result of saving" at the start from the ideological education for China.After returning in 1917,in this kind of "rigging the result of saving" ideological guiding,Hu participated in the editing of New Youth. Mading up his mind 20 years leaving politics,he wants to build a non-political basis for China’s political reforms from ideology and culture.With the joint efforts of all the colleagues of New Youth,they put vernacular literary revolution as a breakthrough, and set off a massive and far-reaching impact of the New Culture Movement which comprehensively revaluates traditional Chinese ethics and cultural traditions.During the campaign,Hu served as a standard-bearer role.His articles advocat the liberation of personality,criticiz the traditional restraints of human nature at the system,and promote sound individualism outlook on life,which provides a new choice for the people whose faith and values are in the chaos.Moreover,Hu also pays special attention to significations of the Science Laboratories Attitude and History Attitude in maintaining personal independence and the importance of academic research,under the guidance of this Experimental Methodology,as the editor-in-chief of Weekly Comment,Hu set off a discussion on "problem and theory" with public opinion out of dissatisfation on the style of commenting politics.Just because of the differences on the ways of commenting politics,the distance between Shih Hu and Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao became further and further,which ultimately created divisions of New Youth.In 1922,Shih Hu founded Endeavor.At same time,he was responsible for editing the Reading Magazines and the National Studies Quarterly.So he embarked on the road of commenting politics and academic research at one time.In the cultural field, he took part in the Debate on Science and Metaphysics to debunk the metaphysics nature behind the Bankruptcy of the Science,and to establish a scientific outlook on life.In the Discussion of Ancient History,he advocated Doubting Ancient to break out the superstition of the golden age of fiction in the ancient history.In the field of commenting politics,he strove to build a justical newspaper.By wrting a great deal of commentary,He not only wants to change the unhealthy trend of the media only talking about theory,but also to promote China’s political plans on track.He advocated Autonomy of the Province,and called for a political scheme,and set off on the Good Government theory.But because he often start from the morality to comment on politics,which lead to division about the Saying World and the Acting World,his comment rebuffed everywhere in line with sinister environment of public opinion at that time.So the Endeavor had to pronounce a failure in the end.Considering the failure of Endeavor,Hu adjust the speech pointer to ideological and cultural aspects once again.He supported the Modem Comment,and then founded the Fertile Crescent with Xu Zhimo,Liang Shiqiu,etc.In the Discussion on Where We Go,by comparing the large gap between Chinese and Western and analizing of the modem western civilization in the material sense as well as the value of spiritual significance,he promote the scientific academic,and urged countrymen remorse deeply and work hard in order to settle down the poverty,disease,ignorance, corruption,and other problems bit by bit.In addition,he has also made efforts to tap traditional thinking and resources.On the basis of Debate on Science and Metaphysics,he discovered an anti-jurisprudence campaign trail in the last 300 years of China.But what beyond Hu’s expecting is KMT would be even more blatant than the Northern warlords to suppress freedoms and trampling on human rights once after assuming power.Thus,he had to creat a discussion on human rights and constitution. But comparing to the period of Endeveaor,Hu narrowed the scope,which just focusing on the fight for freedom of expression and criticized the KMT for suppressing human rights.After September 18 Incident,the national crisis became more and more imminent.In Chiang Ten-fu’s and Ding Wenjiang’s instigatationg,Hu found the independent reviews.Learning from the previous experience,he put the Independent Review into a national forum for the public without spending a penny of the fee.At the same time,in order to be a minister of the nation and a friend of the govemment,he insisted on independent spirit.In the handling of Sino-Japanese relations,he insisted proposing conditional peace under the criticism and threats.In the discussion of Confidence and Self-examination,he denounce that China’s traditional culture is poor and proposed to build the self-confidence of the people on the basis of self-examination.In the discussion of China Standard and wholesale Westemization,he ignored a group of bureaucrats and scholars’ retro accusations and threats,and to promote the full World.In the discussion of Construction and Inaction, he criticized the KMT government’s ostentation in a poorer place,and proposed conditional building that rely on the experts.In the discussions of Democracy and Dictatorship,he debate with a group of scholars advocating open autocratic,and called for a concerted effort contributed to constitutional democracy take root in China.After the victory of the Anti-japanese War,wiht a number of joint Professors Hu organized Independence of Community.They appealed KMT to implement the constitutional remonstrance and to build country by Education and Science.But the KMT government put its’ fully thoughts on the civil war,so their hope breaks.After retreating in Taiwan,Hu Shi supported the foundation of the Free China.Although there are many barriers and differences between Lei Chen and Shih Hu,Hu still help them as always.And with the Free China,he persisted in striving for constitutional democracy,freedom and human rights.Compared with predecessors and peers,Hu’s characteristic of writing is that the main thrust of constitutional democracy and science and education has not been changed.For seeking his ideas communicated more effectively,he settled on the reality of China,and never spread himeself.Adhering to the respinsibility and the independent spirit of ration,he practices a kind of down-to-earth style of speech with tolerant attitude towards opposing views.In the process of writing,it is obviously that adhering to this kind of theme and style will be isolated,be attacked,and be vilified, but Hu still prefer dying for writing to dumbing for living with the guidance of true spirit of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism.Needless to say,there are lot speeches about anti-communist in Hu’s life.But for such a scholar,we need to go beyond a single evaluation of the political criteria,and mainly put what the results he made in his own areas of expertise as the basis for evaluation.Therefore,on the basis of understanding Hu’s limitations,we should respect for his exploration in writing and leam from his experience.So Shih Hu can work as a foundation stone in the process of the Chinese civilization rebuilding.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【下载频次】1684

